- 陆兴华
- 研究员

陆兴华 简介
1992 - 1996 清华大学,物理系,本科
1996 - 1999 清华大学,物理系,硕士
1999 - 2006 美国加州大学伯克利分校,物理系,博士
2006 - 2008 美国哈佛大学,物理系,博士后
2008 - 今 中国科学院物理研究所,研究员,博导
2009 - 今 表面物理国家重点实验室SF05课题组长
2009 - 今 中国物理学会表面与界面物理专业委员会委员
2012 - 今 美国物理联合会,
review of scientific instruments
(1) Inducing Transient Charge State of a Single Water Cluster on Cu(111) Surface,
Y. Guo,
et al.
ACS nano, 10, 4489 (2016)
(2) Coherent Generation of Photo-Thermo-Acoustic Wave from Graphene Sheets,
Y. Tian,
et al.
Scientific Reports 5, 10582 (2015)
(3) Revealing Three Stages of DNA-Cisplatin Reaction by a Solid-State Nanopore,
Z. Zhou,
et al.
Scientific Reports 5, 11868 (2015)
(4) Four-fold Raman enhancement of 2D band in twisted bilayer graphene,
Y. Wang,
et al.
Nanotechnology, 25, 335201 (2014)
(5) DNA Translocation through Hydrophilic Nanopore in Hexagonal Boron Nitride,
Z. Zhou,
et al.
Scientific Reports 3, 3287 (2013)
(6) Origin of Shape Resonance in Second-Harmonic Generation from Metallic Nanohole Arrays,
B. Wang,
et al.
Scientific Reports 3, 2358 (2013)
(7) Resonance Raman spectroscopy of G-line and folded phonons in twisted bilayer graphene,
Y. Wang,
et al.
Applied Physics Letters 103, 123101 (2013)
(8) Turning on and off the Rotational Oscillation of a Single Porphine Molecule by Molecular Charge State,
S. Yan,
et al.
ACS Nano 6(5), 4132-4136 (2012)
(9) Tip expansion in a laser assisted scanning tunneling microscope,
N. Xie,
et al.
Applied Physics Letters 101, 213104 (2012)
(10) Purely Coherent Nonlinear Optical Response in Solution Dispersions of Graphene Sheets,
R. Wu,
et al.
Nano Letters 11(12), 5159-5164 (2011)
(11) Spatially Resolved Electronic and Vibronic Properties of Single Diamondoid Molecules,
Y. Wang,
et al.
Nature Materials 7, 38 (2007)
(12) Spatially Dependent Inelastic Tunneling in a Single Metallofullerene,
M. Grobis,
et al.
Physical Review Letters 94, 136802 (2005)
(13) Charge Transfer and Screening in Individual C60 Molecules on Metal Substrates,
X. Lu,
et al.
Physical Review B 70, 115418 (2004)
(14) Evidence for a Type-II Band Alignment Between Cubic and Hexagonal Phases of GaN,
X. Lu,
et al.
Applied Physics Letters 82, 1033 (2003)
(15) Spatially Mapping the Spectral Density of a Single C60 Molecule,
X. Lu,
et al.
Physical Review Letters 90, 096802 (2003)
(1) 一种氮化硼纳米孔传感器及其制造方法,发明专利号:ZL201410051811.4
(2) 一种真空摇摆机械手,实用新型专利号:ZL201220708824.0
(3) 一种真空精密位移装置,发明专利号:ZL201210160407.1
(4) 一种真空低温恒温器,发明专利号:ZL201210367868.6
(5) 一种抓取和释放样品托的真空机械手,发明专利号:ZL201210160383.X
(6) 超小2nm直径金属纳米孔的超快激光脉冲法制备,发明专利号:ZL201110139326.9
(7) 一种用于扫描隧道显微镜的光收集装置,专利申请号:ZL201010160542.7
(1) 科技部“973”项目课题:超快激光耦合扫描隧道显微镜技术与应用研究,负责人
(2) 中国科学院重要方向项目:表面吸附水分子的超快光激发动力学研究,负责人
(3) 基金委仪器专项: 电子自旋共振扫描隧道显微镜的研制,负责人
(4) 基金委面上项目: 电子自旋共振扫描隧道显微镜机理探索,负责人
(5) 财政部前沿装备项目: 深紫外激光原位时间分辨隧道电子谱仪的研制,负责人
(3)纳米孔DNA测序。 研究单个DNA分子在纳米孔中的运动规律,实现对DNA分子在纳米孔中运动的精准控制。探索单个DNA分子碱基序列的无损测定。