







  • 高福
  • 中国科学院病原微生物与免疫学重点实验室主任
  • 院士

简 历

高福英文名 : George Fu Gao,博士(DPhil-Oxon),研究员,博士生导师,中国科学院病原微生物与免疫学重点实验室主任,科学院“百人计划”入选者。2005年获得国家杰出青年基金资助,2013年入选中国科学院院士,2014年入选发展中国家科学院(Third World Academy of Sciences,TWAS)院士和美国微生物科学院(American Academy of Microbiology,AAM)院士。









2001-2004年英国牛津大学讲师、博士生导师、 Group leader

1999-2001年美国哈佛大学 / 哈佛医学院博士后(师从 Don C Wiley, Stephen C Harrison )(工作期间资助:英国 Wellcome Trust International Travelling Fellow )

1995-1998年英国牛津大学博士后(师从 John I bell, Andrew J McMichael, Bent K Jakobsen )

1994年加拿大 Calgary University 博士后(师从 Robert Bell)

1991-1994年英国牛津大学博士( DPhil-Oxon )(师从 David H L Bishop, Ernest A Gould )

1986-1991年北京农业大学助教 / 讲师




1. 2014年,获日经亚洲奖(Nikkei Asia Prize,科学技术领域);

2. 2013年,获年度科技盛典—中央电视台十大科技创新人物之一;

3. 2012年,发展中国家科学院(TWAS)2012年度基础医学奖;

4. 2011年,国家科技进步奖二等奖,第四完成人;

5. 2011年,中华预防医学会科学技术奖一等奖,第二完成人;

6. 2011年,中华医学会中华医学科技奖一等奖,第二完成人;

7. 2011年,北京市科学技术奖一等奖,第四完成人;

8. 2011年,获得政府特殊津贴;

9. 2010年,中国侨界(创新人才)贡献奖;

10.2008年,Thomson Reuters Research Fronts Awards;






16.1998年,英国惠康基金会“International fellow”;

17.1991年,教育部与英国文化委员会 “中英友好奖学金”;



1. 国际抗病毒联盟(ICAV)执委会委员

2. 英国《Journal of General Virology》杂志Editor

3. 《Protein & Cell》和《生物工程学报》杂志副主编

4. 中国微生物学会病毒学专业委员会主任委员

5. 中国生物工程学会副理事长

6. 中国生物物理学会副理事长

7. 中国免疫学会常务理事


1. Liu D, Shi W, Gao G F*. Poultry carrying H9N2 act as incubators for novel human avian influenza viruses. The Lancet. 2014; 381(9920): 869.

2. Cui L, Liu D, Shi W, Pan J, Qi X, Li X, Guo X, Zhou M, Li W, Li J, Haywood J, Xiao H, Yu X, Pu X, Wu Y, Yu H, Zhao K, Zhu Y, Wu B, Jin T, Shi Z, Tang F, Zhu F, Sun Q, Wu L, Yang R, Yan J, Lei F, Zhu B, Liu W, Ma J, Wang H, Gao G F*, Dynamic reassortments and genetic heterogeneity of the human-infecting influenza A (H7N9) virus. Nature communications. 2014; 5:3142.

3. Lu G, Hu Y, Wang Q, Qi J, Gao F, Li Y, Zhang Y, Zhang W, Yuan Y, Bao J, Zhang B, Shi Y, Yan J, Gao G F*, Molecular basis of binding between novel human coronavirus MERS-CoV and its receptor CD26. Nature. 2013; 500(7461): 227-231.

4. Shi Y, Zhang W, Wang F, Qi J, Wu Y, Song H, Gao F, Bi Y, Zhang Y, Fan Z, Qin C, Sun H, Liu J, Haywood J, Liu W, Gong W, Wang D, Shu Y, Wang Y, Yan J, Gao G F*, Structures and Receptor Binding of Hemagglutinins from Human-Infecting H7N9 Influenza Viruses. Science. 2013; 342(6155): 243-247.

5. Zhang W, Shi Y, Lu X, Shu Y, Qi J, Gao G F*, An airborne transmissible avian influenza H5 hemagglutinin seen at the atomic level. Science. 2013; 340(6139):1463-7.

6. Liu D, Shi W, Shi Y, Wang D, Xiao H, Li W, Bi Y, Wu Y, Li X, Yan J, Liu W, Zhao G, Yang W, Wang Y, Ma J, Shu Y*, Lei F, Gao G F*, Origin and diversity of novel avian influenza A H7N9 viruses causing human infection: phylogenetic, structural, and coalescent analyses. TheLancet. 2013; 381(9881): 1926-32.

7. Zhang X, Lu G, Qi J, Li Y, He Y, Xu X, Shi J, Zhang C. W, Yan J, Gao G F*, Structure of measles virus hemagglutinin bound to its epithelial receptor nectin-4. Nature Structural & Molecular Biology. 2013;20(1):67-72.

8. Vavricka C. J, Liu Y, Kiyota H, Sriwilaijaroen N, Qi J, Tanaka K, Wu Y, Li Q, Li Y, Yan J, Suzuki Y, Gao G F*, Influenza neuraminidase operates via a nucleophilic mechanism and can be targeted by covalent inhibitors. Nature Communications. 2013;4:1491.

9. Wu Y, Bi Y, Vavricka C. J, Sun X, Zhang Y, Gao F, Zhao M, Xiao H, Qin C, He J, Liu W, Yan J, Qi J, Gao G F*, Characterization of two distinct neuraminidases from avian-origin human-infecting H7N9 influenza viruses. Cell Research. 2013; 23:1347-1355.

10. Li Q, Sun X, Li Z, Liu Y, Vavricka C. J, Qi J,Gao G F*, Structural and functional characterization of neuraminidase-like molecule N10 derived from bat influenza A virus. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 2012;109(46):18897-902.

11. Vavricka C. J, Li Q, Wu Y, Qi J, Wang M, Liu Y, Gao F, Liu J, Feng E, He J, Wang J, Liu H, Jiang H, Gao G F*, Structural and functional analysis of laninamivir and its octanoate prodrug reveals group specific mechanisms for influenza NA inhibition. PLoS Pathogens. 2011;7(10):e1002249.

12. Zhang N, Yan J, Lu G, Guo Z, Fan Z, Wang J, Shi Y, Qi J, Gao G F*, Binding of herpes simplex virus glycoprotein D to nectin-1 exploits host cell adhesion. Nature Communications. 2011;2:577.

13. Li Q, Qi J, Zhang W, Vavricka C. J, Shi Y, Wei J, Feng E, Shen J, Chen J, Liu D, He J, Yan J, Liu H, Jiang H, Teng M, Li X, Gao G F*, The 2009 pandemic H1N1 neuraminidase N1 lacks the 150-cavity in its active site. Nature Structural & Molecular Biology. 2010;17(10):1266-8.

14. Tang J*, Wang C, Feng Y, Yang W, Song H, Chen Z, Yu H, Pan X, Zhou X, Wang H, Wu B, Wang H, Zhao H, Lin Y, Yue J, Wu Z, He X, Gao F, Khan A. H, Wang J, Zhao G, Wang Y*, Wang X*, Chen Z and Gao G F*, Streptococcal toxic shock syndrome caused by Streptococcus suis serotype 2. PLoS Medicine. 2006, 3 (5): 668-676. (With a short title in the front cover: Streptococcus suis outbreak in China)

15. Liu J*, Xiao H, Lei F, Zhu Q, Qin K, Zhang X. W, Zhang X. L, Zhao D, Wang G,Feng Y, Ma J, Liu W, Wang J, Gao G F*, Highly pathogenic H5N1 influenza virus infection in migratory birds. Science.2005, 309 (5738): 1206.

16. Gao G F Tormo J, Gerth U. C, Wyer J. R, McMichael A. J, Stuart D. I, Bell J. I, Jones E. Y, Jakobsen B. K, Crystal structure of the complex between human CD8αα and HLA-A2. Nature. 1997, 387: 630-634. (With front cover illustration and short title in the cover page: CD8 comes to grips with MHC).
