







  • 刘键
  • 高级工程师
  • 北京市朝阳区北土城西路3号

简 历: 社会任职: 研究方向: 承担科研项目情况:

近五年完成和正在承担的课题 主要有:

1. 教育部留学归国启动资金资助项目“异质结器件局部(局部隔离)热处理技术”

2. 国家自然科学基金委员会与香港研究资助局联合资助申请项目 “适于射频/微波频段的大功率低噪声的深亚微米GaN异质结场效应管的研制”

3. 中国科学院微电子研究所所长基金项目:“紫外日盲探测器及其阵列研制”

4. 973项目(纳米材料与结构在环境气体污染物检测与治理中的应用基础研究)一项(课题名称:声表面波气体检测方法与技术的研究)

另外作为主要骨干参与的课题:973项目“新一代化合物半导体电子器件与电路研究” AlGaN/GaN 微波功率器件


(1) Ma Peng, Bai Yun, Zhu Jie and Liu Jian, “ICP etching of high Al concentration AlGaN” IEEE 16th International Symposium on the Physical & Failure Analysis of Integrated Circuits, 2009, 7,Suzhou China, P142-145

(2) 李诚瞻,刘键,刘新宇,薛丽君,陈晓娟,和致经,“AlN插入层与AlGaN/GaN HEMT电流崩塌效应的关系”, 《半导体学报》,27(6),2006,p:1055-1058

(3) Xiao Dongping, Liu Jian, Wei Ke, He Zhijing, Liu Xinyu, Wu Dexin CHINESE JOURNAL OF SEMICONDUCTORS Vol.24,No.9, Sep.2003, PP 907-910 <>

(4) Liu Jian, Zheng Yingkui, Wei Ke, Chen Xiaojuan, Shao Gang, He Zhijing, Liu Xinyu, Qian He, Wu Dexin, 《PROCEEDINGS OF THE SEVENTH CHINA-JAPAN SYMPOSIUM ON THIN FILMS》, Si3N4 effects on the performance of AlGaN/GaN HEMTs, 2004 9, Cheng-Du,China,P74

(5) Jian Liu, Pei-xuan Wang, “A Photoluminescence Study of the Defects Induced by Neutron Irradiation and Rapid Annealing in SI-GaAs”, Journal of Applied Physics Vol.86, No.2, (1999) 764-767

(6) Jian Liu, Pei-xuan Wang, “A Rapid Annealing Study of Neutron-Irradiated GaAs by Rutherford Backscattering Spectrometry/Channeling”, J. of Vacuum Science and Technology B, Vol.17, No.5, (1999) 2040-2044

(7) Pei-xuan Wang, Jian Liu, Yu Wang, and Baogui Shi, “Investigation of SiC Films Deposited onto Stainless Steel and Their Retarding Effects on Tritium Permeation”, 11th International Conference on Surface Modification of Metals by Ion Beams, Beijing, China, September 19-24,1999 (Published on: Surface & coating technology, 128(2000), 99)

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