- 华一磊
- 副研究员
- 北京市朝阳区北土城西路3号

简 历:
2000.9-2004.7 北京师范大学,天文系,本科
2004.9-2010.7 中国科学院物理所,光学,博士
2010.7-2012.9 中国科学院微电子研究所,博士后;
2012.9-2014.11 中国科学院微电子研究所,助理研究员;
2014.11-今 中国科学院微电子研究所,副研究员。
社会任职: 研究方向:纳米加工与新器件集成技术,微纳光学元件,先进光刻技术 承担科研项目情况:青年科学基金项目“亚光波长光子筛基超振元件远场超衍射聚焦机理及特性研究”2014-2016,负责人 代表论著:
[1] Yi-Lei Hua, Wang Zi-Qiang, Li Hai-Liang, Gao Nan, Du Yu-Chan, Radially andAzimuthally Polarized Beams Generated by a Composite Spiral Zone Plate. Chin. Phys.Lett., 29, 084214 (2012).
[2] Yi-Lei Hua, Wang Zi-Qiang, Li Hai-Liang, Gao Nan, Du Yu-Chan, Multi-spot focusing bycomposite spiral zone plates. Chin. Opt. Lett 10, 120502 (2012).
[3] Yi-Lei Hua and Zhi-Yuan Li, Analytic modal solution to transmission and collimation oflight by one-dimensional nanostructured subwavelength metallic slits. J. Appl. Phys 105,013104 (2009).
[4] Yi-Lei Hua, Jin-Xin Fu, Jiang-Yan Li, and Zhi-Yuan Li, Hai-Fang Yang, Experimentalstudies of extraordinary light transmission through periodic arrays of subwavelength square and rectangular holes in metal films. Chin. Phys. B, 19,047309 (2010).
[5] ChangqingXie,* Xiaoli Zhu, Hailiang Li, Lina Shi, YileiHua, and Ming Liu, Towardtwo-dimensional nanometer resolution hard X-ray differential-interference contrastimaging using modified photon sieves. Opt. Lett., 37, 749 (2012).
[6] Jiang-Yan Li, Yi-Lei Hua, Jin-Xin Fu, and Zhi-Yuan Li, Influence of hole geometry andlattice constant on extraordinary optical transmission through subwavelength hole arraysin metal films. J. Appl. Phys 107,073101 (2010).
[7] Fu Jin-Xin, Hua Yi-Lei, Chen Yu-Hui, Liu Rong-Juan, Li Jia-Fang and Li Zhi-Yuan,Systematic study on visible light collimation by nanostructured slits in the metal surface,Chin. Phys. B,20, 037806 (2011).
[8] Aaron R. Rathmell, PrithvirajSingha Roy, Stephen M. Bergin, Yi-Lei Hua, Zhi-Yuan Li,and Benjamin J. Wiley, The Growth Mechanism of Copper Nanowires and their Properties in Flexible, Transparent Conducting Films, Advanced Materials, 22,3558(2010).
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