







  • 兰恒星
  • 研究员



目前任国际工程地质与环境协会(IAEG)滑坡命名方法专委会主席、国际期刊《Engineering Geology》、《Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment》、《Journal of Mountain Science》编委、《Geoenvironmental Disaster》副主编等职。曾获第七届黄汲清青年地质科学技术奖等奖项。


1991 -1995山东科技大学地球科学系,获学士学位

1995 -1998山东科技大学地球科学系,获硕士学位

1998 -2001中国科学院地质与地球物理研究所,获博士学位



代表性学术论文(* 通讯作者)

[1]Lan, H.X.*, Chen Junhui, Macciotta Renato, 2019. Universal Confined Tensile Strength of Intact Rock. Scientific Reports, 9, 6170.

[2]Zhao Xiaoxia, Lan, H.X.*, Li Langping, Zhang Yixing, Zhou Chaodong, 2019. A Multiple-Regression Model Considering Deformation Information for Atmospheric Phase Screen Compensation in Ground-Based SAR. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing.DOI: 10.1109/TGRS.2019.2940463.

[3]Wu Yuming, Lan, H.X.*. Landslide Analyst — a landslide propagation model considering block size heterogeneity. Landslides, 2019, 16, 1107–1120.

[4]LI Langping, Lan, H.X.*, 2019. Recovering absolute scale for Structure from Motion using the law of free fall. Optics and Laser Technology, 112, 514–523.

[5]Li Quanwen, Lan, H.X.*, Zhao Xiaoxia, Wu Yuming, 2019. River centerline extraction using the multiple direction integration algorithm for mixed and pure water pixels. Giscience & Remote Sensing, 56(2), 256–281.

[6]Zhou Chaodong, Lan, H.X.*, Gong Huili, Zhang Youquan, Warner Timothy A., Clague John J., Wu Yuming, 2019. Reduced rate of land subsidence since 2016 in Beijing, China: evidence from Tomo-PSInSAR using RadarSAT-2 and Sentinel-1 datasets. International Journal of Remote Sensing.DOI: 10.1080/01431161.2019.1662967.

[7]A. Strom, Li, L. Lan,H.X. 2019. Rock avalanche mobility: optimal characterization and the effects of confinement. Landslide. 16(2), DOI: 10.1007/s10346-019-01181-z.

[8]Liu, X., Zhang, N., Lan, H.X.*, 2019. Effects of sand and water contents on the small-strain shear modulus of loess.Engineering Geology260(3), 105202.

[9]Han Bao ,Guobiao Zhang, Lan, H.X.*,Changgen Yan ,Jiangbo Xu, Wei Xui,2019. Geometrical heterogeneity of the joint roughness coefficient revealed by 3D laser scanning. Engineering Geology. DOI: 10.1016/j.enggeo.2019.105415

[10]Zhang, F.Y.*, Yan, B.B., Feng, X.M., Lan, H.X.*, Kang, C., Lin, X.S., Zhu, X.H., Ma, W.G., 2019. A rapid loess mudflow triggered by the check dam failure in a bulldoze mountain area, Lanzhou, China. Landslides16, 1981-1992.

[11]Chen, J., Lan, H.X.*, Macciotta, R., Wu, Y., Li, Q., & Zhao, X. (2018). Anisotropy rather than transverse isotropy in Longmaxi shale and the potential role of tectonic stress. Engineering Geology. 247: 38-47.

[12]Li Langping, Lan, H.X.*, Guo Changbao, Zhang Yongshuang, Li Quanwen, Wu Yuming, 2017. A modified frequency ratio method for landslide susceptibility assessment. Landslides, 14, 727-741. DOI 10.1007/s10346-016-0771-x(IF: 3.05).

[13]Wu YM, Lan, H.X.*, Gao X, et al., 2016. Therelationship between the volume density of cracks and acoustic properties of the shale core samples from Fulin. Chinese Journal ofGeophysics (in Chinese), 59(10): 3891-3900, DOI: 10.6038/cjg20161032.

[14]Langping Li, Lan, H.X.*, and Yuming Wu.2016. How sample size can effect landslide size distribution. Geoenvironmental Disasters(2016) 3:18 DOI 10.1186/s40677-016-0052-y.

[15]Meng, Y.S., Lan, H. X.*, Li, L.P., Wu, Y.M. and Li, Q.W. (2015). Characteristics of Surface Deformation Detected by X-band SAR Interferometry over Sichuan-Tibet Grid Connection Project Area, China. Remote Sensing, 2015, 7, 12265-12281; doi:10.3390/rs70912265.

[16]Wu, Y.M., Lan, H. X. *, Gao,X., Li, L.P., Yang, Z.H.(2015).A simplified physically based coupled rainfall threshold model for triggering landslides. Engineering Geology, 195, 63–69.

[17]Yang, Z.H., Lan, H. X.*, Gao,X., Li, L.P., Meng, Y.S., Wu, Y.M. Urgent Landslide Susceptibility Assessment in the 2013 Lushan Earthquake-impactedArea, Sichuan province, China.(2015) Natural hazards (2015) 75:2467–2487.DOI 10.1007/s11069-014-1441-8.

[18]YANG, Z.H., Lan, H. X.*, Liu, H.J., Li, L.P., Wu, Y.M., Meng, Y.S.(2015)Post-earthquake Rainfall-triggered Slope Stability Analysis In The Lushan Area[J].Journal Of Mountain Science,2015,12(1):232-242.

[19]Li, L.P., Lan, H. X.*, 2015. Probabilistic modeling of rockfall trajectory-a review. Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment, 74, 1163–1176. DOI 10.1007/s10064-015-0718-9

[20]Li, L.P., Lan, H. X.* and Wu, Y.M.. The volume-to-surface-area ratio constrains the rollover of the power law distribution for landslide size. The European Physical Journal Plus, Volume 129, Issue 5. EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL PLUS (2014) 129(5): 89 DOI 10.1140/epjp/i2014-14089-y

[21]Lan, H. X.*, Li, L.P., Zhang, Y.S., Gao, X., Liu, H.J., 2013. Risk assessment of debris flow in Yushu seismic area in China: a perspective for the reconstruction. Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 13(11), 2957–2968.

[22]Lan, H. X.*, Gao, X., Liu, H.J., Yang, Z.H., Li, L.P., 2013. Integration of TerraSAR-X and PALSAR PSI for detecting ground deformation. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 34(15), 5393–5408.

[23]Lan, H. X.*, Martin C.D., Andersson J.C., 2013. Evolution of in-situ rock mass damage induced by mechanical-thermal loading. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 46(1), 153–168.

[24]Yang, Z.H. Lan, H. X.*, Zhang, Y.S., Gao, X., Li, L.P., 2013. Nonlinear dynamic failure process of tunnel-fault system in response to strong seismic event. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 64, 125–135.

[25]Li, L.P., Lan, H. X.*, Wu, Y.M., 2012. Comment on 'Statistical physics of landslides: New paradigm' by Chen C.-c. et al.. EPL (Europhysics Letters), 100, 29001.

[26]Lan, H. X.*, Li, L.P., Liu, H.J., Yang, Z.H. 2012. Complex urban infrastructure deformation monitoring using high resolution TerraSAR-X PSI. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 5(2), 643–651.

[27]Liu, H.J., Lan, H. X.*, Liu, Y., Zhou, Y. 2011. Characteristics of spatial distribution of debris flow and the effect of their sediment yield in main downstream of Jinsha River, China. Environmental Earth Sciences, 64(6), 1653–1666.

[28]Lan, H. X.*, Martin C. D., Zhou, C.H., Lim, C.H. 2010. Rockfall hazard analysis using LiDAR and spatial modeling. Geomorphology, 118(1-2), 213–223.

[29]Lan, H. X.*, Martin C. D.,Hu B. 2010. Effect of heterogeneity of brittle rock on micromechanical extensile behavior during compression loading. Journal of Geophysical Research, 115(B1), B01202.

[30]Lan, H. X.*, Martin C. D., Froese, C. R., Kim, T. H., Morgan, A. J., Chao D., Chowdhury S., 2009. A web-based GIS for managing and assessing landslide data for the town of Peace River, Canada. Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 9(4), 1433–1443.

[31]Lan, H. X.*, Martin C. D., Zhou C. H. 2008. Estimating the size and travel distance of Klapperhorn Mountain debris flows for risk analysis along railway, Canada. International Journal of Sediment Research, 23(3), 275–282.

[32]Lan, H. X., Martin C. D.*, Lim C. H. 2007. RockFall analyst: A GIS extension for three-dimensional and spatially distributed rockfall hazard modeling. Computers & Geosciences, 33(2), 262–279.

[33]Lan, H. X.*, Lee, C. F., Zhou, C. H., Martin, C. D. 2005. Dynamic characteristics analysis of shallow landslides in response to rainfall event using GIS. Environmental Geology, 47(2), 254–267.

[34]Lan, H. X.*, Zhou, C. H., Wang, L. J., Zhang, H. Y., Li, R. H. 2004. Landslide hazard spatial analysis and prediction using GIS in the Xiaojiang watershed, Yunnan, China. Engineering Geology, 76(1-2), 109–128.

[35]Lan, H. X.*, Zhou, C. H., Lee, C. F., Wang, S. J., Wu, F. Q., 2003. Rainfall-induced landslide stability analysis in response to transient pore pressure - A case study of natural terrain landslide in Hong Kong. SCIENCE CHINA Technological Sciences, 46(s1), 52–68.

[36]Lan, H. X.*, Wu, F. Q., Zhou C. H., Wang, L. J., 2003. Spatial hazard analysis and prediction on rainfall-induced landslide using GIS. Chinese Science Bulletin, 48(7), 703–708.

[37]Lan, H. X.*, Hu, R. L., Yue, Z. Q., Lee, C. F., Wang, S. J. 2003. Engineering and geological characteristics of granite weathering profiles in South China. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 21(4), 353–364.

[38]仉义星, 兰恒星*, 李郎平, 伍宇明, 陈志超, 陈俊辉, 2019. 综合统计模型和物理模型的地质灾害精细评估——以福建省龙山社区为例. 工程地质学报, 27(3), 608–622.

[39]兰恒星*, 仉义星, 伍宇明. 2019. 岩体结构效应与长远程滑坡动力学[J]. 工程地质学报, 27(1): 108-122. doi: 10.13544/j.cnki.jeg.2019-071.

[40]兰恒星*,陈俊辉,伍宇明.2018. 三轴压缩试验前后含气页岩微纳尺度裂隙空间分布特征研究[J].工程地质学报, 2018 Vol. 26 (1): 24-35.

[41]兰恒星*, 赵晓霞, 伍宇明, 李郎平, 苏奋振, 2017. 钙质岛礁沉降变形过程分析. 中国海洋大学学报(自然科学版), 47(10), 1-8.

[42]杨志华, 兰恒星*, 张永双, 郭长宝. 2017. 强震区震后地质灾害长期活动性研究综述. 地质力学学报,23(5)743-753.

[43]李郎平, 兰恒星*, 郭长宝, 张永双, 李全文, 伍宇明, 2017. 基于改进频率比法的川藏铁路沿线及邻区地质灾害易发性分区评价. 现代地质, 31(5), 911-929.

[44]兰恒星*, 伍宇明, 李全文, 陈俊辉, 赵晓霞, 2017. 龙马溪组页岩三维缝网重构及分形分析. 工程地质学报, 2017 Vol. 25 (6): 1557-1565.

[45]伍法权、 兰恒星*国际工程地质与环境研究现状及前沿——第十二届国际工程地质大会(IAEG XII)综述.工程地质学报, 2016, 24(1), 116-129.

[46]兰恒星*、肖锐铧、严福章、伍宇明.2016.川藏联网工程地质条件分析. 工程地质学报. 24(suppl.): 375-385. DOI: 10.13544/j.cnki.jeg.2016.s1.056.

[47]伍宇明, 兰恒星*, 高星, 李郎平. 台风暴雨型滑坡降雨阈值曲线研究——以福建地区为例. 工程地质学报, 2014, 22(2), 255–262.

[48]伍宇明, 兰恒星*, 高星, 李郎平,孟云闪.一种基于Bayes理论的区域斜坡稳定性评价模型.工程地质学报, 2014, 22(6), 1227-1233.

[49]兰恒星*, 周成虎, 高星, 程维明, 王治华, 杨志华, 李郎平, 伍宇明. 四川雅安芦山地震灾区次生地质灾害评估及对策建议. 地理科学进展, 2013, 32(4), 499–504.

[50]杨志华, 兰恒星*, 张永双, 李郎平, 熊探宇. 强震作用下穿越断层隧道围岩力学响应研究. 工程地质学报, 2013, 21(2), 171–181.

[51]李郎平, 兰恒星*, 李晓, 孟云闪, 陈雨. 金坛盐穴天然气储库区地表变形PSI监测. 岩石力学与工程学报, 2012, 31(9), 1821–1829. (EI)

[52]刘洪江, 兰恒星*. “5.12'震后都江堰-汶川公路崩塌灾害模拟及危险性评价. 资源科学, 2012, 34(2), 345–352.

[53]兰恒星*, 刘洪江, 孙铁, 贾有良, 杨志华, 丁尚起, 黄晓明. 城市建筑物沉降永久散射体干涉雷达监测. 天津大学学报, 2012, 45(4), 292–300. (EI)

[54]兰恒星*, 刘洪江, 孙铁, 贾有良, 杨志华, 李郎平, 丁尚起, 黄晓明. 城市复杂地面沉降永久干涉雷达监测属性分类研究. 工程地质学报, 2011, 19(6), 893–901.

[55]刘洪江, 兰恒星*, 程维明. 玉树地震后结古镇群发式泥石流灾害数值模拟及危险性分析. 山地学报, 2010, 28(4), 444–452.

[56]刘洪江, 兰恒星*, 张军, 刘杰, 杨军. 老挝北部罂粟替代种植高分辨率遥感调查评价与分析. 资源科学, 2010, 32(7), 1425–1432.

[57]兰恒星*, 周成虎, 王小波. 泥石流本构模型及动力学模拟研究现状综述. 工程地质学报, 2007, 15(3), 314–321.

[58]兰恒星*, 周成虎, 李焯芬, 王思敬, 伍法权. 瞬时孔隙水压力作用下的瞬时孔隙水压力作用下的降雨滑坡稳定性响应分析: 以香港天然降雨滑坡为例. 中国科学E辑-技术科学, 2003, 33(增刊), 119–136.

[59]兰恒星*, 伍法权, 周成虎, 王苓涓. GIS支持下的降雨型滑坡危险性空间分析预测. 科学通报, 2003, 48(5), 507–512.

[60]兰恒星*, 周成虎, 王苓涓, 伍法权, 王思敬. 地理信息系统支持下的滑坡-水文耦合模型研究. 岩石力学与工程学报, 2003, 22(8), 1309–1314. (EI)

[61]兰恒星*, 伍法权, 周成虎, 王思敬. 基于GIS的云南小江流域滑坡因子敏感性分析. 岩石力学与工程学报, 2002, 21(10), 1500–1506. (EI)

[62]兰恒星*, 王苓涓, 周成虎. 地理信息系统支持下的滑坡灾害分析模型研究. 工程地质学报, 2002, 10(4), 421–427.

[63]兰恒星*, 伍法权, 王思敬. 基于GIS的滑坡CF多元回归模型及其应用. 山地学报, 2002, 20(6), 732–737.

[64]兰恒星*, 伍法权. 基于条分法的滑坡位移非线性动力学模拟方法. 工程地质学报, 2000, 8(3), 374–378.

[65]Cruden, D. M. and Lan, H. X.. Using the Working Classification of Landslides to Assess the Danger from a Natural Slope. G. Lollino et al. (eds.), Engineering Geology for Society and Territory – Volume 2, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-09057-3_1, Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2015.pp: 3-12 .

[66]Lan, H. X.*, Li, L.P., and Wu, Y.M.. Stochasticity of Rockfall Tracjectory Revealedby a Field Experiment Repeated on a Single Sample. G. Lollino et al. (eds.), Engineering Geology for Society and Territory – Volume 2, pp:3-12.DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-09057-3_304, Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2015. (EI)

[67]Meng, Y. S., Lan, H. X.*, Ping, B. Landslide deformation monitoring and location identification with polarimetric SAR in Three Gorges regions. Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), 2014 IEEE International(IGARSS), 2014:418 - 421, Quebec city, Canada. 10.1109/IGARSS.2014.6946447 (EI)

[68]Lan, H. X.*,Li, L.P., Wu, Y. M.2013. The role of rockfall intensity on its risk assessment. In: Faquan Wu & Shengwen Qi (Eds), Global View of Engineering Geology and the Environment, Proceedings of the international symposium and 9th Asian regional conference of IAEG, 23-25 September, 2013, Beijing, China, CRC Press/Balkema, The Netherlands, pp: 51–58. (EI &Invited paper)

[69]Lan, H. X.*, Martin C. D., Qi, S. W., 2013. A 3D grain based model for characterizing the geometric heterogeneity of brittle rock. In: Proceedings of the 47th US Rock Mechanics/Geomechanics Symposium, 2013, v 3, p 1878-1884. 23-26 June, 2013, San Francisco, California, USA. Technical Editors: Laura J. Pyrak-Nolte, Alvin Chan, William Dershowitz, Joseph Morris and Jamal Rostami. ISBN: 978-0-9894844-0-4. (EI)

[70]Martin C. D., Lu, Y., Lan, H. X., 2011. Scale effects in a Synthetic Rock Mass. In: Qihu Qian and Yingxin Zhou (Eds), Harmonising Rock Engineering and the Environment, Proceedings of the 12th ISRM International Congress on Rock Mechanics, 18–21 October, 2011, Beijing, China, CRC press, pp: 257–258.(EI)

[71]Lan, H. X.*, Martin C. D. 2009. Evaluating the effect of topography on the rock fall process using LiDAR. In: Hudson, J. A., Tham, L. G., Feng, X.-T., and Kwong, A. K. L. (Eds), Proceedings of the ISRM-Sponsored International Symposium on Rock Mechanics: Rock Characterization, Modelling, and Engineering Design Methods, SINOROCK 2009, 19-22 May, 2009, The University of Hong Kong, China, page 69.

[72]Lan, H. X.*, Martin C. D.2007. A digital approach for integrating geotechnical data and stability analyses. In: Eberhardt E; Stead D; Morrison T (eds), Rock Mechanics: Meeting Society's Challenges and Demands, Two Volume Set, Proceedings of the 1st Canada-US Rock Mechanics Symposium, 27–31 May, 2007, Vancouver, Canada, CRC Press, pp: 45–52.(EI)

[73]Lan, H. X.* and Martin C. Derek. 2007. Model calibration for rockfall hazard assessment using LiDAR technology. In: the First North American Landslide Conference, Landslides and Society: Integrated Science, Engineering, Management, and Mitigation, 3-8 June, 2007, Vail, Colorado, USA, AEG Special Publication -CD-ROM Edition-, 23.