- 王劲峰
- 研究员

个人简况 1965出生,研究员,博士导师,中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所/资源与环境信息系统国家重点实验室。中国科学院大学时空统计学首席教授,国际地理联合会系统建模委员会执委,中国地理学会地理模型与地理信息分析委员会主任;中国GIS协会理论方法委员会主任(2004-2011),IJGIS等多部地理信息分析国际著名学术期刊编委。研究领域是空间分异统计理论,及其在医学、自然、社会领域应用。主持制定了《空间抽样与统计推断》国家标准;出版中英文专著图集18部,SCI/SSCI论文180余篇, 包括Nature Communications, Lancet Infectious Diseases, PLOS Medicine等。 教育经历 学士:1985,地理学,陕西师范大学地理系 硕士:1988,冻土热力学,中国科学院兰州冰川冻土研究所(现中国科学院寒区旱区环境工程研究所) 博士:1991,地理信息科学,中国科学院地理研究所(现中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所) 博士后与进修:维也纳经济大学(1993 OAD Scholarship);英国谢菲尔德大学(1994,1996 Maria Curie Fellowship);澳大利亚国家流行病研究中心(2004);英国利物浦热带病研究中心(2010);剑桥大学(2000,2010)。 学术任职 (1)国际 l编委Spatial Statistics(Elsevier) l编委International Journal of Geographical Information Science(Taylor) l编委Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment(Springer) l编委Journal of Geographical Systems(Springer) l编委Geographical Analysis(Wiley,2007-2010) l执委International Geographical Union Commission on Modeling Geographical Systems (2)国内 l主任:中国地理学会 地理模型与地理信息分析委员会 l主任:中国地理信息系统产业协会 理论方法委员会(2004-2011) l副主任:中国城市科学研究会 健康城市委员会 l副主任:中国疾病预防控制中心 传染病监测预警重点实验室学术委员会 l副理事长:中国现场统计研究会 空间统计学会 l编委:《地理学报》、《遥感学报》、《地球信息科学学报》、《地理与地理信息科学》 制定国标 《地理信息 空间抽样与统计推断》国家标准(GB/Z 33451-2016)(王劲峰、胡茂桂、冯士雍、姜成晟、高秉博、郭燕莎、李连发、葛咏、刘铁军、李新通、马立广、程昌秀、周清波、范海梅、范一大、何建邦) 出版软件 [1] 地理探测器:www.geodetector.cn [2] 空间抽样与统计推断: cnwww.sssampling. 出版专著 [18] 王劲峰、廖一兰、刘鑫 编著. 2019. 空间数据分析教程 第二版(普通高等教育十一五国家级规划教材;中国科学院大学研究生教材).科学出版社. (案例数据下载:http://www.sssampling.cn/201sdabook/main.html) (本书荣获第二届全国优秀地理图书奖) [17] 赫捷,陈万青,王劲峰 等. 2019. 中国癌症地图集(十三五国家重点出版物出版规划项目). 中国地图出版社. [16] Yang WZ, Lan YJ, Sun Q, Wang JF, Li ZJ (Eds). 2017. Early Warning for Infectious Disease Outbreak: Theory and Practice. London: Elsevier. [15] Christakos G, Wang JF, Wu JP. 2014. Stochastic Medical Reasoning and Environmental Health Exposure. London: Imperial College Press. [14] 李连发、王劲峰著.2014.地理空间数据挖掘.科学出版社. [13] 王劲峰、Fischer MM,刘铁军著.2012.经济与社会科学空间分析.科学出版社. [12] Fischer MM, Wang JF. 2011. Spatial Data Analysis: Problems, Techniques and Applications. Berlin: Springer. [11] 王劲峰、廖一兰、刘鑫编著. 2010. 空间数据分析教程(普通高等教育十一五国家级规划教材). 科学出版社. [10] 王劲峰、姜成晟、李连发、胡茂桂 著. 2009. 空间抽样与统计推断. 科学出版社. [ 9] 赵 永、王劲峰著. 2008.CGE模型及其经济政策分析. 中国经济出版社. [ 8] 王劲峰 等著. 2006. 空间分析. 科学出版社. [ 7] 葛 咏、王劲峰著. 2003. 遥感信息的不确定性研究—误差传递模型. 地质出版社. [ 6] 柏延臣、王劲峰著. 2003. 遥感信息的不确定性研究—分类与尺度效应. 地质出版社. [ 5] 王劲峰 等著. 1995. 人地关系演进--全球变化,自然灾害,人类活动中国典型区研究. 科学出版社. [ 4] 王劲峰 等著. 1995. 中国自然灾害区划. 科学出版社. [ 3] 王劲峰 等著. 1993. 中国自然灾害影响评价方法研究. 中国科学技术出版社. [ 2] 何建邦、田国良、王劲峰主编. 1993. 重大自然灾害遥感监测评估研究进展. 中国科学技术出版社. [ 1] 王劲峰著. 1993. 区域经济分析的模型方法. 科学出版社. 代表性中文论文 王劲峰, 徐成东. 2017. 地理探测器:原理与展望. 地理学报72(1): 116-134. (本文荣获《地理学报》创刊85周年最具影响力论文奖) 王劲峰, 葛咏, 李连发, 孟斌, 武继磊, 柏延臣, 杜世宏, 廖一兰, 胡茂桂, 徐成东. 2014. 地理学时空数据分析方法. 地理学报 69(9): 1326-1345. 王劲峰, 李连发, 葛咏, 时陪中, 关元秀, 柏延臣, 王智勇, R Haining. 2000. 地理信息空间分析的理论体系探讨. 地理学报 55(1): 92-103. 发表SCI/SSCI论文 2019 [182] Bai HX, Li DY, Ge Y, Wang JF. 2019. A spatial heterogeneity-based rough set extension for spatial data. International Journal of Geographical Information Science33(1-2): 240-268. (SCI) [181] Fan HM, Wang JX, Hu MG, Li Z, Jiang XS, Wang JF. 2019. Spatiotemporal assessment of marine environmental monitoring programme based on DIN concentration in the Yangtze River estuary and its adjacent sea. Science of the Total Environment. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2019.135527. (SCI) [180] Gao BB, Hu MG, Wang JF*, Xu CD, Chen ZY, Fan HM, Ding HY. 2019. Interpolation of marine environment data using P-MSN. International Journal of Geographical Information Science. https://doi.org/10.1080/13658816.2019.1683183. (SCI) [179] Ge Y, Jin Y, Stein A, Chen YH, Wang JH, Wang JF, Cheng QM, Bai HX, Liu MX, Atkinson P. 2019. Principles and methods of scaling geospatial earth science data. Earth-Science Review 197: 102897. (SCI) [178] Hu MG, Xu CD, Wang JF*. 2019. Spatiotemporal analysis of men who have sex with men in mainland China. JMIR mHealth and uHealth. DOI: https://doi.org/10.2196/preprints.14800. (SCI) [177] Li J, Xu FJ, Sun ZJ, Wang JF*. 2019. Regional differences and spatial patterns of health status of the member states in The Belt and Road Initiative.PLoS ONE 14(1): e0211264. (SCI) [176] Li JM, Liang J, Wang JF*, Ren ZP, Yang D, Wang YP, Mu Y, Li XH, Li MR, Guo YM, Zhu J. 2019. Spatiotemporal Trends in Maternal Mortality Ratios in 2205 Chinese Counties from 2010-2013 and Ecological Determinants: A Bayesian Modelling Analysis.PLoS Medicine (in press, SCI) [175] Liu X, Wang JF*, Christakos G, Liao YL. 2019. China population distributions at multiple geographical scales and their correlates. Journal of Environmental Informatics 34(1): 15-27. (SCI) [174] Liu T, Ren ZP, Zhang YH, Feng BX, Lin HL, Xiao JP, Zeng WL, Li X, Li ZH, Rutherford S, Xu YJ, Lin S, Nasca PC, Du YD, Wang JF, Huang CR, Jia P, Ma WJ. 2019. Modification effects of population expansion, ageing and adaptation on heat-related mortality risks under different climate change scenarios in Guangzhou, China. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 16: 376. (SCI) [173] Song C, Shi X, Bo YC, Wang JF, Wang Y, Huang DC. 2019. Exploring spatiotemporal nonstationary effects of climate factors on hand, foot and mouth disease using Bayesian spatiotemporally varying coefficient model (STVC) in Sichuan, China.Science of the Total Environment648: 550–560. (SCI) [172] Song C, He YQ, Bo YC, Wang JF, Ren ZP, Guo JG, Yang HB. 2019. Disease relative risk downscaling model to localize spatial epidemiologic indicators for mapping hand, foot, and mouth disease over China. Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment33: 1815-1833. (SCI) [171] Wang JX, Hu MG, Gao BB, Fan HM, Wang JF. 2019. A spatiotemporal interpolation method for the assessment of pollutant concentrations in the Yangtze River estuary and adjacent areas from 2004 to 2013.Environmental Pollution 252: 501-510. (SCI) [170] Xin HL, Yu JX, Hu MG, Jiang FC, Li XJ, Wang LP, Huang JL, Wang JF, Sun JL, Li ZJ. 2019. Evaluation of scrub typhus diagnosis in China: analysis of nationwide surveillance data from 2006 to 2016. Infectious Disease of Poverty 8: 59. [169] Xu CD, Xing DF, Wang JF*, Xiao GX. 2019. The lag effect of water pollution on the mortality rate for esophageal cancer in a rapidly industrialized region in China. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. doi: 10.1007/s11356-019-06408-z. [168] Yin Q, Wang JF*, Su JT, Wei ZH. 2019. A new method to estimate the temperature-CVD mortality relationship. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 26: 8895–8901. (SCI) [167] Yin Q, Wang JF*, Ren ZP, Li J, Guo YM. 2019. Mapping the increased minimum mortality temperatures in the context of global climate change. Nature Communications 10: 4640. (SCI) [166] Zhang LQ, Liu WW, Hou K, Lin JT, Song CQ, Zhou CH, Huang B, Tong XH, Wang JF, Rhine W, Jiao Y, Wang ZW, Ni RJ, Liu MY, Zhang L, Wang ZY, Wang YB, Li XG, Liu SH, Wang YH. 2019. Air pollution exposure associates with increased risk of neonatal jaundice. Nature Communications 10: 3741. (SCI) 2018 [165] Wang JF*, Xu CD, Hu MG, Li QX, Yan ZW, Jones P. 2018. Global land surface air temperature dynamics since 1880.International Journal of Climatology 38: e466-e474. (SCI) [164] Fan HM, Gao BB*, Wang JF*, Qin XG, Liu PX, Hu MG, Xu P. 2018. Optimization of Shanghai marine environmental monitoring sites in the identification of boundaries of different water quality grades. Journal of Ocean University of China (Oceanic and Coastal Sea Research) 17: 846-854. (SCI) [163] Huang DC, Wang JF*. 2018. Monitoring Hand, Foot and Mouth Diseases by combining search engine query data and meteorological factors. Science of the Total Environment612: 1293–1299. (SCI) [162] Huang JX*, Wang L, Wang SB, Lu YL, Zhang WW, Wang JF*. 2018. Spatial and temporal characteristics of temperature effects on cardiovascular disease in Southern China using the Empirical Mode Decomposition method. Scientific Reports 8:14775 (SCI) [161] Kong LC, Wang JF*, Li ZJ, Lai SJ, Liu QY, Wu HX, Yang WZ. 2018. Modeling the heterogeneity of Dengue transmission in a City. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 15: 1128. (SCI) [160] Li JM, Wang NN, Wang JF*, Li HL. 2018. Spatiotemporal evolution of the remotely sensed global continental PM2.5 concentration in 2000-2014 based on Bayesian statistics. Environmental Pollution 238: 471-481. (SCI) [159] Li JM, Wang JF*, Wang NN, Li HL. 2018. A Bayesian space-time hierarchical model for remotely sensed lattice data based on multiscale homogeneous statistical units. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing 11(7): 2151-2161. (SCI) [158] Li LF, Qiu WY, Xu CD, Wang JF. 2018. A spatiotemporal mixed model to assess the influence of environmental and socioeconomic factors on the incidence of hand, foot and mouth disease. BMC Public Health 18: 274. (SCI) [157] Li LF, Zhang ZH, Meng X, Fang Y, Ge Y, Wang JF, Wang CY, Wu J, Kan HD. 2018. Estimation of PM2.5 concentrations at a high spatiotemporal resolution using constrained mixed-effect bagging models with MAIAC aerosol optical depth. Remote Sensing of Environment 217: 573-586. (SCI) [156] Liao YL, Xu B, Liu XC, Wang JF, Hu SX, Huang W, Luo KW, Gao LD. 2018. Using a Bayesian belief network model for early warning of death and severe risk of HFMD in Hunan province, China. Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment 32: 1531–1544. (SCI) [155] Liao YL*, Li DY, Zhang NX, Xia CF, Zheng RS, Zeng HM, Zhang SW, Wang JF*, Chen WQ. 2018. Application of sandwich spatial estimation method in cancer mapping: A case study for breast cancer mortality in the Chinese mainland, 2005. Statistical Methods in Medical Research. DOI: 10.1177/0962280218811344. (SCI) [154] Liu TJ, Wang JF*, Xu C, Ma JQ, Xu CD, Zhang HY. 2017. Sandwich mapping of rodent density in Jilin Province, China. Journal of Geographical Sciences 28(4): 445-458. (SCI) [153] Ren ZP, Zhu J, Gao YF, Yin Q, Hu MG, Li D, Deng CF, Li L, Deng K, Wang YP, Li XH, Wang JF*. 2018. Maternal exposure to ambient PM10 during pregnancy increases the risk of congenital heart defects: evidence from machine learning models. Science of the Total Environment 630: 1-10. (SCI) [152] Song C, Yang X, Shi X, Bo YC, Wang JF. 2018. Estimating missing values in China’s official socioeconomic statistics using progressive spatiotemporal Bayesian hierarchical modeling. Scientific Report 8:10055. (SCI) [151] Song C, He YQ, Bo YC, Wang JF, Ren ZP, Yang HB. 2018. Risk assessment and mapping of Hand, Foot, and Mouth Disease at the county level in mainland China using spatiotemporal zero-inflated Bayesian Hierarchical Models. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 15: 1476. (SCI) [150] Xu CD*, Xiao GX*, Wang JF, Zhang XX, Liang JJ. 2017. Spatiotemporal risk of bacillary dysentery and sensitivity to meteorological factors in Hunan province, China. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 15: 47. (SCI) [149] Xu CD, Wang JF*, Li QX. 2018. A new method for temperatures spatial interpolation based on sparse historical stations. Journal of Climate 31: 1757-1770. (SCI) [148] Yin Q, Wang JF*. 2018. A better indicator to measure the effects of meteorological factors on cardiovascular mortality: heat index. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 25: 22842–22849. (SCI) 2017 [147] Wang JF, Yin Q, Tong SL, Ren ZP, Hu MG, Zhang HR. 2017. Prolonged continuous exposure to high fine particulate matter associated with cardiovascular and respiratory disease mortality in Beijing, China. Atmospheric Environment 168: 1-7. (SCI) [146] Fan HM, Gao BB, Xu R, Wang JF. 2017. Optimization of Shanghai marine environment monitoring sites by integrating spatial correlation and stratified heterogeneity. Acta Oceanologica Sinica 36(2): 111-121. (SCI) [145] Ge Y, Song YZ, Wang JF, Liu W, Ren ZP, Peng JH, Lu BB. 2017. Geographically weighted regression-based determinants of malaria incidences in northern China. Transactions in GIS 21(5): 934-953. (SSCI) [144] Li J, Wang JF*, Xu CD, Yin Q, Hu MG, Sun ZJ, Shao DW. 2017. Status of research and surveillance on hand, foot and mouth disease in Mainland China before it was listed as category C disease in May 2008. Lancet Infectious Diseases 17(10): 1017–1018. (SCI) [143] Li LF, Zhang JH, Qiu WY, Wang JF, Fang Y. 2017. An ensemble spatiotemporal model for predicting PM2.5 concentrations. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 14: 549. (SCI) [142] Li QX,Zhang L,Xu WH,Zhou TJ,Wang JF,Zhai PM, Jones P. 2017. Comparisons of time series of annual mean surface air temperature for China since the 1900S. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 2017: 699-711. (SCI) [141] Liao YL*, Wang JF, Du W, Gao BB, Liu X, Chen G, Song XM, Zheng XY. 2016. Using spatial analysis to understand the spatial heterogeneity of disability employment in China. Transactions in GIS 21(4): 647–660. (SSCI) [140] Liao YL*, Xu B, Wang JF, Liu XC. 2017. A new method for assessing infectious disease outbreak risk. Scientific Reports 7: 40084. (SCI) [139] Ren ZP, Ge Y*, Wang JF, Mao J, Wang X, Zhang Q. 2017. Understanding the inconsistent relationships between socioeconomic factors and poverty incidence across contiguous poverty-stricken regions in China: multilevel modelling. Spatial Statistics 21(2017): 404-420. (SCI) [138] Wong HT*, Wang JF*, Yin Q, Chen S, Lai PC*. 2017. The potential benefits of location specific biometeorological indexes. International Journal of Biometeorology 61(9): 1695–1698. (SCI) [137] Xia CF, Yu XQ, Zheng RS, Zhang SW, Zeng HM, Wang JF, Liao YL, Zou XN, Zuo TT, Yang ZX, Chen WQ. 2017. Spatial and temporal patterns of nasopharyngeal carcinoma mortality in China, 1973–2005. Cancer Letters 2017(401): 33-38. (SCI) [136] Xia CF, Ding C, Zheng RS, Zhang SW, Zeng HM, Wang JF, Liao YL, Zhang NX, Yang ZZ, Chen WQ. 2017. Trends in geographical disparities for cervical cancer mortality in China from 1973 to 2013: a subnational spatio-temporal study. Chinese Journal of Cancer Research 29(6): 487-495. (SCI) [135] Xu CD*, Li YY, Wang JF, Xiao GX. 2017. Spatial-temporal detection of risk factors for bacillary dysentery in Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei, China. BMC Public Health 17: 743. (SCI) [134] Xu WH, Li QX*, Jones P, Wang XL, Yang S, Zhu C, Zhai PM, Wang JF, Vincent L, Trewin B,Dai AG,Gao Y,Ding YH. 2017. A new integrated and homogenized global monthly land surface air temperature dataset for the period since 1900. Climate Dynamics 2017(15): 1-24. (SCI) [133] Yang DY, Xu CD, Wang JF*, Zhao Y. 2017. Spatiotemporal epidemic characteristics and risk factor analysis of malaria in Yunnan Province, China. BMC Public Health 17: 66. (SCI) [132] Yin Q, Wang JF*. 2017. The association between consecutive days’ heat wave and cardiovascular disease mortality in Beijing, China. BMC Public Health 17: 223. (SCI) [131] Zhang ZH, Hu MG*, Ren J, Zhang ZY, Christakos G, Wang JF*. 2017. Probabilistic assessment of high concentrations of particulate matter (PM10) in Beijing, China. Atmospheric Pollution Research 8(2017): 1143-1150. (SCI) 2016 [130] Wang JF*, Zhang TL, Fu BJ. 2016. A measure of spatial stratified heterogeneity. Ecological Indicators 67(2016): 250-256. (SCI) [129] Cao CX, Chen W, Zheng S, Zhao J, Chang CY, Wang JF, Cao WC. 2016. Analysis of spatiotemporal characteristics of pandemic SARS spread in mainland China. BioMed Research International 2016(12): 1-12. (SCI) [128] Huang DC, Wang JF*, Huang JX, Sui DZ, Zhang HY, Hu MG, Xu CD. 2016. Towards identifying and remedying the bias of disease information extracted from search engine data. PLOS Computational Biology 12(6): e1004876. (SCI) [127] Ju HR, Zhang ZX, Zuo LJ, Wang JF, Zhang SR, Wang X, Zhao XL. 2016. Driving forces and their interactions of builtup land expansion based on the geographical detector–a case study of Beijing, China. International Journal of Geographical Information Science 30(11): 2188-2207. (SCI) [126] Kong LC, Wang JF*, Han WG, Cao ZD. 2016. Modelling heterogeneity in direct infectious disease transmission in a compartmental model. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 13: 253. (SCI) [125] Li XX, Ren ZP, Wang LX, Zhang H, Jiang SW, Chen JX, Wang JF, Zhou XN. 2016. Co-endemicity of pulmonary tuberculosis and intestinal helminth infection in the People's Republic of China. PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases 10(4): e0004580. (SCI) [124] Liao YL*, Zhang Y, Wang JF*, Liu X, Zhang NX, Xu B. 2016. Temporal and spatial analysis of neural tube defects and detection of geographical factors in Shanxi Province, China. PLOS ONE. 11(4): e0150332. (SCI) [123] Lu L, Ren ZP, Yue YJ, Yu XT, Lu S, Li GC, Li HL, W JC, Liu JL, Mu Y, Hai R, Yamg YH, Wei RJ, Kan B, Wang H, Wang JF, Wang ZY, Liu QY, Xu JG. 2016. Niche modeling predictions of the potential distribution of Marmota himalayana, the host animal of plague in Yushu County of Qinghai. BMC Public Health 16:183.(SCI) [122] Luo W, Jasiewicz J, Stepinski T, Wang JF, Xu CD, Cang XZ. 2016. Spatial association between dissection density and environmental factors over the entire conterminous United States. Geophysical Research Letters 43(2): 692-700. (SCI) [121] Ren J, Gao BB, Fan HM*, Zhang ZH, Zhang Y. Wang JF*. 2016. Pollutant mean concentration assessment of Yangtz estuary based on MSN theory. Marine Pollution Bulletin 113 (2016): 216-223. (SCI) [120] Ren ZP, Wang DQ, Ma AM, Hwang J, Bennett A, Sturrock HJW, Fan JF, Zhang WJ, Yang D, Feng XY, Xia ZG, Zhou XN*, Wang JF*. 2016. Predicting malaria vector distribution under climate change scenarios in China: Challenges for malaria elimination. Scientific Reports 6: 20604. (SCI) [119] Song YZ, Ge Y, Wang JF, Ren ZP, Liao YL, Peng JH. 2016. Spatial distribution estimation of malaria in northern China and its scenarios in 2020, 2030, 2040 and 2050. Malaria Journal (2016) 15: 345. (SCI). [118] Wang L, Wang JF*, Xu CD, Liu TJ. 2016. Modelling input-output flows of severe acute respiratory syndrome in mainland China. BMC Public Health 2016, 16:191. (SCI) [117] Xia CF, Kahn C, Wang JF, Liao YL, Chen WQ, Yu XQ. 2016. Temporal trends in geographical variation in breast cancer mortality in China, 1973-2005: an analysis of nationwide surveys on cause of death. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 13, 963. (SCI) [116] Yin Q, Wang JF*, Hu MG, Wong HT. 2016. The estimation of daily PM2.5 concentration and the relationship with PM10 and meteorological conditions in Beijing. 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