







  • 杨振山
  • 副研究员


男,中国科学院地理科学与资源所区域可持续发展分析与模拟重点实验室副研究员, 中国科学院“美丽中国生态文明建设科技工程”A类先导专项办公室副主任,中国科学院地理科学与资源所旅游与社会文化地理研究室副主任,荷兰乌特勒支大学,城市与区域规划专业博士,英国剑桥大学访问学者,世界银行、亚洲开发银行特邀专家顾问,国家发改委、环保部、民政部等多部委规划和政策分析专家,与欧盟、世界粮农组织、美国林肯土地基金会和国际都市农业基金会等保持长期密切的合作关系。

近5年来,主持多项国家自然基金(青年基金和青年-面上连续项目,重点基金子课题各1项),2008和2012年,两次作为世界银行特邀城市问题专家,对城市土地利用效率和产业转移展开研究,2015-2017年间四次做为亚开行特邀专家对开发区建设和区域经济合作展开研究。2004年获得加拿大国际发展研究中心AGROPOLIS 奖; 2014年入选中国科学院青年创新促进会;2015-2016年获得国家教育部资助,赴英国剑桥大学进行学术访问;2016年获得中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所可桢青年人才奖;2017年全国第二届“吴传钧优秀人文地理论文奖”二等奖;2018年获得中国科学院青年创新促进会优秀会员资助。


城市与经济地理,但具有遥感、GIS和旅游多重研究与实践背景,在开发区建设,城镇建设、区域经济合作等方面做出一定贡献,具有一定的影响力。论文多发表于城市与经济地理类国内外顶级期刊Progress in Human Geography, Regional Studies, Environment Planning A, Cities, Habitat International, Spatial Economic Analysis,地理学报、城市规划等。


1.Zhenshan Yang, Gaojian Hao & Zhe Cheng (2018) Investigating operations of industrial parks in Beijing: efficiency at different stages, Economic Research, 31:1, 755-777.

2.Yang, Z., & Dunford, M. (2018). City shrinkage in China: An analysis of scalar processes of urban and Hukou population losses. Regional Studies, 52(8), 1111-1121.

3.Ting Zhao, Zhenshan Yang*. Towards Green Growth and Management: Relative Efficiency and Gaps of Chinese Cities. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews.(SSCI), 2017, 80:481-494.

4.Zhenshan Yang, Peng Jia, Weidong Liua, Hongchun Yin. Car ownership and urban development in Chinese cities: A panel data analysis. Journal of Transport Geography. 2017. 58: 127-134.

5.Chuanzhun Sun, Chao Sun, Zhenshan Yang*, Jikang Zhang and Yu Deng. Urban Land Development for Industrial and Commercial Use: A Case Study of Beijing. Sustainability. 2016. 8:1323-1340.

6.Zhenshan Yang, Book review: Michael Dunford and Weidong Liu (eds), The Geographical Transformation of China”, Progress in Human Geography, (SSCI, DOI: 10.1177/0309132516678553).

7.Zhenshan Yang*, and Michael Dunford. Cluster Evolution and Urban Industrial Dynamics in the Transition from a Planned to a Socialist Market Economy. Spatial Economic Analysis, 2017, 12(1):50-71

8.Zhe Cheng, Yongjian Ke, Jin Lin, Zhenshan Yang, and Jianming Cai. Spatio-temporal dynamics of PPP Projects in China. International Journal of Project Management, 2016, 34, 1242-51.(SSCI)

9.Yang,Zhenshan, Hao, P., Liu, Weidong., & Cai, Jianming*. (2016). Peri-urban agricultural development in Beijing: Varied forms, innovative practices and policy implications. Habitat International, 56, 222-234. (SSCI)

10. Yang, Zhenshan, Song, Tao., & Chahine, T. (2016). Spatial representations and policy implications of industrial co-agglomerations, a case study of Beijing. Habitat International, 55, 32-45. (SSCI)

11. Xie, Liou, Yang, Zhenshan*, Cai, Jianming, Cheng, Zhe, Wen, Ting., & Song, Tao. (2016). Harbin: A rust belt city revival from its strategic position. Cities (SSCI)

12. Tao Song, Zhenshan Yang*. Urban Metabolic Efficiencies and Elasticities of Chinese Cities, Chinese Geographical Sciences, 2016 in press. (SSCI)

13. Zhenshan Yang. Geographies of click-consumption power in China. Environment and Planning A, 2016, 10.1177/0308518X16635655. (SSCI)

14. Zhenshan Yang, Pu Hao and Jianming Cai. Economic Clusters: a Bridge between Economic and Spatial Policies in the Case of Beijing, Cities, 42:pp:171-185, 2015. (SSCI)

15. Zhenshan Yang, Jianming Cai. Do Regional Factors Matter? Determinants of Hotel Industry Performance in China. Tourism Management, 52, 242-253., 2016. (SSCI)

16. Zhenshan Yang, Liang Jinshe and Jianming Cai. (2014): Urban Economic Cluster Template and Its Dynamics-A Case of Beijing, Chinese Geographical Sciences, 24(6): pp740-750, 2014

17. Zhenshan Yang, Jianming Cai, Michael Dunford and Douglas Webster. (2014): Rethinking of the Relationship between Agriculture and the Urban Economy in Beijing: An Input-Output Approach, Technological and Economic Development of Economy, 20(4): pp324-647, 2014

18. Zhenshan Yang, Jianming Cai, Henk F. L. Ottens, and Richard Sliuzas. Beijing. Cities, 2013. 31(0): p. 491-506. (SSCI)

19. Zhenshan Yang, Richard Sliuzas, Jianming Cai and Henk Ottens. Exploring Spatial Evolution of Economic Clusters in Beijing.International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation. 2012,19: 252-265. (SCI,)

20. Zhenshan Yang, Jianming Cai, and Richard Sliuzas. Agro-tourism enterprises as a form of multi-functional urban agriculture for peri-urban development in China. Habitat International. 2010, 34(4):374-385. (SCI)

21. 温婷, 林静,蔡建明, 杨振山, 丁悦. 城市舒适性:中国城市竞争力评估的新视角及实证研判, 地理研究,2016,35(2):214-226.

22. 冯建喜,杨振山*. 南京市城市老年人出行行为影响因素研究. 地理科学进展2015, 34(12): 1598-1608.

23. 杨振山,孙艺芸. (2015). 城市收缩现象、过程与问题, 人文地理,30(4):6-10).

24. 杨振山,龙瀛,Nicolas DOUAY. (2015). 大数据对人文—经济地理学研究的促进与局限, 34(4): 410-417.

25. 杨振山,夏岚,钟林生,胡瑞山. 2015. 我国饭店业地区运行效率评价与提升途径,旅游学刊,30(5):31-44.

26. 杨振山,张慧,丁悦,孙艺芸. (2015).城市绿色空间研究内容与展望, 地理科学进展,34(1):18-29.

27. 杨振山*,程哲,蔡建明.从国外经验看我国城市群一体化组织与管理.区域经济评论,2015, 4:143-150.

28. 杨振山,蔡建明,付成伟. 产业集群理论对我国城市规划建设的启示. 城市规划,第36卷,第12期,60-68页,2012.

29. 杨振山, 文辉, 蔡建明. 2011. 从投入产出视角看城乡经济关系的发展与演变. 经济地理 31(8):1294-1230.

30. 杨振山,蔡建明,文辉. 郑州市2001~2007年城市扩张过程中城市用地景观特征分析. 地理科学, 2010, 30(4):600-606.

31. 杨振山,蔡建明,高晓路. 利用探索式空间数据分析解析北京城市空间经济发展模式. 地理学报, 2009, 64(8) 945-955

32. 杨振山,蔡建明. 国外多中心规划理念与发展经验对中国的借鉴作用. 国际城市规划2008, 23 (4): 71-77.