- 任卓翔
- 正高级工程师
2001-2004美国Cadence Design Systems公司资深顾问
2004-2010美国Mentor Graphics公司主任工程师
承担科研项目情况: 代表论著:1)Book chapter: “Modèles et formulations en électromagnetisime, Electromagnetisme et éléments finis 3”, Edited by G. Meunier, Hermes Science Publication, Lavoisier, 2003.
2)“The finite element method for electromagnetic modeling”, Edited by G. Meunier, ISTE, Wiley, 2008.
3)Patent: Z. Ren, W. Zhang and J. Falbo, 'Computation of electrical properties of an IC layout',US Patent No.7712068, 2007
4)Patent: Z.Ren, Z. Feng, 'Statistical Interconnect Corner Extraction', MG 10482-REG1, 2009
5)B. Davat, Z. Ren, M. Lajoie-Mazenc, 'The movement in field modeling', IEEE Trans. on Mag., Vol.21, No.6, November, 1985, pp.2296-2298
6)Z. Ren, F. Bouillault, A. Razek, A.Bossavit, J.C. Vérité, 'A new hybrid model using electric field formulation for 3-D eddy current problems', IEEE Trans. on Mag., Vol.26, No.2, 1990, pp.470-473
7)Z. Ren, A. Razek, 'Local force computation in deformable bodies using edge elements', IEEE Trans. on Mag., Vo1.28, 1992, pp.1212-1215
8)Z. Ren, A. Razek, 'Boundary edges elements and spanning tree technique in 3-D electro-magnetic field computation', Int. Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, Vol.36, 1993, pp.2877-2893
9)C. Li, Z. Ren, A. Razek, 'Complementarity between the energy results of H and E formulations in eddy current problems', IEE Proc.-Sci. Meas. Technol., Vol.1, No.1, January, 1994, pp.25-30
10)Z. Ren, 'Comparison of different force calculation methods in 3D finite element modelling', IEEE Trans. on Mag., Vol.30, No.5, September, 1994, pp.3471-3474
11)Z. Ren, B. Ionescu, M. Besbes, A. Razek, 'Calculation of mechanical deformation of magnetic material in electromagnetic devices', IEEE Trans. on Mag., Vol.31, No.3, May, 1995, pp.1873-1876
12)Z. Ren, A. Razek (invited paper), 'Computation of 3-D electromagnetic field using differential forms based elements and dual formulations', International Journal of Numerical Modelling, Electronic Networks, Devices and Fields, Vol. 9, Nos 1& 2, January-April 1996, pp.81-98
13)Z. Ren, 'Influence of the R.H.S. on the convergence behaviour of the curl-curl equation', IEEE Trans. on Mag., Vol.32, No.3, May, 1996, pp. 655-658
14)M. El-Feddi, Z. Ren, A. Razek, A. Bossavit, ‘Homogenization technique for Maxwell equations in periodic structure’, IEEE Trans. on Mag., Vol.33, No.2, March, 1997, pp.1382-1385
15)Z. Ren, 'Degenerated Whitney prism elements - general nodal and edge shell elements for field computation in thin structures', IEEE Trans. on Mag., Vol.34, No.5, Sept, 1998, pp. 2547-2550
16)Z. Ren, N. Ida, 'High order differential form based elements for the computation of electromagnetic field', IEEE Trans. On Mag., Vol.36, No.4, July 2000, pp.1472-1478
17)Z. Ren (invited paper), 'Application of differential forms in the finite element formulation of electromagnetic problems', ICS Newsletter, Vol.7 No.3, 2000
18)Z. Ren, 'A T-? formulation for eddy current problems in multiply connected regions ', IEEE Trans. On Mag., Vol.38, No.2, March 2002, pp.557-560
19)Z. Ren, D. Petranovic, J. Falbo (invited communication), 'Interconnect parasitics sensitivity for modeling and analysis of process variation in nanometer technology', VLSI Multilevel Interconnection Conference (VMIC), Fremont, California, September, 2007
20)Z. Ren, H. Hegazy, N. Kurt-Karsilayan, 'Characterization of dynamic substrate macro-model in mixed signal IC systems using 3D finite element method', IEEE Trans. Mag., Vol.44, No 6, 2008, pp.1466-69
21)H. Qu, L. Kong, Y. Xu, X. Xu, Z. Ren, 'Finite element computation of sensitivities of interconnect parasitic capacitances to the process variation in VLSI ', IEEE Trans. On Mag., Vol.44, 2008, pp.1386-89
22)Z. Ren, 'On the complementarity of dual formulations on dual meshes', IEEE Trans. On Mag., Vol.45, No 3, March 2009, pp.1284-1287
23)Z. Feng, P. Li, Z. Ren, “SICE: design-dependent statistical interconnect corner extraction under inter/intra-die variations,” IET Circts, Devices & Systems, vol.3, no.5, pp. 248-258, Oct. 2009
24)Z. Ren, H. Qu, “Investigation of the complementarity of dual eddy current formulations on dual meshes,” IEEE Trans. On Mag., Vol.46, No 8, August 2010, pp .3161-3164
25)Z. Ren, H. Qu, X. Xu “Computation of second order capacitance sensitivity using adjoint method in finite element modeling,”, IEEE Trans. On Mag., Vol. 48, n° 2, pp. 231-234, February 2012.
26)Z. Ren, X. Xu, 'Dual discrete geometric methods in terms of scalar potential on unstructured mesh in electrostatics', IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, Vol. 50, No 2, February 2014
27)H. Talleb, Z. Ren, 'Finite element modeling of magnetoelectric laminate composites in considering nonlinear and load effects for energy harvesting', J. of Alloys and Compounds, Vol. 615, 2014, pp. 65-74
28)Z. Qin, H. Talleb, Z. Ren, 'A Proper Generalized Decomposition based solver for nonlinear magnetothermal problems ', IEEE Trans on Magnetics, Vol. 52, Issue 2, 2016
专利申请: 获奖及荣誉:1996年获法国国家科学研究中心(CNRS)铜质奖章