







  • 黄韶辉
  • 研究员

黄韶辉 博士 研究员








邮政编码 100101


简历 & 研究组工作摘要

1989-1991 中山大学生物化学系,本科生

1991-1993 堪萨斯大学分子生命科学系,生物化学学士

1993-1998 堪萨斯大学分子生命科学系,生物化学、细胞和分子生物学博士

1998-2002 康奈尔大学应用和工程物理系,博士后

2002-2009 马萨诸塞大学医学院分子医药系,研究助理教授

2009-2013 宾夕法尼亚大学医学院环境医学研究所,研究员

2009-2013 宾夕法尼亚大学医学院环境医学研究所,研究员

2009-2013 宾夕法尼亚大学医学院环境医学研究所肺成像和形态学中心,主任

2013-至今 中国科学院生物物理研究所,研究员、课题组长



课题组开发了目前全球市场上唯一一款荧光相关光谱POCT(Point-of-care Testing)分析仪CorTectorTMSX100。在此基础上与广东中山翠亨新区合作实施“荧光相关光谱仪和其他光学仪器的产业化项目”。该项目致力于科研、医疗仪器及相关试剂的研发、制造和销售。此外,课题组还搭建了具世界领先水平的单分子研究平台“全参数荧光检测光谱仪-原子力显微镜整合系统”,并应用于生物医学领域的前沿研究。


课题组开展新型靶向药物、功能高分子材料及药物智能递送系统的研究。开发光敏感纳米材料和基于纳米技术的重大疾病诊疗一体化系统。应用先进光学成像、光谱分析技术对纳米材料在细胞内转运机制进行定量分析。开展与肺纤维化疾病相关的肺泡II型细胞中板层小体(Lamellar Body)巨大化病变的分子机制研究。






































1. Liang Y., Li S., Wang X., Zhang Y., Sun Y., Wang Y., Wang X., He B., Dai W., Zhang H., Wang X., Zhang Q., A comparative study of the antitumor efficacy of responsive prodrug-nanosystem consisting of amphiphilic small-molecule targeting peptide-doxorubicin conjugates with different linkers, J Control Release, 2018, Accept.

2. Liang Y., Li S., Wang X., He B., He B., Dai W., Zhang H., Wang X., Wang Y., Zhou D., ZhangQ., A Nanosystem of Amphiphilic Oligopeptide-Drug Conjugate Actualizing Both αvβ3 Targeting and Reduction-Triggered Release for Maytansinoid, Theranostics, 2017, 7(13): 3306-3318.

3. Yang Y., Wang Q., Wang S.R., Wang Y.*, Xiao Q.*, Representation of time interval entrained by periodic stimuli in the visual thalamus of pigeons, Elife, 2017, 6: e27995.

4. Liang Y.*, Dong C., Zhang J., Deng L., Dong A., A reconstituted thermosensitive hydrogel system based on paclitaxel-loaded amphiphilic copolymer nanoparticles and antitumor efficacy, Drug Dev Ind Pharm,2017, 43(6): 972-979.

5. Xu L., Ren Z., Chow F.E., Tsai R., Liu T., Rizzolio F., Boffo S., Xu Y., Huang S., Lippa C.F., Gong Y., Pathological Role of Peptidyl-Prolyl Isomerase Pin1 in the Disruption of Synaptic Plasticity in Alzheimer’s Disease. Neural Plast, 2017, 2017: 3270725.

6. Stacho M., Str?ckens F., Xiao Q.*, Güntürkün O., Functional organization of telencephalic visual association fields in pigeons, Behav Brain Res, 2016,303: 93-102.

7. Liang Y., Xiao L., Zhai Y., Xie C., Deng L., Dong A., Preparation and Characterization of Biodegradable Poly(sebacic anhydride) Chain Extended by Glycol as Drug Carrier, J Appl Polym Sci, 2013, 127(5): 3948-3953.

8. Xiao Q.*, Frost B.J., Motion parallax processing in pigeon (Columba livia) pretectal neurons, Eur J neurosci, 2013, 37(7): 1103-1111.

9. Roszell B.R., Tao J.Q., Yu K.J., Gao L., Huang S., Ning Y., Feinstein S.I., Vite C.H., Bates S.R., Pulmonary Abnormalities in Animal Models Due to Niemann-Pick Type C1 (NPC1) or C2 (NPC2) Disease, PLoS One, 2013, 8(7): e67084.

10. Liang Y., Qiao Y., Guo S., Wang L., Zhai Y., Xie C., Hu R., Deng L., Dong A., Investigation on injectable, thermally and physically gelable poly(ethylene glycol)/poly(octadecanedioic anhydride) amphiphilic triblock copolymer nanoparticles, J Biomater Sci Polym Ed, 2012, 23(1-4): 465-482.

11. Rahaman H., Zhou S., Dodia C., Feinstein S.I., Huang S., Speicher D.W., Fisher A.B., Increased phospholipase A(2) activity with phosphorylation of peroxiredoxin 6 requires a conformational change in the protein, Biochemistry, 2012, 51(27): 5521-5530.

12. Yu M., Huang S., Yu K.J., Clyne A.M., Dextran and polymer polyethylene glycol (PEG) coating reduce both 5 and 30 nm iron oxide nanoparticle cytotoxicity in 2D and 3D cell culture, Int J Mol Sci, 2012, 13(5): 5554-5570.

13. Feng S., Knodler A., Zhang J., Zhang X., Hong Y., Huang S., Peranen J., Guo W., A Rab8 GEF-effector interaction network regulates primary ciliogenesis, J Biol Chem, 2012, 287(19): 15602-15609.

14. Roszell B.R., Tao J.Q., Yu K.J., Huang S., Bates S.R., Characterization of the Niemann-Pick type C pathway in the lamellar body cholesterol content of alveolar type II cells, Am J Physiol Lung Cell Mol Physiol, 2012, 302(9): L919-932.

15. Zhang L., Yu K., Robert K.W., DeBolt K.M., Hong N., Tao J.-Q., Fukuda M., Fisher A.B., Huang, S.*, Rab38 targets to lamellar bodies and normalizes their sizes in lung alveolar type II epithelial cells, Am J Physiol Lung Cell Mol Physiol, 2011, 301(4): L461-477.

16. Liang Y., Deng L., Chen C., Zhang J., Zhou R., Li X., Hu R., Dong A., Preparation and properties of thermoreversible hydrogels based on methoxy poly(ethylene glycol)-grafted chitosan nanoparticles for drug delivery systems, Carbohydr Polym, 2011, 83(4): 1828-1833.

17. Liang Y., Xiao L., Li Y., Zhai Y., Xie C., Deng L., Dong A., Poly(ester anhydride)/mPEG Amphiphilic Block Co-polymer Nanoparticles as Delivery Devices for Paclitaxel, J Biomater Sci Polym Ed, 2011, 22(4-6): 701-715.

18. Thom S.R., Bhopale V.M., Yang M., Bogush M., Huang S., Milovanova T.N., Neutrophil β2 integrin inhibition by enhanced interactions of vasodilator-stimulated phosphoprotein with s-nitrosylated actin, J Biol Chem, 2011, 286(37): 32854-32865.

19. Thom S.R., Yang M., Bhopale V.M., Huang S., Milovanova T.N., Microparticles initiate decompression-induced neutrophil activation and subsequent vascular injuries, J Appl Physiol, 2011, 110(2): 340-351.

20. Shuvaev V.V., Han J., Yu K.J., Huang S., Hawkins B.J., Madesh M., Nakada M., Muzykantov V.R., PECAM-targeted delivery of SOD inhibits endothelial inflammatory response, FASEB J, 2011, 25(1): 348-357.

21. Liang Y., Qiao Y., Guo S., Wang L., Xie C., Zhai Y., Deng L., Dong A., Thermoreversible gelation of poly(ethylene glycol)/poly(ester anhydride) triblock copolymer nanoparticles for injectable drug delivery systems, Soft Matter, 2010, 6(9): 1915-1922.

22. Saito T., Jones C.C., Huang S., Czech M.P., Pilch P.F., The interaction of AKT with APPL1 is required for insulin-stimulated Glut4 translocation, J Biol Chem, 2007, 282(44): 32280-32287.

23.DiNtto J.P., Delprato A., Gabe Lee M.T., Cronin T.C., Huang S., Guilherme A., Czech M.P., Lambright D.G., Structural basis and mechanism of autoregulation in 3-phosphoinositide dependent Arf GTPase exchange factors, Mol Cell, 2007, 28(4): 569-583.

24. Huang S., Czech M.P., The GLUT4 glucose transporter, Cell Metab, 2007, 5(4): 237-252.

25. Huang S., Lifshitz L., Jones C., Bellve K.D., Standley C., Fonseca S., Corvera S., Fogarty K., Czech M.P., Insulin stimulates membrane fusion and GLUT4 accumulation in clathrin coats on adipocyte plasma membranes, Mol Cell Biol, 2007, 27(9): 3456-3469.

26. Bose A., Guilherme A., Huang S., Hubbard A.C., Lane C.R., Soriano N.A., Czech M.P., The v-SNARE Vti1a regulates insulin-stimulated glucose transport and Acrp30 secretion in 3T3-L1 adipocytes, J Biol Chem, 2005, 280(44): 36946-36951.

27. Huang S., Lifshitz L., Patki-Kamath V., Tuft R., Fogarty K., Czech M.P., Phosphatidylinositol-4,5-bisphosphate-rich plasma membrane patches organize active zones of endocytosis and ruffling in cultured adipocytes, Mol Cell Biol, 2004, 24(20): 9102-9123.

28.Hess S.T., Huang S., Heikal A.A., Webb W.W., Biological and Chemical Applications of Fluorescence correlation spectroscopy: a review, Biochemistry, 2002, 41(3): 697-705.

29. Huang S., Heikal A.A., Webb W.W., Two-photon fluorescence spectroscopy and microscopy of NAD(P)H and flavoprotein, Biophys J, 2002, 82(5): 2811-2825.

30. Wenseleers W., Stellacci F., Pond S., Parker T., Mangel T., Halik M., Meyer-Friedrichsen T., Perry J.W., Marder S.R., Heikal A.A., Huang S., Webb, W.W., Two-photon fluorescent labels with enhanced sensitivity for biological imaging, 2000, IEEE (LEOS 2000) 1:330-331.

31. Negash S., Huang S., Squier T.C., Rearrangement of domain elements of the Ca-ATPase in cardiac sarcoplasmic reticulum membranes upon phospholamban phosphorylation, Biochemistry, 1999, 38(25): 8150-8158.

32. Huang S., Squier T.C., Enhanced rotational dynamics of the phosphorylation domain of the Ca-ATPase upon calcium activation, Biochemistry, 1999, 37(51): 18064-18073.

33. Huang S., Negash S., Squier T.C., Erythrosin isocyanate selectively labels lysine464 within an ATP-protectable binding site on the Ca-ATPase in skeletal sarcoplasmic reticulum membranes, Biochemistry, 1998, 37(19): 6949-6957.
