[1] Xiaopeng Zhang, Shaochun Zhong, Zhigeng Pan, Kevin Wong, and Ruwei Yun, Technologies for E-Learning and Digital Entertainment, Proceedings of Third International Conference, Edutainment 2010, Cahngchun, China, August 16-18, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer, 2010. EI.
[2] Thierry Fourcaud, Xiaopeng Zhang, Plant Growth Modeling and Applications, Proceedings of PMA06, IEEE Computer Society Press, Los Alamitos, California, 2007. EI.
[3] Zhigeng Pan, Xiaopeng Zhang, Abdennour El Rhalibi, Woontack Woo, and Yi Li, Technologies for E-Learning and Digital Entertainment, Proceedings of Third International Conference, Edutainment 2008, Nanjing, China, June 25-27, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 5093, Springer, 2008. EI.
[4] Xiaopeng Zhang, Bo Xiang, WuJun Che, Marc Jaeger, Volume Decomposition and Hierarchical Skeletonization for Shape Analysis. In: Pattern Recognition, Peng-Yeng Yin (Ed.), IN-TECH Press, Vienna, pp. 47-71, 2009. ISBN: 978-953-307-014-8.
[5] Weiming Dong, Ning Zhou, Jean-Claude Paul, Xiaopeng Zhang, Optimized content-aware image resizing using seam carving and scaling. ACM Transactions on Graphics, Vol 28, No. 5, p.29, 2009. SCI, EI.
[6] Xiaopeng Zhang, WuJun Che, Jean-Claud Paul, Computing lines of curvature on implicit surfaces. Computer Aided Geometric Design, Vol 26, No. 9, p. 923-940, 2009. SCI, EI.
[7] Qingqiong Deng, Xiaopeng Zhang, Gang Yang, Marc Jaeger, Multiresolution Foliage for Forest Rendering, Journal Computer Animation and Virtual World, Vol 21, No. 1, p. 1-23, 2010. doi: 10.1002/cav.283. SCI, EI
[8] Xiaopeng Zhang, Hongjun Li, Zhanglin Cheng, Yikuan Zhang, Robust Curvature Estimation and Geometry Analysis of 3d Point Cloud Surfaces, to be published in Journal of Computational Information Systems, Vol. 5, 2009. EI.
[9] Xiaopeng Zhang, Jianfei Liu, Marc Jaeger, Zili Li, Volume Decomposition for Hierarchical Skeletonization, The International Journal of Virtual Reality, Vol. 8, No.1, pp. 89-97, 2009.
[10] Rafael Bidarra, Xiaopeng Zhang, Game Technology for Training and Education, International Journal of Computer Games Technology, Volume 2009, Article ID 521020, doi:10.1155/2009/521020. EI. In print.
[11] Zhanglin Cheng, Xiaopeng Zhang, Estimating Differential Quantities from Point Cloud Based on a Linear Fitting of Normal Vectors, Science in China Series F, Information Sciences, Vol. 52, No. 3, pp. 431-444, 2009. SCI, EI.
[12] Wei Ma, Bo Xiang, Hongbin Zha, Jia Liu, Xiaopeng Zhang, Modeling Plants with Sensor Data, Science in China Series F, Information Sciences, Vol. 52, No. 3, pp. 500-510. 2009. SCI, EI.
[13] Qingqiong Deng, Xiaopeng Zhang, Grid-Based View-Dependent Foliage Simplification, Journal of Computational Information Systems, Journal of Computational Information Systems, Vol. 4, No.4, 1643-1650, 2008. EI.
[14] Thierry Fourcaud, Xiaopeng Zhang, Alexia Stokes, Hans Lambers, Christian Körner, Plant growth modelling and applications: the increasing importance of plant architecture in growth models, Annals of Botany, Vol.101, No. 8, pp.1053-1063, 2008. SCI, EI.
[15] Zhanglin Cheng, Xiaopeng Zhang, Baoquan Chen, Simple reconstruction of tree branches from a single range image. Journal of Computer Science and Technology, Vol. 22, No. 6, pp. 846-858, 2007. SCI, EI.
[16] Wujun Che, Jean-Claude Paul, Xiaopeng Zhang, Lines of curvature and umbilical points for implicit surfaces, Computer Aided Geometric Design, Vol. 24, No. 7, pp. 395-409, 2007. SCI, EI.
[17] Qingqiong Deng, Xiaopeng Zhang, Sebastien Gay, Xiangdong Lei. Continuous LOD model of Coniferous Foliage, The International Journal of Virtual Reality, Vol. 6, No.4, pp. 77-84, 2007.
[18] Xiangdong Lei, Yuanchang Lu, Changhui Peng, Xiaopeng Zhang, Jie Chang, Lingxia Hong, Growth and structure development of semi-natural larch-spruce-fir (Larix olgensis-Picea jezoensis-Abies nephrolepis) forests in northeast China: 12-year results after thinning. Forest Ecology and Management, 240, pp. 165–177, 2007. SCI, EI.
[19] Xiaopeng Zhang, Yanyun Chen, Enhua Wu, Hair Image Generation Using Connected Texels, Journal of Computer Science and Technology, Vol.16, No.4, pp.341-350, 2001. SCI, EI.