







  • 徐菊
  • 正高级工程师
  • 北京市海淀区中关村北2街6号

简 历:1997年毕业于南昌大学化学工程系,获工学硕士学位。1998年到中国科学院过程工程所攻读材料化学专业硕士学位,2001年获中国科学院研究生院硕士学位。2002年10月在爱尔兰国立科克大学攻读化学博士,2008年获哲学博士学位,2007年2月-2013年11月,爱尔兰国立科克大学微系统中心任职博士后研究学者和Ircset-Marie Curie研究学者,从事电子封装材料及生物传感器方面的研究。

社会任职:ECS会员 研究方向:1)电力电子封装技术2)生物微系统加工及制造3)电工及能源新材料


1、Ju Xu Lan Chen, Alan Mathewson and Kafil M. Razeeb Ultra Long Metal Nanowire Arrays on Solid Substrate with Strong Bonding, Nanoscale Research Letters, 2011, 6, 525;

2、Ju Xu, Fengjun Shang, John H. T. Luong, Kafil M. Razeeb, Jeremy D. Glennon Direct Electrochemistry of Horseradish Peroxidase Immobilized on a Monolayer Modified Nanowire Array Electrode, Bioelectronics & Biosensors, 2010, 25, 1313-1318; 

3、Ju Xu, Alessio Munari, Eric Dalton, Alan Mathewson and Kafil M. Razeeb Silver Nanowire Array - Polymer Composite as Thermal Interface Material J. Appl. Phys., 2009, 106, 124310, selected for republication in Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science & Technology;

4、Ju Xu, Kafil Razeeb, Saibol Roy, Thermal Properties of Single Walled Carbon Nanotube-Silicone Nanocomposites, Journal of Polymer Science B, 2008, 46,1845-1852;

5、 Ju Xu, Nikolay Petkov, Xueyan Wu, Daniela Iacopino, Aidan Quinn, Gareth Redmond,Thomas Bein, Michael A. Morris and Justin D. Holmes, Oriented Growth of Single Crystalline Bi2S3 Nanowire Arrays, ChemPhysChem., 2007, 8, 235-240;

6、 Ju Xu, Wenhua Zhang, Michael A. Morris and Justin D. Holmes, The Formation of Ordered Bismuth Nanowire Arrays within Mesoporous Silica Templates, Materials Chemistry and Physics, 2007, 104, 50-55;

7、 Lan Chen, Ju Xu, Wen-Hua Zhang, Justin D. Holmes; Michael A. Morris, Syntheses of complex mesoporous silicas using mixtures of nonionic block copolymer surfactants: Understanding formation of different structures using solubility parameters, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 2011, 353, 169-180;

8、 Mamun Jamal, Ju Xu, Kafil M. Razeeb, Disposable biosensor based on immobilisation of glutamate oxidase on Pt nanoparticles modified Au nanowire array electrode Bioelectronics & Biosensors, 2010,26, 1420-1424;

9、 Lan Chen, Zhang Wenhua, Ju Xu, David A Tanner, Michael A Morris, Mesopore constrictions derived from the substitutionally co-packed SBA-15, Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, 2010, 129, 179-198;

10、Lan Chen, Ju Xu, Justin D. Holmes, Michael A. Morris, A Facile Route to ZnO Nanoparticle Superlattices: Synthesis, Functionalization, and Self-Assembly J. Phys. Chem. C, 2010, 114, 2003-2011;

11、 Lan Chen, Ju Xu, David A. Tanner, Machteld Van der Meulen, Richard Phelan, Justin D. Holmes, M. Morris, One-step Synthesis of Stoichiometrically Defined Metal Oxide Nanoparticles at Room Temperature. Chem. Eur. J., 2009, 15 , 440-448;

12、 Pavels Birjukovs, Nikolay Petkov, Ju Xu, Janis Svirksts, John J. Boland, Justin D. Holmes, and Donats Erts, Electrical Characterization of Bismuth Sulfide Nanowire Arrays by Conductive Atomic Force Microscopy, J. Phys. Chem. C, 2008, 112, 19680–19685;

13、 Nikolay Petkov, Xu Ju, Michael A. Morris and Justin D. Holmes, Confined Growth and Crystallography of One-Dimensional Bi2S3, CdS and SnSx Nanostructures within Channeled Substrates, The journal of physical chemistry C, 2008, 112, 7345;

获奖及荣誉:IRCSET-Marie Curie research fellow