- 杨文晖
- 课题组长
- 正高级工程师
- 北京市海淀区中关村北二条六号

简 历:1989 年华中理工大学(现华中科技大学)光电子学专业毕业,1999 年获中国科学院研究生院电机与电器专业硕士学位,研究员。从1995 年开始从事核磁共振技术工作,主要研究方向是磁共振成像技术的研究工作,近几年开展了超低场磁共振成像和磁共振成像阻抗成像研究工作。 社会任职: 研究方向:医学成像技术、磁共振成像 承担科研项目情况:● 2010 participate in 9.4T ultra-high field metabolic MRI system,be responsible forgradient system● 2008 carried out in ultra-low field magnetic resonance imaging;● 2007 organized and completed clinic 0.35T open MRI systems development.● 2006 organized the research magnetic resonance electrical impedance tomography;● 2001 organized the development of 0.23T open MRI system successfully;● 1998 participated in the development of the world's first permanent 0.35T magnetic resonance imaging magnet;● 1995 participated in international cooperation projects, 'Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer AMS magnet' development wor. 代表论著:[1]. LeiJiang,Yang Wenhui: A Modified Fuzzy C-Means Algorithm for Segmentation of Magnetic Resonance Images,Proceedings VII Digital Image Computing: Techniques and Applications(DICTA’03)。P225—231[2]. LeiJiang,Yang Wenhui: Adaptive Magnetic Resonance Image Denoising Using Mixture Model and Wavelet Shrinkage, Proceedings VII Digital Image Computing: Techniques and Applications(DICTA’03), P831-838;[3]. Yuyu Wang, Huixian Wang, Wenhui Yang, Xiaolin Huo and Tao Song, 2006. A Novel Conductivity Reconstruction Algorithm for Magnetic Resonance Electrical Impedance Tomography (MREIT), Proceeding of 7th Conference on Biomedical Application of Electrical Impedance Tomography, pp. 215-218, Seoul, Korea.[4]. Yuyu Wang, Huixian Wang, Wenhui Yang and Tao Song, 2007. A Comparison of Several Phase Unwrapping Methods in MREIT,NFSI & ICFBI, HANGZHOU, CHINA, 293~296。[5]. Shufeng Wei, Yang Wenhui,LiLi Hu. A background removing method of MR images and its application in the intensity non-uniformity correction methods. Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Information Technology and Application in Biomedicine. Page175-178[6]. Huixian Wang, Yuyu Wang, Wenhui Yang, Zheng Wang and Lili Hu. Conductivity image reconstruction of oblique slice with C-shaped open permanent magnet MRI systems, MT-21[7]. Tao Chunjing; Song, Tao; Yang, Wenhui; Wu, Shizeng Ultra-wideband microwave-induced thermoacoustic tomography of human tissues. IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record, v 4, p 2584-2588, 2007, 2006 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium – Conference Record[8]. Zheng Wang, Wen Hui Yang, Xiao Bing Zhang, Li Li Hu, Hui Xian Wang A Design of 1.5T Permanent Magnet for MR Molecular Imaging 21st International Conference on Magnet Technology[9]. Xiaonan, Ming Wang, Tao Song, Wenhui Yang Fabrication and Test of the Planar Microcoil for NMR Spectroscopy of Samples in nL Level Conference on Solid-State and Integrated Circuits Technology Proceedings, ICSICT, p 2492-2495, 2008[10]. LI Xiaonan,Zhao Wuyi Wang Ming, Song Tao, Yang Wenhui Design and Fabrication of a NMR-Spectroscopy Microcoil for Nano-Liter Sample Chinese Journa1 of Electronics Vo1.18,No.1,Jan.2009 专利申请: 获奖及荣誉: