







  • 叶初阳
  • 副研究员
简 历:

研究领域 医学图像的处理和分析方法的研究,尤其是机器学习/深度学习在这一领域的应用。主要包括磁共振图像(特别是弥散磁共振图像)的处理方法,及其在脑结构和功能研究中的应用。

教育背景2009.9-2014.12 约翰霍普金斯大学 电子与计算机工程系 博士 导师:Jerry Prince 2009.9-2011.12 约翰霍普金斯大学 电子与计算机工程系 硕士 2005.9-2009.7 北京大学 信息科学技术学院 理学学士

工作经历2016.11-至今 中国科学院自动化研究所脑网络组研究中心:副研究员(硕士生导师,2017.1-至今) 2015.3-2016.10 中国科学院自动化研究所脑网络组研究中心:助理研究员

发表论文C. Ye, “Estimation of Tissue Microstructure Using a Deep Network Inspired by a Sparse Reconstruction Framework”,Information Processing in Medical Imaging (IPMI), 2017. C. Ye, J.L. Prince, 'Probabilistic tractography using Lasso bootstrap', Medical Image Analysis 35, Pages 544–553, 2017. C. Ye, “Fiber orientation estimation using nonlocal and local information”, Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention (MICCAI), 2016. C. Ye, J. Zhuo, R.P. Gullapalli, J.L. Prince, 'Estimation of fiber orientations using neighborhood information'', Medical Image Analysis 32, Pages 243–256, 2016. C. Ye, J.L. Prince, 'A Bayesian approach to fiber orientation estimation guided by volumetric tract segmentation', Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics 54, Pages 35{47, 2016. Z. Yang, C. Ye, J.A. Bogovic, A. Carass, B.M. Jedynak, S.H. Ying, J.L. Prince, 'Automated cerebellar lobule segmentation with application to cerebellar structural analysis in cerebellar disease”, NeuroImage 127, Pages 435–444, 2016. C. Ye, Z. Yang, S.H. Ying, J.L. Prince, “Segmentation of the cerebellar peduncles using a random forest classifier and a multi-object geometric deformable model: Application to spinocerebellar ataxia type 6”, Neuroinformatics 13(3), Pages 367–381, July 2015. C. Ye, E. Murano, M. Stone, J.L. Prince, “A Bayesian approach to distinguishing interdigitated muscles in the tongue from limited diffusion magnetic resonance imaging”, Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics 45, Pages 63–74, October 2015. N. Shiee, P.-L. Bazin, J.L. Cuzzocreo, C. Ye, B. Kishore, A. Carass, P.A. Calabresi, D.S. Reich, J.L. Prince, D.L. Pham. “Reconstruction of the human cerebral cortex robust to white matter lesions: Method and validation”, Human Brain Mapping, 35(7): Pages 3385–3401, July 2014. P.-L. Bazin, C. Ye, J.A. Bogovic, N. Shiee, D.S. Reich, J.L. Prince, D.L. Pham, “Direct segmentation of the major white matter tracts in diffusion tensor images”, NeuroImage, 58(2): Pages 458–468, September 2011.

科研项目 国家自然科学基金青年项目,61601461,基于扩散磁共振成像的概率纤维追踪算法研究,主持,2017/01-2019/12 国家自然科学基金青年项目,精细亚区尺度难治性抑郁症异常神经环路的多模态MRI解析, 参与, 2016/01-2018/12 中国科学院前沿重点项目,多尺度猴脑网络组图谱的构建及转录组研究, 参与, 2016/09-2019/12

学术活动期刊审稿人:NeuroImage、Frontiers in Neuroinformatics、International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery、PLOS ONE 2017年医学图像计算与计算机辅助介入国际会议(MICCAI)审稿人 2014-2017年国际生物医学成像研讨会(ISBI)审稿人
