1) 一种汉英反向音译方法及装置(申请号:200810113294.9)(中国科学院自动化研究所,赵军,杨帆,邹波)
2) 一种借助网络知识辅助的汉英机构名翻译方法及装置(200810222335.2)(中国科学院自动化研究所,赵军,杨帆)
(1) 一种借助网络挖掘辅助的汉英反向音译方法及装置,发明,2008,专利号:20081011
(2) 一种借助网络知识辅助的汉英机构名翻译方法及装置,发明,2008,专利号:20081022
(1) Hybrid Recommendation Models for Binary User Preference Prediction Problem,Journal of Machine Learning Research,2012,通讯作者
(2) Opinion Target Extraction Using Word-Based Translation Model,EMNLP-2012,2012,第3作者
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(4) Collective Entity Linking in Web Text: A Graph-Based Method,SIGIR-2011,2011,通讯作者
(5) Exploring Web-Derived Selectional Preferance to Improve Statistical Dependency Parsing,ACL-2011,2011,通讯作者
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(11) Chinese-English Backward Transliteration Assisted with Mining Monolingual Web Pages,ACL-2008,2008,通讯作者
(12) Product Named Entity Recognition in Chinese Texts,Journal of Language Resource and Evaluation (LRE),2008,通讯作者
(13) Adding Redundant Features for CRFs-based Sentence Sentiment Classification,EMNLP-2008,2008,通讯作者
(14) Word Sense Disambiguation through Sememe Labeling,IJCAI-2007,2007,通讯作者
(15) Probabilistic Parsing Action Models for Multi-Lingual Dependency Parsing,EMNLP-CoNLL-2007,2007,通讯作者
(16) Probabilistic Models for Action-based Chinese Dependency Parsing,ECML/PKDD-2007,2007,通讯作者
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