[1]2012-present, Neural Networks Technical Committee, IEEE Computational Intelligence Society, Vice Chair.
[2]2012-present, Adaptive Dynamic Programming and Reinforcement Learning Technical Committee, IEEE Computational Intelligence Society, Member.
[1]2013-present, Editor-in-Chief, IEEE Computational Intelligence Society Newsletter.
[2] 2012-present, Associate Editor, IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems.
[3]2011- present, Associate Editor, Cognitive Computation.
[4]2013, Guest Editor, “Intelligent control and Information Processing” Special Issue, Soft Computing.
[5]2012, Guest Editor, “Data-based control, optimization, modeling and applications” Special Issue, Neural Computing and Applications.
[6]2011, Guest Editor, Special Issue on “Data-based optimization, control and modeling”, IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks.
[7]2011, Guest Editor, “ISNN2011” Special Issue, Neurocomputing.