- 吴瑛
- 研究员

吴瑛 博士 研究员 博士生导师 中国科学院生物物理所,脑与认知科学国家重点实验室 研究组长,高级顾问研究员 研究方向:参与神经发育和神经退行性病变的基因调控的分子机制 电子邮件(E-mail) jane-wu@northwestern.edu 电话(Tel) 010-64888489,邮政编码 100101 个人网站 英文版个人网页 |
简历 & 研究组工作摘要
1980-1986 上海医科大学,医学学士
1986-1991 美国斯坦福大学,博士
1991-1994 美国哈佛大学,博士后
1994-2003 美国华盛顿大学医学院,助理教授、副教授
2003-2005 美国Vanderbilt大学,教授
2005- 美国西北大学医学院,Lurie 癌症中心,Charles Luis Mix 教授
2008- 中国科学院生物物理研究所,高级顾问研究员
Deng J, Wang P, Chen X, Cheng H, Liu J, Fushimi K, Zhu L*, and Wu JY*(2018) FUS interacts with ATP synthase beta subunit and induces mitochondrial unfolded protein response in cellular and animal models. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, Oct 9; 115(41):E9678-86. doi.org/10.1073/pnas.1806655115
Chen X, Fan Z, McGee W, Chen M, Kong R, Wen P, Xiao T, Chen X, Liu J, Zhu L, Chen R, Wu JY* (2017) TDP-43 regulates cancer-associated microRNAs. Protein Cell 2017 Sep 26 PMID: 28952053
He YC, Kong FZ, Fan LY, Wu JY, Liu XP, Li J, Sun Y, Zhang Q, Yang Y, Wu XJ, Xiao H, Cao CX.(2017) Preparation of intact mitochondria using free-flow isoelectric focusing with post-pH gradient sample injection for morphological, functional and proteomics studies. Anal Chim Acta. 982:200-208 PMID: 28734361
Feuillette S, Delarue M, Riou G, Gaffuri AL, Wu J, Lenkei Z, Boyer O, Frébourg T, Campion D, Lecourtois M. (2017) Neuron-to-Neuron Transfer of FUS in Drosophila Primary Neuronal Culture Is Enhanced by ALS-Associated Mutations. J Mol Neurosci. 62(1):114-122 PMID: 28429234
Chen Y, Deng J, Wang P, Yang M, Chen X, Zhu L, Liu J, Lu B, Shen Y, Fushimi K, Xu Q, Wu JY* (2016) PINK1 and Parkin are genetic modifiers for FUS-induced neurodegeneration. Hum. Mol. Gen. 25(23):5059-5068. PMID: 27794540
Yi F, Kong R, Ren J, Zhu L, Lou J, Wu JY*, Feng W. (2016) Noncanonical Myo9b-RhoGAP Accelerates RhoA GTP Hydrolysis by a Dual-Arginine-Finger Mechanism. J Mol Biol. 428(15):3043-57. PMID: 27363609 [*co-corresponding author]
Zhang Y, Chen M, Qiu Z, Hu K, McGee W, Chen X, Liu J, Zhu L, Wu JY* (2016) MiR-130a regulates neurite outgrowth and dendritic spine density by targeting MeCP2. Protein Cell 7(7):489-500. PMCID: PMC4930766
Wang S, Chen M, Li Y, Zhang Y, Du S, Wu J. (2016) Morphological Analysis of Dendrites and Spines by Hybridization of Ridge detection with Twin Support Vector Machine. Peer J. 4:e2207.PMCID: PMC4958009
Chen M, Li Y, Yang M, Chen X, Chen Y, Yang F, Lu S, Yao S, Zhou T, Liu J, Zhu L, Du S, Wu JY* (2016) A new method for quantifying mitochondrial axonal transport. Protein Cell. 7(11):804-819 . PMCID: PMC5084152
Kong R, Yi F, Wen P, Liu J, Chen X, Ren J, Li X, Shang Y, Nie Y, Wu K, Fan D, Zhu L, Feng W, Wu JY* (2015) Myo9b is a key player in SLIT/ROBO-mediated lung tumor suppression. J Clinical Investigation 125(12):4407-4420. PMID: 26529257; PMCID: PMC4665778.
Deng J, Yang M, Chen Y, Chen X, Liu J, Sun S, Cheng H, Li Y, Bigio EH, Mesulam M, Xu Q, Du S, Fushimi K, Zhu L*, Wu JY* (2015) FUS interacts with HSP60 to promote mitochondrial damage. Plos Genetics 11(9):e1005357. PMCID: PMC4559378
Xu Y, Sun Y, Ye H, Zhu L, Liu J, Wu X, Wang L, He T; Shen Y, Wu JY*, Xu Q. (2015) Increased dysbindin-1B isoform expression in schizophrenia and its propensity in aggresome formation. Cell Discovery 1, 15032 . PMID: 27462430
Wang S, Chen M, Li Y, Zhang Y, Han L, Wu J, Du S. (2015) Detection of dendritic spines using Wavelet-based conditional symmetric analyses and regularized morphological shared-weight neural networks. Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine 2015:454076 PMCID: PMC4672122
Tu T, Zhang C, Yan H, Luo Y, Kong R, Wen P, Ye Z, Chen J, Feng J, Liu F, Wu JY*, Yan X*. (2015) CD146 acts as a novel receptor for netrin-1 in promoting angiogenesis and vascular development. Cell Res 25(3):275-87. PMID: 25656845 PMCID: PMC4349246 [*co-corresponding author]
Huang Z, Wen P, Kong R, Cheng H, Zhang B, Quan C, Bian Z, Chen M, Zhang Z, Chen X, Du X, Liu J, Zhu L, Fushimi K, Hua D, Wu JY. (2015) USP33 mediates Slit-Robo signaling in inhibiting colorectal cancer cell migration. Int J Cancer. 136(8):1792-802. PMID: 25242263
Zhu L, Xu M, Yang M, Yang Y, Li Y, Deng J, Ruan L, Liu J, Du S, Liu X, Feng W, Fushimi K, Bigio EH, Mesulam M, Wang C, Wu JY. (2014). An ALS-mutant TDP-43 neurotoxic peptide adopts an anti-parallel β-structure and induces TDP-43 redistribution. Hum Mol Genet. 23(25):6863-77. PMID: 25113748
Wen P, Kong R, Liu J, Zhu L, Chen X, Li X, Nie Y, Wu K Wu JY. (2014) USP33, a new player in lung cancer, mediates Slit-Robo signaling. Protein Cell 5(9):704-13. PMID: 24981056 PMCID: PMC4145083
G?hrig A, Detjen KM, Hilfenhaus G, K?rner J, Arsenic R, Welzel M, Schmuck R, Bahra M, Wu JY, Wiedenmann B, Fischer C (2014). The Axon Guidance Factor Slit2 inhibits Pancreatic Cancer Metastasis and Cell Movement along Neurites. Cancer Res. 74(5):1529-40 [PDF]
Li Y, Yang M, Huang Z, Chen X, Maloney M, Zhu L, Liu J, Yang Y, Du S, Jiang X, Wu JY. (2014) AxonQuant: a microfluidic chamber culture-coupled algorithm that allows high-throughput quantification of axonal damage.NeuroSignalsFeb28. [PDF], AxonQuant1.0 download
RNA and Cancer. Wu JY (ed.) ISBN 978-3-642-316586; Library of Congress Control Number 2012946188 (Springer, 2013) [book summary]
POST-TRANSCRIPTIONAL GENE REGULATION-RNA PROCESSING IN EUKARYOTES. Wu JY (ed.) ISBN 978-3527322022 (Wiley-Blackwell, 2013) [book summary]
Bigio EH, Wu JY, Deng HX, Bit-Ivan EN, Mao Q, Ganti R, Peterson M, Siddique N, Geula C, Siddique T, Mesulam M. (2013) Inclusions in frontotemporal lobar degeneration with TDP-43 proteinopathy (FTLD-TDP) and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), but not FTLD with FUS proteinopathy (FTLD-FUS), have properties of amyloid.Acta Neuropathol. 125(3):463-5. [PDF]
Xu M, Zhu L, Liu J, Yang Y, Wu JY, Wang C (2013) Characterization ofβ-domains in C-terminal fragments of TDP-43 by scanning tunneling microscopy.J Struct Biol.181(1):11-6. [PDF]
Chen Q, Sun X, Zhou XH, Liu JH, Wu J, Zhang Y, Wang JH(2013) N-terminal horseshoe conformation of DCC is functionally required for axon guidance and might be shared by other neural receptors.J Cell Sci. 126:186-95. [PDF]
Zhu K, Chen XP, Liu JH, Ye Hh, Zhu L, Wu JY (2013) AMPK interacts with DSCAM and plays an important role in Netrin-1 induced neurite outgrowth.Protein Cell4 (2): 155–161. [PDF]
Chen Y, Yang M, Deng J, Chen X, Ye Y, Zhu L, Liu J, Ye H, Shen Y, Li Y, Rao EJ, Fushimi K, Zhou X, Bigio EH, Mesulam M, Wu JY.(2011) Expression of human FUS protein in Drosophila leads to progressive neurodegeneration.Protein Cell2(6):477–486. [PDF]
Ray P, Kar A, Fushimi K, Havlioglu N, Chen X, Wu JY(2011) PSF Suppresses Tau Exon 10 Inclusion by Interacting with a Stem-Loop Structure Downstream of Exon 10.J Mol Neurosci.45(3):453-66. [PDF]
Xu Y, Ye H, Shen Y, Xu Q, Zhu L, Liu J, Wu JY. (2011) Dscam mutation leads to hydrocephalus and decreased motor function. Protein Cell. 2(8):647-55. [PDF]
Yu B, Fey P, Kestin-Pilcher KE, Fedorov A, Prakash A, Chisholm RL, Wu JY. (2011) Spliceosomal genes in the D. discoideum genome: a comparison with those in H. sapiens, D. melanogaster, A. thaliana and S. cerevisiae. Protein Cell. 2(5):395-409. [PDF]
Guo W, Chen Y, Zhou X, Kar A, Ray P, Chen X, Rao EJ, Yang M, Ye H, Zhu L, Liu J, Xu M, Yang Y, Wang C, Zhang D, Bigio EH, Mesulam M, Shen Y, Xu Q, Fushimi K, Wu JY. (2011) An ALS-associated mutation affecting TDP-43 enhances protein aggregation, fibril formation and neurotoxicity. Nat Struct Mol Biol. 18(7):822-30. [PDF]
Kar A, Fushimi K, Zhou X, Ray P, Shi C, Chen X, Liu Z, Chen S, Wu JY. (2011) RNA Helicase p68 (DDX5) regulates tau exon 10 splicing by modulating a stem-loop structure at the 5' splice site. Mol Cell Biol. 31(9):1812-21. [PDF]
Fushimi K, Long C, Jayaram N, Chen X, Li L, Wu JY. (2011) Expression of human FUS/TLS in yeast leads to protein aggregation and cytotoxicity, recapitulating key features of FUS proteinopathy. Protein Cell. 2(2):141-9. [PDF]
Dunaway CM, Hwang Y, Lindsley CW, Cook RS, Wu JY, Boothby M, Chen J, Brantley-Sieders DM. (2011) Cooperative signaling between Slit2 and Ephrin-A1 regulates a balance between angiogenesis and angiostasis. Mol Cell Biol. 31(3):404-16. [PDF]
Brantley-Sieders DM, Dunaway CM, Rao M, Short S, Hwang Y, Gao Y, Li D, Jiang A, Shyr Y, Wu JY, Chen J. (2011) Angiocrine Factors Modulate Tumor Proliferation and Motility through EphA2 Repression of Slit2 Tumor Suppressor Function in Endothelium. Cancer Res. 71(3):976-987. [PDF]
Gao X, Joselin AP, Wang L, Kar A, Ray P, Bateman A, Goate AM, Wu JY. (2010) Progranulin promotes neurite outgrowth and neuronal differentiation by regulating GSK-3β. Protein Cell. 1(6):552-62. [PDF]
Guo W, Li JT, Pan X, Wei L, Wu JY. (2010) Candidate Mycobacterium tuberculosis genes targeted by human microRNAs. Protein Cell. 1(5):419-21. [PDF]
Kaneko N, Marín O, Koike M, Hirota Y, Uchiyama Y, Wu JY, Lu Q, Tessier-Lavigne M, Alvarez-Buylla A, Okano H, Rubenstein JL, Sawamoto K. (2010) New neurons clear the path of astrocytic processes for their rapid migration in the adult brain. Neuron. 67(2):213-23. [PDF]
Yu J, Cao Q, Yu J, Wu L, Dallol A, Li J, Chen G, Grasso C, Cao X, Lonigro RJ, Varambally S, Mehra R, Palanisamy N, Wu JY, Latif F, Chinnaiyan AM. (2010) The neuronal repellent SLIT2 is a target for repression by EZH2 in prostate cancer. Oncogene. 29(39):5370-80. [PDF]
Ray P, Luo XY, Rao EJ, Basha A, Woodruff EA, Wu JY. (2010) The splicing factor Prp31 is essential for photoreceptor development in Drosophila. Protein Cell 1(3):267-274. [PDF]
Li Y, Ray P, Rao EJ, Shi C, Guo W, Chen X, Woodruff EA, Fushimi K, Wu JY. (2010) Drosophila model for TDP-43 proteinopathy. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 107(7):3169-74. [PDF]
Barmada SJ, Skibinski G, Korb E, Rao EJ, Wu JY, Finkbeiner S. (2010) Cytoplasmic mislocalization of TDP-43 is toxic to neurons and enhanced by a mutation associated with familial amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. J Neurosci. 20(2):639:49. [PDF]
Yuasa-Kawada J, Kinoshita-Kawada M, Rao Y, Wu JY. (2009) Deubiquitinating enzyme USP33/VDU1 is required for Slit signaling in inhibiting breast cancer cell migration. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 106(34):14530-5. [PDF]
Yuasa-Kawada J, Kinoshita-Kawada M, Wu G, Rao Y, Wu JY. (2009) Midline crossing and Slit responsiveness of commissural axons require USP33. Nature Neuroscience. 12(9):1087-9. [PDF]
Qiu R, Liu K, Liu Y, Mo W, Flynt AS, Patton JG, Kar A, Wu JY, He R. (2009) The role of miR-124a in early development of the Xenopus eye. Mech Dev. 126(10):804-16. [PDF]
Qiu R, Liu Y, Wu JY, Liu K, Mo W, He R. (2009) Misexpression of miR-196a induces eye anomaly in Xenous laevis. Brain Research Bulletin. 76:26-31. [PDF]
Stanwood GD, Leitch DB, Savchenko V, Wu J, Fitsanakis VA, Anderson DJ, Stankowski JN, Aschner M, McLaughlin B. (2009) Manganese exposure is cytotoxic and alters dopaminergic and GABAergic neurons within the basal ganglia. J Neurochem. 110(1):378-89. [PDF]
Yiin JJ, Hu B, Jarzynka MJ, Feng H, Liu KW, Wu JY, Ma HI, Cheng SY. (2009) Slit2 inhibits glioma cell invasion in the brain by suppression of Cdc42 activity. Neuro Oncol. 11(6):779-89. [PDF]
Liu G, Li W, Wang L, Kar A, Guan KL, Rao Y, Wu JY. (2009) DSCAM functions as a netrin receptor in commissural axon pathfinding. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 106(8):2951-6. [PDF]
Fushimi K, Ray P, Kar A, Wang L, Sutherland LC, Wu JY. (2008). Up-regulation of the proapoptotic caspase 2 splicing isoform by a candidate tumor suppressor, RBM5. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 105: 15708-15713. [PDF]
Wu JY & Potashkin JA (2009). Alternative Splicing in the Nervous System. The New Encyclopedia of Neuroscience, Edited by Squire L. (Elsevier), [PDF]
Li X, Gao X, Liu G, Xiong W, Wu J*, Rao Y. (2008) Netrin signal transduction and the guanine nucleotide exchange factor DOCK180 in attractive signaling. Nature Neuroscience. 11:28-35. [*co-corresponding author] [PDF]
Yang G, Huang SC, Wu JY, Benz EJ Jr. (2008) Regulated Fox-2 isoform expression mediates protein 4.1R splicing during erythroid differentiation. Blood. 111(1):392-401. [PDF]
Altay T, McLaughlin B, Wu JY, Park TS, Gidday JM. (2007). Slit modulates cerebrovascular inflammation and mediates neuroprotection against global cerebral ischemia. Exp Neurol. 207(2):186-94. [PDF]
Mordes D, Yuan L, Xu LL, Kawada M, Molday RS & Wu JY. (2007). Identification of photoreceptor genes affected by PRPF31 mutations associated with autosomal dominant retinitis pigmentosa. Neurobiol Dis. 26(2):291-300. [PDF]
Liu G, Li W, Gao X, Li X, Jorgensen C, Park HT, Shin NY, Yu J, He ML, Hanks SK, Wu JY, Guan KL & Rao Y. (2007) p130CAS Is Required for Netrin Signaling and Commissural Axon Guidance. J. Neurosci. 27(4):957-68. [PDF]
Mordes D, Luo X, Kar A, Kuo D, Xu L, Fushimi K, Yu G , Sternberg P, and Wu JY. (2006) Pre-mRNA Splicing and Retinitis Pigmentosa. MolVis. 12:1259-71. [PDF]
Wu JY*, Kar A, Kuo D, Yu B & Havlioglu N. (2006) SRp54 (SFRS11), a regulator for tau exon 10 alternative splicing identified by an expression cloning strategy. Mol. Cell. Biol. 26:6739-6747. [* co-corresponding author]. [PDF]
Li X, Chen Y, Liu Y, Gao J, Gao F, Bartlam M, Wu JY* & Rao ZH. (2006). Structural basis of Robo proline-rich motif recognition by the srGAP1 SH3 domain in the slit-robo signaling pathway. J. Biol. Chem. 281(38):28430-7. [* co-corresponding author]. [PDF]
Donahue CP, Muratore C, Wu JY, Kosik KS & Wolfe MS. (2006) Stabilization of the tau exon 10 stem loop alters pre-mRNA splicing. J. Biol. Chem. 281(33):23302-6. [PDF]
Kar A, Havlioglu N, Tarn WY & Wu JY. (2006) RBM4 interacts with an intronic element and stimulates tau exon 10 inclusion. J. Biol. Chem. 281(34):24479-88. [PDF]
Werbowetski-Ogilvie T, Sadr MS, Jabado N, Angers-Loustau A, Agar NYR, Wu J, Bjerkvig R, Antel JA, Faury D, Rao Y, Del Maestro RF. (2006) Inhibition of medulloblastoma cell invasion by Slit. Oncogene. 25(37):5103-12. [PDF]
Kar A, Kuo D, He R, Zhou J, Wu JY. (2005) Tau Alternative Splicing and Frontotemporal Dementia. Alzheimer Dis Assoc Disord. Oct-Dec;19 Suppl 1:S29-36. [PDF]
Yang G, Huang SC, Wu JY, Benz EJ Jr. (2005) An Erythroid Differentiation-specific Splicing Switch in Protein 4.1R Mediated by the Interaction of SF2/ASF with an Exonic Splicing Enhancer. Blood. 105(5):2146-53. [PDF]
Yuan L, Kawada M, Havlioglu N, Tang H, and Wu JY. (2005) Mutations in PRPF31 inhibit pre-mRNA splicing of rhodopsin gene and cause apoptosis of retinal cells. J. Neurosci. 25(3):748-57. [PDF]
Liu G, Beggs H, Park H-T, J????rgensen J, Tang H, Gorski J, Jones KR, Reichardt LF, Wu JY* and Rao Y. (2004) Netrin Requires Focal Adhesion Kinase and Src Family Kinases for Axon Outgrowth and Attraction. Nature Neuroscience. 7:1222-1232. [* co-corresponding author]. [PDF]
Kanellis J, Garcia G, Li P, Para G, Wilson CB, Rao Y, Han S, Smith CW, Johnson RJ, Wu JY and Feng L. (2004) Modulation of inflammation by Slit protein in vivo in experimental crescentic glomerulonephritis. Am J Path. 165(1):341-52. [PDF]
Wu JY*, Yuan L, Havlioglu, N. (2004). Alternatively spliced genes. In Encyclopedia of Molecular Cell Biology and Molecular Medicine. Vol1. pp 125-177. Edited by Meyers R.A. (2nd edition) (Wiley-VCH). [PDF]
Ward ME, Wu JY* and Rao Y. (2004) Visualization of spatially and temporally regulated N-WASP activity during cytoskeletal reorganization in living cells. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 101:970-974 [* co-corresponding author]. [PDF]
Guan H, Zu G, Xie Y, Tang H, Johnson M, Xu X, Kevil C, Xiong W-C, Elmets C, Rao Y, Wu JY and Xu H. (2003) Neuronal repellent Slit2 inhibits dendritic cell migration and the development of immune responses. J. Immunol. 171:6519-6526. [PDF]
Ward ME, McCann CM, DeWulf M, Wu JY* and Rao Y. (2003) Distinguishing Between Directional Guidance and Motility Regulation in Neuronal Migration. J. Neurosci. 23(12):5170-7 [* co-corresponding author]. [PDF]
Park KW, Morrison CM, Sorensen LK, Jones CA, Rao Y, Chien CB, Wu JY, Urness LD, Li DY. (2003) Robo4 is a vascular-specific receptor that inhibits endothelial migration. Dev Biol. 261(1):251-67. [PDF]
Sobrido M-J, Miller BL, Havlioglu N, Zhukareva V, Jiang Z, Nasreddine ZS, Lee VMY, Chow T, Wilhelmsen KC, Cummings JL, Wu JY, Geschwind DH. (2003) Novel Tau Polymorphisms, Tau Haplotypes and Splicing in Familial and Sporadic Frontotemporal Dementia. Arch Neurol. 60(5):698-702. [PDF]
Yuan WL, Rao Y, Babiuk RP, Greer J, Wu JY, and Ornitz DM. (2003) A genetic model for a central (septum transversum) congenital diaphragmatic hernia in mice lacking Slit3. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 100(9):5217-22. [PDF]
Anselmo MA, Dalvin S, Prodhan P, Komatsuzaki K, Aidlen JT, Schnitzer JJ, Wu JY, Kinane TB. (2003) Slit and robo: expression patterns in lung development. Gene Exp. 3(1):13-9. [PDF]
Jiang Z, Tang H, Havlioglu, N. Zhang, X, Stamm S, Yan R and Wu JY. (2003) Mutations in tau exon10 associated with FTDP-17 alter the activity of an exonic splicing enhancer to interact with Tra2beta. J. Biol. Chem.278(21):18997-9007. [PDF]
Sang Q, Wu J, Rao Y, Hsueh, Y-P and Tan SS. (2002) Slit Promotes Branching and Elongation of Neurites of Interneurons But Not Projection Neurons from the Developing Telencephalon MCN21(2):250-65 [PDF]
Havlioglu, N., Tang, H. and Wu JY. (2002) Slit, Potential Endogenous Modulators of Inflammation. J. Neurovirol. 8(6):486-95. [PDF]
Rao Y, Wong K, Ward M, Jurgensen C and Wu JY. (2002) Neuronal Migration and molecular conservation with leukocyte chemotaxis. Genes & Development 16:2973-84. [PDF]
Park, H.-T, Wu JY* & Rao Y. (2002) Molecular Control of Neuronal Migration. BioEssays 24:821-827[* co-corresponding author]. [PDF]
Wong K, Park, H.-T, Wu JY* and Rao Y. (2002) Slit Proteins: Guidance Cues for Cells Ranging from Neurons to Leukocytes. Curr Op Genet Dev. 12:583-591 [* co-corresponding author]. [PDF]
Wong K, Wu JY* and Rao Y. (2002) Neuronal Migration.in Encyclopedia of Life Sciences (Nature Publishing Group) [* co-corresponding author]. [PDF]
Zhu Y, Yu T, Zhang, X, Nagasawa T, Wu JY* and Rao Y. (2002) Role of the Chemokine SDF-1 as the meningeal attractant for embryonic cerebellar neurons. Nature Neuroscience 5:719-720 [* co-corresponding author]. [PDF]
Zhou Y, Zhang W, Easton R, Ray JW, Lampe P, Jiang Z, Brunkan AL, Goate A, Johnson EM and Wu JY. (2002) Presenilin-1 protects against neuronal apoptosis caused by its interacting protein PAG. Neurobiology of Disease 9:126-138. [PDF]
Wong K, Ren X-R, Huang Y-Z, Xie Y, Liu G, Saito H, Tang H, Wen L, Brady-Kalnay SM, Mei, L, Wu JY, Xiong W-C., and Rao Y. (2001) Signal Transduction in Neuronal Migration: Roles of GTPase Activating Proteins and the Small GTPase Cdc42 in the Slit-Robo Pathway. Cell 107:209-221. [PDF]
Rao Y and Wu JY. (2001) Neuronal Migration and the Evolution of the Human Brain. Nature Neuroscience 4:860-862. [PDF]
Wu JY*., Feng, L., Park, H.-T., Havlioglu, N., Wen, L., Bacon, K. B, Jiang, Z., Tang, H., Zhang, X.-C., and Rao, Y. (2001) The neuronal repellent Slit also inhibits leukocyte chemotaxis induced by chemotactic factors. Nature 410:948-952 [* co-corresponding author]. [PDF]
Cote J, Dupuis S, Jiang ZH and Wu JY. (2001b) Polypyrimidine track-binding protein binding downstream of caspase-2 alternative exon 9 represses its inclusion.. J. Biol. Chem. 276:8535-8543. [PDF]
Cote J, Dupuis S, Jiang ZH and Wu JY. (2001a) Caspase-2 alternative splicing: identification of a novel intronic element acting as a decoy acceptor site. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 98:938-943. [PDF]
Jiang ZH, Cote J, Kwon JM, Goate AM, and Wu JY. (2000) Aberrant splicing of tau pre-mRNAs caused by intronic mutations associated with the inherited dementia FTDP-17. Mol. Cell. Biol. 20:4036-4048. [PDF]
Chen, J., Wu, W., Li, H. S., Fagaly, T., Zhou, L., Wu JY. and Rao, Y. (2000) Embryonic expression and extracellular secretion of Xenopus Slit. Neuroscience 96:231-236. [PDF]
Wu JY and Rao Y. (1999) Fringe: defining borders by regulating the Notch pathway. Curr. Op. Neurobiol. 9:537-543. [PDF]
He M, Wen L, Campbell C, Wu JY, and Rao Y. (1999)Transcription repression by Xenopus ET and its human ortholog TBX3, a gene involved in ulnar-mammary syndrome. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 96:10212-10217. [PDF]
Zhu Y, Li HS, Zhou LJ, Wu JY, and Rao Y. (1999) Cellular and molecular guidance of GABAergic neuronal migration from an extracortical origin to the neocortex. Neuron 23:473-485. [PDF]
Wu W, Wong K, Chen JH, Jiang ZH, Dupuis S, *Wu JY, and Rao Y. (1999) Directional guidance of neuronal migration in the olfactory system by the secreted protein Slit. Nature 400:331-326. [* co-corresponding author]. [PDF]
Li H-S, Chen JH, Wu W, Fagaly T, Zhou L, Dupuis S, Jiang ZH, Nash W, Gick C, *Wu JY, and Rao Y. (1999) Vertebrate Slit, a secreted ligand for the transmembrane protein Roundabout, is a repellent for olfactory bulb axons. Cell96:807-818. [* co-corresponding author]. [PDF]
Jiang, ZH and Wu JY. (1999). Alternative splicing and programmed cell death. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol. Med. 220:64-72. [PDF]
Jiang, ZH, Zhang WJ, Rao Y and Wu JY. (1998) Regulation of Ich-1 pre-mRNA alternative splicing and apoptosis by mammalian splicing factors. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 95:9155-9160. [PDF]
Zhang W-J, Han S-W, McKeel DW, Goate A and Wu JY. (1998). Interaction of presenilins with the filamin family of actin-binding proteins. J. Neurosci. 18:914-922. [PDF]
Zhang W-J and Wu JY. (1998) Sip1, a novel RS domain-containing protein essential for pre-mRNA splicing. Mol. Cell. Biol.18:676-684. [PDF]
Li H-S, Tierney C, Wen L, Wu JY and Rao Y. (1997)A single morphogenetic field gives rise to two retina primordia under the influence of the prechordal plate. Development 124:603-615. [PDF]
Wu JY, Wen L, Zhang W-J and Rao Y. (1996) The secreted product of Xenopus gene lunatic Fringe, a vertebrate signaling molecule. Science 273:355-358. [PDF]
Zhang W-J and Wu JY. (1996) The nuclear protein p54 is a novel SR protein active in constitutive and alternative splicing. Mol. Cell. Biol. 16:5400-5408. [PDF]
Wu JY & Maniatis T. (1993) Abstract Specific interactions between proteins implicated in splice site selection and regulated alternative splicing. Cell 75:1061-70. [PDF]