1) Zhi-Yong Liu(通讯作者), Hong Qiao, Xu Yang, and Steven C. H. Hoi (2014), “Graph Matching by Simplified Convex-Concave Relaxation Procedure”, International Journal of Computer Vision, Vol. 109, pp. 169–186, 2014
2) Zhi-Yong Liu(通讯作者)and Hong Qiao (2014), “GNCCP - Graduated NonConvexity and Concavity Procedure”, IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, Vol.36, No. 6, pp. 1258-1267
3) Zhi-Yong Liu(通讯作者), Hong Qiao, and Lei Xu (2012), "An Extended PATH Following Algorithm for Graph Matching Problem", IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, Vol. 34, No. 7, pp. 1451-1456
4) Zhi-Yong Liu(通讯作者), and Hong Qiao (2009), "Multiple ellipses detection in noisy environments: A hierarchical approach", Pattern Recognition, Vol. 42, No. 11, pp. 2421-2433
5) Zhi-Yong Liu (2014), "Ellipse Fitting", Computer Vision, A Reference Guide, Editor-in-Chief: K. Ikeuchi, Springer, invited paper, pp.240-247
6) Zhi-Yong Liu(通讯作者)and Hong Qiao (2012), “A Convex-Concave Relaxation Procedure Based Subgraph Matching Algorithm”, Journal of Machine Learning Research: W&CP, Vol. 25, pp. 237-252
7) Zhi-Yong Liu, Hong Qiao, and Lei Xu (2006), "Multisets mixture learning-based ellipse detection", Pattern Recognition, Vol. 39, No. 4, pp. 731-735
8) Zhi-Yong Liu(通讯作者), Kai Chun Chiu, and Lei Xu (2004), "One-Bit-Matching Conjecture for Independent Component Analysis", Neural Computation, Vol. 16, No. 2, pp. 383-399
9) Zhi-Yong Liu(通讯作者), Kai Chun Chiu, and Lei Xu (2003), "Improved System for Object Detection and Star/galaxy Classification via Local Subspace Analysis", Neural Networks, Vol. 16, No. 3-4, pp. 437-451
10) Zhi-Yong Liu(通讯作者), Hong Qiao, Li-Hao Jia, and Lei Xu(2014),A Graph Matching Algorithm Based on Concavely Regularized Convex Relaxation, Neurocomputing, Vol. 134, No. 25, pp. 140 -148
11) Zhi-Yong Liu(通讯作者), and Hong Qiao (2011), "Investigation on the skewness for independent component analysis", Science China, Vol. 41, No. 8, pp.998-1012
12) Zhi-Yong Liu, Kai Chun Chiu, and Lei Xu (2004), "Investigation on Non-Gaussian Factor Analysis", IEEE Signal Processing Letters, Vol. 11, No. 6., pp. 597-600
13) Zhi-Yong Liu, Kai Chun Chiu, and Lei Xu (2003), "Strip line detection and thinning by RPCL-based local PCA", Pattern Recognition Letter, Vol. 24, No. 14, pp. 2335-2344
14) Zhi-Yong Liu and Lei Xu (2003),, "Topological Local Principal Component Analysis", Neurocomputing, Vol. 55, No. 3-4, pp.739-745
15) Zhi-Yong Liu, Hong Qiao, and Lei Xu (2007), "Investigation on Multisets Mixture Learning based Object Detection", International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence, Vol. 21, No. 8, pp. 1339-1351
16) Xu Yang, Hong Qiao, and Zhi-Yong Liu(通讯作者)(2015),”A Weighted Common Subgraph Matching Algorithm”, IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, accepted and to appear
17) Xu Yang, Hong Qiao, and Zhi-Yong Liu(通讯作者)(2014), “Partial Correspondence based on Subgraph Matching”, Neurocomputing, Vol. 122, pp. 193-197
18) Xu Yang, Hong Qiao, and Zhi-Yong Liu(通讯作者) (2015), “Feature Correspondence Based on Directed Structural Model Matching “, Image and Vision Computing, Vol. 33, pp. 57-67
19) Xu Yang, Hong Qiao, and Zhi-Yong Liu(通讯作者)(2014), “Outlier Robust Point Correspondence Based on GNCCP“, Pattern Recognition Letters, Vol. 55, pp. 8-14
20) Jinwen Ma, Zhi-Yong Liu, Lei Xu (2005), A Further Result on the ICA One-Bit-Matching Conjecture, Neural Computation, Vol.17 No.2, pp.331-334
21) Bin Li, Steven C.H. Hoi, Doyen Sahoo and Zhi-Yong Liu (2015), Moving Average Reversion Strategy for On-Line Portfolio Selection, Artificial Intelligence, Vol. 22, pp. 104-123
22) Lei Shi, Zhi-Yong Liu, Shikui Tu, and Lei Xu (2014),“Learning Local Factor Analysis versus Mixture of Factor Analyzers with Automatic Model Selection”, Neurocomputing, Vol. 139, pp. 3-14
23) Jian-Hua Su, Hong Qiao, Zhi-Cai Ou, and Zhi-Yong Liu (2014), ”Vision-based Caging Grasps of Polyhedron like Workpieces with a Binary Industrial Gripper”, IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, DOI: 10.1109/TASE.2014.2371852, 2015
24) Zhou Rigui, Ai-Rong Nie, Zhi-Yong Liu and Qi-jun Zhang (2013), “High-Dimensional Neural Network Modeling Technique and Applications to the Modeling of Microwave Hairpin Filter”, International Journal of Antennas and Propagation。