- 沈前华
- 研究员

2008年入选中国科学院“百人计划”任遗传与发育研究所研究员。1999-2000年英国John Innes Centre学习获硕士;2001-2004年德国马克斯-普朗克植物育种研究所学习获博士。2004-2008年德国马普植物育种所博士后。1985年江西农大学士,1985-1987年华中农大植物遗传育种研究生。学术任职担任中国植物病理学会理事会常务理事,植物生理与分子生物学学会,植物与微生物互作专业委员会主任。
实验室研究方向:分子植物-病原菌互作 植物如何识别病原菌并激活抗病,病原菌如何巧妙地躲避识别或抑制寄主抗性,专性寄生真菌如何与植物亲密共处是重要的生物学问题。同时,作物抗病也是重要的稳产性状,抗病品种的应用可以减少农药使用、保护环境。我们实验室采用大麦、小麦与白粉菌互作研究体系,通过遗传学、细胞生物学、生物化学和生物信息学等手段研究植物抗病和真菌致病的分子机理,为抗病育种提供理论基础和基因资源。 1、植物NLR免疫受体抗病机制 利用大小麦与白粉菌互作体系,研究NLR类型抗病蛋白的抗病机制,探索这类抗病基因在抗病育种中的应用。大麦多个NLR免疫受体蛋白介导对白粉菌的ETI专化性抗病免疫,MLA在细胞质中诱导细胞死亡,在细胞核中与转录因子互作介导抗病。我们主要阐明抗病蛋白的功能、下游的信号组份、以及抗病转录调控的机制,建立抗病调控网络和鉴定下游靶标。 2、植物与病原真菌互作跨界信号调控机制 小分子RNA(sRNA)在植物与病原菌互作中发挥着重要的作用,植物或病原菌通过sRNA(miRNA、siRNA)跨界诱导RNA干扰(RNAi)从而调控病原菌致病性或植物抗病性,而大小麦白粉菌编码并分泌大量效应蛋白从而干扰或抑制寄主的抗病性,建立专性寄生关系。我们研究sRNA以及靶标的功能及调控,阐明效应蛋白作用机理及其靶标的功能。 3、麦类作物抗病遗传及抗病基因克隆 麦类作物真菌病害主要包括白粉病、锈病和赤霉病。我们研究大、小麦对病原真菌的抗病遗传,筛选抗病种质资源、挖掘抗病新位点,通过GWAS等方法关联抗病基因,对NLR目标基因进行富集和新一代测序并克隆抗病基因。工作人员: 范仁春博士,赵立芳博士;齐婷(助理工程师)特别研究助理(博士后)和客座研究生招聘信息: 本实验室计划招收2名特别研究助理(博士后)(见所网)和2名客座研究生,欢迎有志青年申请(qhshen@genetics.ac.cn)。发表论文 (# 共同第一,* 通讯作者)1. Yuan, H; Jin, C; Pei, H; Zhao, L; Liu, W; Shen, Q-H* (2019). The barley powdery mildew effector CSEP0027 facilitates infection via hijacking one host catalase to the nucleus for degradation. (in revision)2. Cong J#, Yuan H#, Liu F, Zhao F, Hu M, Zhou L, Xie J* and Shen Q-H* (2019). The Barley Powdery Mildew Effector Proteins CSEP0139 and CSEP0182 Suppress Cell Death in Plants and Contribute to Virulence of the Fungus. (in revision)3. Zhao F#, Li Y#, Yang B, Yuan H, Jin C, Zhou L, Pei H, Zhao L, Li Y, Zhou Y, Xie J* and Shen Q-H* (2019). Powdery mildew disease resistance and marker-assisted screening at the Pm60 locus in wild diploid wheat Triticum urartu.(in revision)4. Wang T, Li J, Shen Q-H* (2018). Regulation of NLR stability in plant immunity. Front. Agr. Sci. Eng. DOI: https://doi.org/10.15302/J-FASE-20182485. Zhu M, Jiang L, Bai B, Zhao W, Chen X, Li J, Liu Y, Chen Z, Wang B, Wang C, Wu Q, Shen Q-H, Dinesh-Kumar SP, Tao X (2017). The Intracellular Immune Receptor Sw-5b Confers Broad-Spectrum Resistance to Tospoviruses through Recognition of a Conserved 21-Amino Acid Viral Effector Epitope. Plant Cell DOI: https://doi.org/10.1105/tpc.17.001806. Wang T, Chang C, Gu C, Tang S, Xie Q, Shen Q-H* (2016). An E3 ligase affects the NLR receptor stability and immunity to powdery mildew. Plant Physiology 172(4): 2504-25157. Zhu Y, Li Y, Fei F, Wang Z, Wang W, Cao A, Liu Y, Han S, Xing L, Wang H, Chen W, Tang S, Huang X, Shen Q-H, Xie Q, Wang X* (2015). E3 ubiquitin ligase gene CMPG1–V from Haynaldia villosa L. contributes to powdery mildew resistance in common wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). Plant Journal84(1): 154-1688. Liu J, Cheng X, Liu D, Xu W, Wise R, Shen Q-H* (2014). The miR9863 Family Regulates Distinct Mla Alleles in Barley to Attenuate NLR Receptor-Triggered Disease Resistance and Cell-Death Signaling. PLoS Genetics. 10(12): e10047559. Li M, Ma X, Chiang Y, Yadeta K, Ding P, Dong L, Zhao Y, Li X, Yu Y, Zhang L, Shen Q-H, Xia B, Coaker G, Liu D, Zhou J-M* (2014). Proline Isomerization of the Immune Receptor-Interacting Protein RIN4 by a Cyclophilin Inhibits Effector-Triggered Immunity in Arabidopsis. Cell Host & Microbe 16(4):473-48310. Chang C, Yu D, Jiao J, Jing S, Schulze-Lefert P, Shen Q-H* (2013). Barley MLA Immune Receptors Directly Interfere with Antagonistically Acting Transcription Factors to Initiate Disease Resistance Signaling. Plant Cell25: 1158-117311. Chang C, Zhang L, Shen Q-H* (2013). Partitioning, repressing and derepressing: dynamic regulations in MLA immune receptor triggered defense signaling. Frontiers in Plant Science4. 10.3389/fpls.2013.0039612. Ling H-Q*, Zhao S, Liu D, Wang J, Sun H, …, Shen Q-H, Xue P, …, Zhang K, Zhang X, Luo M-C, Dvorak J, Tong Y, Wang J, Yang H, Li Z*, Wang D*, Zhang A*, Wang J* (2013). Draft genome of the wheat A-genome progenitor Triticum urartu. Nature496: 87-9013. Du Y, Zhao J, Chen T, Liu Q, Zhang H, Wang Y, Hong Y, Xiao F, Zhang L, Shen Q-H, Liu Y* (2013). Type I J-Domain NbMIP1 Proteins Are Required for Both Tobacco Mosaic Virus Infection and Plant Innate Immunity. PLoS Pathogens 9: e100365914. Bai S, Liu J, Chang C, Zhang L, Maekawa T, Wang Q, Xiao W, Liu Y, Chai J, Takken FLW, Schulze-Lefert P, Shen Q-H* (2012). Structure-Function Analysis of Barley NLR Immune Receptor MLA10 Reveals Its Cell Compartment Specific Activity in Cell Death and Disease Resistance. PLoS Pathogens8: e100275215. Maekawa T, Cheng W, Spiridon Laurentiu N, T?ller A, Lukasik E, Saijo Y, Liu P, Shen Q-H, Micluta Marius A, Somssich Imre E, Takken Frank LW, Petrescu A-J, Chai J, Schulze-Lefert P* (2011). Coiled-Coil Domain-Dependent Homodimerization of Intracellular Barley Immune Receptors Defines a Minimal Functional Module for Triggering Cell Death. Cell Host & Microbe 9: 187-19916. Wang G-F, Wei X, Fan R, Zhou H, Wang X, Yu C, Dong L, Dong Z, Wang X, Kang Z, Ling H, Shen Q-H, Wang D, Zhang X* (2011). Molecular analysis of common wheat genes encoding three types of cytosolic heat shock protein 90 (Hsp90): functional involvement of cytosolic Hsp90s in the control of wheat seedling growth and disease resistance. New Phytologist 191: 418-431 17. Yu C, Li Y, Li B, Liu X, Hao L, Chen J, Qian W, Li S, Wang G, Bai S, Ye H, Qin H, Shen Q-H, Chen L, Zhang A, Wang D* (2010). Molecular analysis of phosphomannomutase (PMM) genes reveals a unique PMM duplication event in diverse Triticeae species and the main PMM isozymes in bread wheat tissues. BMC Plant Biology10: 214 18. Shen Q-H, Saijo Y, Mauch S, Biskup C, Bieri S, Keller B, Seki H, ülker B, Somssich IE, Schulze-Lefert P* (2007). Nuclear Activity of MLA Immune Receptors Links Isolate-Specific and Basal Disease-Resistance Responses. Science315: 1098-110319. Shen Q-H, Schulze-Lefert P* (2007). Rumble in the nuclear jungle: compartmentalization, trafficking, and nuclear action of plant immune receptors. EMBO J. 26: 4293-430120. Shen, Q-H, Saijo Y., Mauch S., Tintor, N., Biskup C., ülker B., Somssich I.E., Robatzek R. and Schulze-Lefert P* (2007). Signal Integration in the Plant Immune. Book Chapter in: Biology of Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions, Volume 6. Editors: Matteo Lorito, Sheri Woo and Felice Scala.21. Bieri S, Mauch S, Shen Q-H, Peart J, Devoto A, Casais C, Ceron F, Schulze S, Steinbi? H-H, Shirasu K, Schulze-Lefert P* (2004). RAR1 Positively Controls Steady State Levels of Barley MLA Resistance Proteins and Enables Sufficient MLA6 Accumulation for Effective Resistance. Plant Cell16: 3480-349522. Rodrigues P, Garrood JM,Shen Q-H, Smith PH, Boyd LA* (2004). The genetics of non-host disease resistance in wheat to barley yellow rust. Theor Appl Genet 109: 425-43223. Shen Q-H#, Zhou F#, Bieri S#, Haizel T, Shirasu K, Schulze-Lefert P* (2003). Recognition Specificity and RAR1/SGT1 Dependence in Barley Mla Disease Resistance Genes to the Powdery Mildew Fungus. Plant Cell 15: 732-744