- 郭伟翔
- 研究员

郭伟翔,博士,研究员,博士生导师2008年获中国科学院动物研究所博士学位2008-2011年在美国新墨西哥州大学从事博士后研究2011-2014年在美国威斯康星大学麦迪逊分校从事博士后研究2014年 任中国科学院遗传发育所研究员2015年入选中组部“青年千人”研究内容:衰老以及中枢神经系统疾病 (如神经退行性疾病和神经发育疾病) 都会引起神经发生的异常。我们实验室着重研究神经干细胞和神经发生的细胞分子机制,以及它们在神经退行性疾病和神经发育疾病的发生机制,从而为这些 疾病的预防和治疗提供理论据。研究组成员工作人员王敏 (工程师)博士后郭野 (2017)硕博连读生韩秀 (2014) 刘英浩 (2015) 罗行 (2016) 王磊 (2016) 徐铭悦 (2017) 申旭宁 (2017) 梁子琦 (2018)博士研究生李志敏 (2019)硕士研究生席颖颖 (2018)研究生/博士后奖项汤常永 (2018年国家奖学金/2018年振声奖学金/博士)邢如晓 (2018年国家奖学金/博士)郭野 (2019年 益海嘉里优秀博士生)已毕业的研究生:陈旭 (硕士2013-2016) 汤常永 (博士 2015-2019) 王玉晗 (博士 2014-2019) 邢如晓 (硕博 2013-2019)代表性论文:(*通讯作者)1.Wang Y,Guo Y, Tang C, Han X, Xu M, Sun J, Zhao Y, Zhang Y, Wang M, Cao X, Zhu X,Guo W*. Developmental Cytoplasmic-to-Nuclear Translocation of RNA-Binding Protein HuR Is Required for Adult Neurogenesis. Cell Rep.2019. 29 (10): 3101-3117.2.Wang J, Cui Y, Yu Z, Wang W, Cheng X, Ji W, Guo S, Zhou Q, Wu N, Chen Y, Chen Y, Song X, Jiang H, Wang Y, Lan Y, Zhou B, Mao L, Li J, Yang H*, Guo W*, Yang X*. Brain Endothelial Cells Maintain Lactate Homeostasis and Control Adult Hippocampal Neurogenesis. Cell Stem Cell. 2019. 25(6):754-767.(Preview: Sensing the Environment: Extracellular Lactate Levels Control Adult Neurogenesis. Scandella V. and Knobloch M. 2019. Cell Stem Cell. 25(6):729-731)3.Zhou J, Wang X, Wang M, Chang Y, Zhang F, Ban Z, Tang R, Gan Q, Wu S, Guo Y, Zhang Q, Wang F, Zhao L, Jing Y, Qian W, Wang G, Guo W*, Yang C*. The lysine catabolite saccharopine impairs development by disrupting mitochondrial homeostasis. J. Cell Biol.2019; 218(2):580-597.(Spotlight: Saccharopine, a lysine degradation intermediate, is a mitochondrial toxin. Leandro J. and Houten SM. 2019; J. Cell Biol. 2018(2):391-392.)4.Tang C, Wang M, Wang P, Wang L, Wu Q, Guo W*. Neural Stem Cells Behave as a Functional Niche for the Maturation of Newborn Neurons through the Secretion of PTN. Neuron. 2019; 101(1):32-44.(Preview: Interactive Regulation of Neuronal Development by Hippocampal Stem Cell Niche Populations. LeBelle J. and Kornblum H. 2019. Neuron. 101(1):1-2)5.Wang M, Tang C, Xing R, Liu X, Han X, Liu Y, Wang L, Yang C*, Guo W*. WDR81 regulates adult hippocampal neurogenesis through endosomal SARA-TGFβ signaling. Mol. Psychiatry. 2018; doi: 10.1038/s41380-018-0307-y.6.Guo Y, Chen X, Xing R, Wang M, Zhu X, Guo W*. Interplay between FMRP and lncRNA TUG1 regulates axonal development through mediating SnoN-Ccd1 pathway. Hum. Mol. Genet. 2018; 27(3):475-485.7.Liu K, Xing R, Jian Y, Gao Z, Ma X, Sun X, Li Y, Xu M, Wang X, Jing Y, Guo W*, Yang C*, WDR91 is a Rab7 effector required for neuronal development. J. Cell Biol. 2017; 216(10):3307-3321.(Spotlight: A new Rab7 effector controls phosphoinositide conversion in endosome maturation. Casanova J. and Winckler B. 2017. J. Cell Biol. 216(10): 2995-2997)8.Guo Y, He X, Lu Z, Liu L, Song H, Wang X, Xu J, Ju X, Guo W*, Zhu X*. Gβ2 regulates the multipolar-bipolar transition of newborn neurons in the developing neocortex. Cereb. Cortex. 2017; 27(6):3414-3426.9.Liu X, Yang Li, Wang X, Xing R, Liu K, Gan Q, Tang C, Gao Z, Jian Y, Luo S, Guo W*, Yang C*, The Beach-containing protein WDR81 coordinates p62 and LC3C to promote aggrephagy. J. Cell Biol.2017; 216(5):1301-1320.10.Yu H, Sun D, Wang N, Wang M, Lan Y, Fan W, Zhao Y, Guo W*, Zhu X*. Headless Myo10 is a regulator of microtubule stability during neuronal development. J. Neurochem. 2015. 135(2):261-73.11.Wang F, Tidei JJ, Polich ED, Gao Y, Zhao H, Perrone-Bizzozero NI*, Guo W*, Zhao X*. Positive feedback between RNA-binding protein HuD and transcription factor SATB1 promotes neurogenesis. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U S A. 2015; 112(36):E4995-5004.12.Lai M, Guo Y, Ma J, Yu H, Zhao D, Fan W, Ju X, Sheikh M, Malik Y, Xiong W, Guo W*, Zhu X*. Myosin X regulates neuronal radial migration through interacting with N-cadherin. Front. Cell. Neurosci. 2015; 18; 9:326.13.Guo W, Polich ED, Su J, Gao Y, Christopher DM, Allan AM, Wang M, Wang F, Wang G, Zhao X. Fragile X Proteins FMRP and FXR2P Control Synaptic GluA1 Expression and Neuronal Maturation via Distinct Mechanisms. Cell Rep. 2015; 11(10):1651-66.14.Guo W, Patzlaff EN, Jobe EM, and Zhao X. Isolation of multipotent neural stem/progenitor cells from both the dentate gyrus and subventricular zone of a single adult mouse. Nat. Protoc. 2012; 7(11): 2005-12.15.Guo W, Murthy AC, Zhang L, Johnson EB, Schaller EG,Allan AM, and Zhao X. Inhibition of GSK3β Improves Hippocampus-Dependent Learning and Rescues Neurogenesis in a Mouse Model for Fragile X Syndrome. Hum. Mol. Genet. 2012; 21(3): 681-91.16.Guo W, Allan AM, Zong R, Zhang L, Johnson EB, Schaller EG, Murthy AC, Goggin SL, Eisch AJ, Oostra BA, Nelson DL, Jin P, and Zhao X. Ablation of FMRP in Adult Neural Stem Cells Disrupts Hippocampus Dependent Learning. Nat. Med. 2011; 17(5):559-65. (Cover Paper)17.Guo W, Zhang L, Christopher DM, Teng Z, Fausett SR, Klingensmith J, Jin P, and Zhao X. RNA-binding Protein FXR2 Regulates Adult Hippocampal Neurogenesis by Reducing Noggin Expression. Neuron. 2011; 70(5): 924-38.18.Luo Y#, Shan G#, Guo W# (#, equal contribution), Smrt RD, Johnson EB, Li X, Pfeiffer RL, Szulwach KE, Duan R, Barkho BZ, Li W, Liu C, Jin P, and Zhao X. Fragile X mental retardation protein regulates proliferation and differentiation of adult neural stem/progenitor cells. PLoS Genet. 2010; 6 (4): e1000898.