







  • 孟文翔
  • 研究员

孟文翔,博士,研究员,博士生导师 1995年北京中医药大学学士;2002年日本大阪大学医学博士;2002-2004在三重大学从事博士后研究。2004-2010年任日本理化学研究所发生再生综合研究中心研究员。2010年入选中国科学院百人计划,加入中国科学院遗传与发育生物学研究所。 主要研究方向为非中心体微管在细胞、个体发育以及疾病中的功能。 微管包括中心体微管和非中心体微管,在细胞迁移、细胞分裂及囊泡运输等诸多生物学过程中发挥重要作用。在既往研究中,我们首次发现了非中心体微管负端结合蛋白,并命名为Nezha(Cell. 2008)。这个发现,是展开对非中心体研究的一个非常重要的切入点。我们以揭开非中心体微管的功能和调控机理为主要目标,目前建立了Nezha和PLEKHA7基因敲除小鼠模型,通过细胞生物学、生化学手法以及分子成像技术研究其在发生发育以及神经系统中的功能。我们还通过大规模质量分析技术发现并鉴定了一些与Nezha相互作用,可能参与非中心体微管的聚合和锚定的蛋白质。我们正在进一步研究这些蛋白分子在细胞内的功能,并建立基因敲除小鼠模型,深入探究它们在发生发育过程中的作用。发表论文:Ning,W., Yu,Y., Xu,H., Liu, X., Wang, D., Wang, J.,Wang, Y., and Meng, W. (2016). The CAMSAP3-ACF7 Complex Couples Noncentrosomal Microtubules with Actin Filaments to Coordinate Their Dynamics. Developmental Cell 10.1016/j.devcel.2016.09.003.Toya, M., Kobayashi, S., Kawasaki, M., Shioi, G., Kaneko, M., Ishiuchi, T., Misaki, K., Meng, W., and Takeichi, M. (2016). CAMSAP3 orients the apical-to-basal polarity of microtubule arrays in epithelial cells. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 113, 332-337.Popov, L.M., Marceau, C.D., Starkl, P.M., Lumb, J.H., Shah, J., Guerrera, D., Cooper, R.L., Merakou, C., Bouley, D.M., Meng, W., et al. (2015). The adherens junctions control susceptibility to Staphylococcus aureus alpha-toxin. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 112, 14337-14342.Sako-Kubota, K., Tanaka, N., Nagae, S., Meng, W.X., and Takeichi, M. (2014). Minus end-directed motor KIFC3 suppresses E-cadherin degradation by recruiting USP47 to adherens junctions. Molecular Biology of the Cell 25, 3851-3860.Nagae, S., Meng, W.X., and Takeichi, M. (2013). Non-centrosomal microtubules regulate F-actin organization through the suppression of GEF-H1 activity. Genes to Cells 18, 387-396.Tanaka, N., Meng, W., Nagae, S., and Takeichi, M. (2012). Nezha/CAMSAP3 and CAMSAP2 cooperate in epithelial-specific organization of noncentrosomal microtubules. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 109, 20029-20034.Nagae, S.M., WX Takeichi, M (2010). Nezha, a microtubule minus end-anchoring protein, regulates axon morphogenesis. NEUROSCIENCE RESEARCH SN 68, 1.Meng., W. (2009). Adherens Junction.(Short Review). PROTEIN, NUCLEIC ACID AND ENZYME 54,11(759), 5.Meng, W.X., and Takeichi, M. (2009). Adherens Junction: Molecular Architecture and Regulation. Cold Spring Harbor Perspectives in Biology.Meng, W., Mushika, Y., Ichii, T., and Takeichi, M. (2008). Anchorage of microtubule minus ends to adherens junctions regulates epithelial cell-cell contacts. Cell 135, 948-959.Meng, W.X., Numazaki, M., Takeuchi, K., Uchibori, Y., Ando-Akatsuka, Y., Tominaga, M., and Tominaga, T. (2004). DIP (mDia interacting protein) is a key molecule regulating Rho and Rac in a Src-dependent manner. Embo Journal 23, 760-771.Ariga, K., Yonenobu, K., Nakase, T., Hosono, N., Okuda, S., Meng, W., Tamura, Y., and Yoshikawa, H. (2003). Mechanical stress-induced apoptosis of endplate chondrocytes in organ-cultured mouse intervertebral discs: an ex vivo study. Spine 28, 1528-1533.Tominaga, T., Meng, W., Togashi, K., Urano, H., Alberts, A.S., and Tominaga, M. (2002). The Rho GTPase effector protein, mDia, inhibits the DNA binding ability of the transcription factor Pax6 and changes the pattern of neurite extension in cerebellar granule cells through its binding to Pax6. The Journal of biological chemistry 277, 47686-47691.Nakase, T., Ariga, K., Meng, W., Iwasaki, M., Tomita, T., Myoui, A., Yonenobu, K., and Yoshikawa, H. (2002). Distribution of genes for parathyroid hormone (PTH)-related peptide, Indian hedgehog, PTH receptor and patched in the process of experimental spondylosis in mice. J Neurosurg 97, 82-87.Meng, W., Yonenobu, K., Ariga, K., Nakase, T., Okuda, S., Obata, K., and Yoshikawa, H. (2001). Localization of cathepsins G and L in spontaneous resorption of intervertebral discs in a rat experimental model. J Musculoskelet Neuronal Interact 2, 171-176.Ariga, K., Miyamoto, S., Nakase, T., Okuda, S., Meng, W.X., Yonenobu, K., and Yoshikawa, H. (2001). The relationship between apoptosis of endplate chondrocytes and aging and degeneration of the intervertebral disc. Spine 26, 2414-2420.