







  • 李小方
  • 研究员

李小方 博士,研究员,博士生导师 李小方,研究员、博士生导师,2010年博士毕业于中国科学院生态环境研究中心。2010-2015年于昆士兰大学从事博士后研究, 2016年5月获中国科学院率先行动“百人计划”资助,2018年11月获得中国科学院百人计划择优资助。近十余年一直致力于土壤重金属污染研究,发展了基于土壤功能重建的尾矿植物修复技术路线。目前致力于开发先进生物技术和先进土壤修复装备,用于满足大范围农田重金属污染治理和城市典型场地修复需求。迄今主持国内外基金8项,在环境科学主流期刊发表一作/通讯SCI论文24篇,获批/在审专利13项、转化6项。研究组研究目标 为重金属污染环境修复提供生态可持续、廉价、易于实施的现代生物技术。研究内容 筛选重金属超抗性/累积的微生物、真菌、植物,揭示其重金属抗性/累积遗传学决定因子;并通过基因工程技术改造现有生物材料;结合环境化学过程,为重金属生态修复提供成套的生物技术。研究人员 李小方 研究员郑鑫 助理研究员王丽琨 助理研究员吴萍 特别研究助理陈亮 研究助理Imdad Ullah Zaid, PIFI Postdoctoral Research Fellow杨树森 博士研究生陈苗 博士研究生Md Mominul Islam, PhD CandidateSajid Hanif, PhD Candidate陈镜好 硕士研究生星超 硕士研究生李文君 硕士研究生王泽宇 硕士研究生论文列表(一作和通讯)2015年之后1. Li, X. (2019). 'Technical solutions for the safe utilization of heavy metal-contaminated farmland in China: A critical review.' Land Degradation & Development DOI 10.1002/ldr.3309.2. Li, X., Zhou, D. (2019). “A Meta-Analysis on Phenotypic Variation in Cadmium Accumulation of Rice and Wheat: Implications for Food Cadmium Risk Control” Pedosphere In press3. Zheng, X., L. Chen, M. M. Chen, J. H. Chen and X. F. Li (2019). 'Functional Metagenomics to Mine Soil Microbiome for Novel Cadmium Resistance Genetic Determinants.' Pedosphere29(3): 298-310.4. Li, X. (2019). 'Metagenomic screening of microbiomes identifies pathogen-enriched environments.' Environmental Sciences Europe31(1): 37.5. Zheng, X., L. Chen and X. Li (2018). 'Arabidopsis and rice showed a distinct pattern in ZIPs genes expression profile in response to Cd stress.' Botanical Studies 59(1): 22.6. Zaid, I. U., X. Zheng and X. Li (2018). 'Breeding Low-Cadmium Wheat: Progress and Perspectives.' Agronomy8(11): 249.7. Chen, M., L. Wang, J. Hou, S. Yang, X. Zheng, L. Chen and X. Li (2018). 'Mycoextraction: Rapid Cadmium Removal by Macrofungi-Based Technology from Alkaline Soil.' Minerals8(12): 589.8. Chen, M., X. Zheng, L. Chen and X. Li (2018). 'Cadmium-Resistant Oyster Mushrooms from North China for Mycoremediation.' Pedosphere28(6): 848-855.9. 陈苗苗; 郑鑫; 李小方. 大型真菌重金属富集能力与机制研究进展 农业资源与环境学报, 2017.9.13, 34(6): 499~508.10. 杨树深,孙衍芹,郑鑫,李小方.重金属污染农田安全利用:进展与展望[J].中国生态农业学报,2018,26(10):1555-1572.11.Islam, M. M., M. R. Karim, X. Zheng and X. Li (2018). 'Heavy Metal and Metalloid Pollution of Soil, Water and Foods in Bangladesh: A Critical Review.' International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health15(12): 2825.12.Li, X. (2017). 'Phytostabilizing challenging mine wastes at the cost of phytostabilization.' Environmental Sciences Europe29(1): 9.13.LI, X., P. L. Bond and L. Huang (2017). 'Diversity of As Metabolism Functional Genes in Pb-Zn Mine Tailings.' Pedosphere27(3): 630-637.2015年之前1. Li, X. F. and L. B. Huang (2015). 'Toward a New Paradigm for Tailings Phytostabilization-Nature of the Substrates, Amendment Options, and Anthropogenic Pedogenesis.' Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology45(8): 813-839.2. Li, X. F., F. You, P. L. Bond and L. B. Huang (2015). 'Establishing microbial diversity and functions in weathered and neutral Cu-Pb-Zn tailings with native soil addition.' Geoderma247: 108-116.3. Li, X. F., P. L. Bond, J. D. Van Nostrand, J. Z. Zhou and L. B. Huang (2015). 'From lithotroph- to organotroph-dominant: directional shift of microbial community in sulphidic tailings during phytostabilization.' Scientific Reports5: 12978.4. Li, X. F., Y. G. Zhu, B. Shaban, T. J. C. Bruxner, P. L. Bond and L. B. Huang (2015). 'Assessing the genetic diversity of Cu resistance in mine tailings through high-throughput recovery of full-length copA genes.' Scientific Reports5: 13258.5. Li, X. F., J. H. Park, M. Edraki and T. Baumgartl (2014). 'Understanding the salinity issue of coal mine spoils in the context of salt cycle.' Environmental Geochemistry and Health36(3): 453-465.6. Li, X., F. You, L. Huang, E. Strounina and M. Edraki (2013). 'Dynamics in leachate chemistry of Cu-Au tailings in response to biochar and woodchip amendments: a column leaching study.' Environmental Sciences Europe25(1): 32.7. Li, X. F., L. B. Huang, P. L. Bond, Y. Lu and S. Vink (2014). 'Bacterial diversity in response to direct revegetation in the Pb-Zn-Cu tailings under subtropical and semi-arid conditions.' Ecological Engineering68: 233-240.8. Li, X. F., H. B. Yin and J. Q. Su (2012). 'An Attempt to Quantify Cu-Resistant Microorganisms in a Paddy Soil from Jiaxing, China.' Pedosphere22(2): 201-205.9. Li, X. F., Y. Z. Huang, Y. B. Ma, J. W. Sun and H. J. Cui (2010). 'Leaching impacts Ni toxicity differently among soils but increases its predictability according to nitrification assay.' Journal of Soils and Sediments10(3): 579-589.10.Li, X. F., J. W. Sun, Y. Z. Huang, Y. B. Ma and Y. G. Zhu (2010). 'Copper Toxicity Thresholds in Chinese Soils Based on Substrate-Induced Nitrification Assay.' Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry29(2): 294-300.11.Li, X. F., Y. G. Zhu, T. R. Cavagnaro, M. M. Chen, J. W. Sun, X. P. Chen and M. Qiao (2009). 'Do ammonia-oxidizing archaea respond to soil Cu contamination similarly asammonia-oxidizing bacteria?' Plant and Soil324(1-2): 209-217.12.Deng, H., X. F. Li (共同一作), W. D. Cheng and Y. G. Zhu (2009). 'Resistance and resilience of Cu-polluted soil after Cu perturbation, tested by a wide range of soil microbial parameters.' Fems Microbiology Ecology70(2): 293-304.13.李小方,邓欢,黄益宗,王新军,朱永官.土壤生态系统稳定性研究进展[J].生态学报,2009,29(12):6712-6722.专利列表1. 李小方, 双层植物培养装置 中国 ZL 2017 2 0719277.9 (已授权)2. 李小方, 一种微生物纯培养装置 中国ZL 2017 2 0722170.x (已授权)3. 李小方,郑鑫, 一种对镉具有高抗性的紫胞菌及提取方法和应用 中国 201711100179.84. 李小方,陈苗苗,一种高镉抗性平菇菌株及其应用 中国 201810815151.05. 李小方,陈苗苗, 一种用于富集重金属的菌棒 中国 201821173002.06. 李小方,陈苗苗, 一种高效镉吸附真菌菌剂及其制备方法和应用 中国 201710669924.47. 李小方,郑鑫, 甘草水提取物、包含其的组成物及其制备方法 中国 201710894184.48. 李小方,郑鑫, 小茴香水提取物、包含其得组合物及其制备方法和用途 中国 201710895226.69. 李小方,一种金属硫蛋白基因M27、其编码得到的金属硫蛋白及其表达和应用,201910289757.x10.李小方,一种金属硫蛋白基因M20、其编码得到的金属硫蛋白及其表达和应用,201910289750.x11.李小方,一种金属硫蛋白基因M18、其编码得到的金属硫蛋白及其表达和应用,201910290545.x12.李小方,一种金属硫蛋白基因M20、其编码得到的金属硫蛋白及其表达和应用,201910290546.x13.李小方,一种土壤污染处理装置,201921359466.5社会服务1. 中科厚土润泽环境科技(江苏)股份有限公司,首席技术专家2. 中国科学院农研中心土壤修复江苏研究院,首席科学家国内外项目1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,41877414,功能宏基因组学方法表征环境样品镉抗性基因多样性,2019.01-2022.12,56万,在研,主持2. 中国科学院率先行动“百人计划”择优资助,土壤重金属污染生物修复技术,2019.1-2021.12,200万,在研,主持3. 国家重点研发计划项目,2018YFD0800306,雄安新区农田面源和重金属污染综合防治技术集成示范,2018.7-2020.12,63万(总课题318万),在研,课题主持4. 河北省杰出青年基金,D2018503005,重金属污染农田安全利用:小麦-微生物低吸收体系,2018.1-2020.12,30万,在研,主持5. 中国科学院水资源重点实验室培育项目,Y826012605,唐河污水库重金属垂向迁移风险评估,2018.1-2019.12, 20万,在研,主持6. 中国科学院率先行动“百人计划”,Y726012203,重金属污染农田安全利用技术,2017.1-2018.12,80万,结题,主持7. 王仕琴等,府河-白洋淀河湖冲积沉积带水与生态环境修复与综合治理,2018 年河北省重点研发计划项目,2017.1-2019.12,在研,参与8. UQ Postdoctoral Research Fund, Biodiversity of microbial community structure in the continuum of tailings landscape,2012.4-2015.12,A