







  • 陈受宜
  • 研究员

陈受宜,荣誉研究员,博士生导师。该实验室主要研究方向是植物对逆境应答的分子机制和大豆籽粒性状的分子基础。 陈受宜研究员出生于1940年。1963年毕业于北京大学生物系生物化学专业,1963-1989在中国科学院生物物理研究所工作,1981-1982和1982-1984分别在美国哥伦比亚大学生物系和纽约公共卫生研究所任访问学者。1989-1999在中国科学院遗传研究所任副研,副所长;研究员,所长。1999-至今任研究员.1990年获中国科学院科技进步一等奖并受国家教委和劳动人事部表彰为归国有贡献的中青年科学家。1995年获中国科学院巾帼英雄奖及优秀教师奖;2000年获中国科学院华为奖教金;2004年获973项目完成先进个人奖;2005年获山东省科学技术奖二等奖和中国科学院第二届“十大杰出妇女”提名奖;2006年获中国科学院研究生院优秀教师荣誉称号, 2007年获教育部科技进步一等奖,2008年被评为中国科学院研究生院杰出教师,2015年入选全球植物学2015年高被引科学家。为第八、九、十届全国政协委员。1.植物耐逆性分子机制及基因工程对植物应答非生物胁迫的分子调控机制进行了比较系统的研究。克隆并功能分析了逆境应答并与耐逆性相关的30余个基因,阐明了他们参与的调控途径。专利基因已经提供18研究团队用以培育高耐逆性作物的实验,其中耐盐杨树、香花槐和大豆等已获环境释放。2.大豆基因组研究 研究了大豆籽粒性状的分子基础,主要是种子油脂代谢和百粒重调控机制。鉴定了调控种子油脂代谢和百粒重调控基因及其调控机制,研究了他们在野生大豆到栽培大豆驯化过程中的演变。 发表国际SCI论文110余篇,获得受权专利20余项。2004年以来代表论文Zhao H, Duan KX, Ma B, Yin CC, Hu Y, Tao JJ, Huang YH, Cao WQ, Chen H, Yang C, Zhang ZG, He SJ, Zhang WK, Wan XY, Lu TG, Chen SY, Zhang JS (2020) Histidine kinase MHZ1/OsHK1 interacts with ethylene receptors to regulate root growth in rice. Nat Commun. 11(1): 518. doi: 10.1038/s41467-020-14313-0. Bian XH, Li W, Niu CF, Wei W, Hu Y, Han JQ, Lu X, Tao JJ, Jin M, Qin H, Zhou B, Zhang WK, Ma B, Wang GD, Yu DY, Lai YC, Chen SY, Zhang JS (2020) A class B heat shock factor selected for during soybean domestication contributes to salt tolerance by promoting flavonoid biosynthesis. New Phytol. 225:268-283. doi: 10.1111/nph.16104. https://rdcu.be/bSLmfZhou Y, Xiong Q, Yin CC, Ma B, Chen SY, Zhang JS (2019) Ethylene biosynthesis, signaling and crosstalk with other hormones in rice. Small Methods. https://doi.org/10.1002/smtd.201900278Wei W, Liang DW, Bian XH, Shen M, Xiao JH, Zhang WK, Ma B, Lin Q, Lv J, Chen X, Chen SY, Zhang JS (2019) GmWRKY54 improves drought tolerance through activating genes in ABA and Ca2+ signaling pathways in transgenic soybean. Plant J. doi: 10.1111/tpj.14449Yin CC, Ma B, Zhao H, Chen SY, Zhang JS (2018) Screening and Genetic Analysis of Ethylene-Response Mutants in Etiolated Rice Seedlings. Bio-Protocol, DOI:10.21769/BioProtoc.3001Yin D, Ji C, Ma X, Li H, Zhang W, Li S, Liu F, Zhao K, Li F, Li K, Ning L, He J, Wang Y, Zhao F, Xie Y, Zheng H, Zhang X, Zhang Y, Zhang JS. (2018) Genome of an allotetraploid wild peanut Arachis monticola: a de novo assembly. GigaScience, 7(6): 1-9. doi: 10.1093/gigascience/giy066.Chen H, Ma B, Zhou Y, He SJ, Tang SY, Lu X, Xie Q, Chen SY, Zhang JS (2018) E3 ubiquitin ligase SOR1 regulates ethylene response in rice root by modulating stability of Aux/IAA protein. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. 115: 4513-4518.Callis J: F1000Prime Recommendation of [Chen H et al., Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 2018 , 115(17):4513-4518]. In F1000Prime, 11 Jul 2018; DOI: 10.3410/f.733025177.793547890. F1000Prime.com/733025177#eval793547890 Ma B, Zhou Y, Chen H, He SJ, Huang YH, Zhao H, Lu X, Zhang WK, Pang JH, Chen SY, Zhang JS (2018) Membrane protein MHZ3 stabilizes OsEIN2 in rice by interacting with its Nramp-like domain. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. 115: 2520-2525. doi: 10.1073/pnas.1718377115.Tao JJ, Wei W, Pan WJ, Lu L, Li QT, Ma JB, Zhang WK, Ma B, Chen SY, Zhang JS (2018) An Alfin-like gene from Atriplex hortensis enhances salt and drought tolerance and abscisic acid response in transgenic Arabidopsis. Sci. Rep. 8(1): 2707. doi: 10.1038/s41598-018-21148-9.Yin CC, Zhao H, Ma B, Chen SY and Zhang JS (2017) Diverse Roles of Ethylene in Regulating Agronomic Traits in Rice. Front. Plant Sci. 8:1676. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2017.01676.Wei W, Tao JJ, Chen HW, Li QT, Zhang WK, Ma B, Lin Q, Zhang JS, Chen SY (2017) A histone code reader and a transcriptional activator interact to regulate genes for salt tolerance. Plant Physiol. 2017 Sep 5. pii: pp.01764.2016. doi: 10.1104/pp.16.01764.How Rice Seedlings Emerge from Soil. The Plant Cell in a Nutshell, by Nancy Eckardt, https://plantae.org/research/the-plant-cell/#nutshellXiong Q, Ma B, Lu X, Huang YH, He SJ, Yang C, Yin CC, Zhao H, Zhou Y, Zhang WK, Wang WS, Li ZK, Chen SY,Zhang JS (2017) Ethylene-Inhibited Jasmonic Acid Biosynthesis Promotes Mesocotyl/Coleoptile Elongation of Etiolated Rice Seedlings. Plant Cell, 29: 1053-1072..Pan WJ, Tao JJ, Cheng T, Shen M, Ma JB, Zhang WK, Lin Q, Ma B, Chen SY, Zhang JS (2017) Soybean NIMA-related Kinase1 Promotes Plant Growth and Improves Salt and Cold Tolerance. Plant Cell Physiol. 58: 1268-1278.Lu X, Xiong Q, Cheng T, Li QT, Liu XL, Bi YD, Li W, Zhang WK, Ma B, Lai YC, Du WG, Man WQ, Chen SY, Zhang JS (2017). A PP2C-1 Allele Underlying a Quantitative Trait Locus Enhances Soybean 100-Seed Weight. Mol. Plant,10:670-684.Li QT, Lu X, Song Q, Chen HW, Wei W, Tao JJ, Bian XH, Shen M, Ma B, Zhang WK, Bi YD, Li W, Lai YC, Lam SM, Shui G, Chen SY, Zhang JS (2017). Selection for a zinc-finger protein contributes to seed oil increase during soybean domestication. Plant Physiol. 173:2208-2224.Yang C, Li W, Cao J, Meng F, Yu Y, Huang J, Jiang L, Liu M, Zhang Z, Chen X, Miyamoto K, Yamane H, Zhang JS, Chen SY, Liu J (2016). Activation of ethylene signaling pathways enhances disease resistance by regulating ROS and phytoalexin production in rice. Plant J. Oct 4. doi: 10.1111/tpj.13388.张玉芹,陆 翔,李擎天,陈受宜,张劲松 (2016). 大豆品质调控基因克隆和功能研究进展. 中国农业科学, 49 (22): 4299-4309..Zhang YQ, Lu X, Zhao FY, Li QT, Niu SL, Wei W, Zhang WK, Ma B, Chen SY, Zhang JS (2016). Soybean GmDREBL increases lipid content in seeds of transgenic Arabidopsis. Sci. Rep. 6: 34307; doi: 10.1038/srep34307.Tao JJ, Chen SY, Zhang JS (2016) Simple methods for screening and statistical analysis of leaf epidermal cells in dicotyledonous plants. Bio-protocol, 6(17): e1916. http://www.bio-protocol.org/e1916.赵赫,陈受宜,张劲松(2016)乙烯信号转导与植物非生物胁迫反应调控研究进展。生物技术通报,32 (10):1-10Yin CC, Ma B, Wang W, Xiong Q, Zhao H, Chen SY, Zhang JS (2016) RNA Extraction and Preparation in Rice (Oryza sativa). Curr Protoc Plant Biol. 1:411-418. DOI: 10.1002/cppb.20023Pan WJ, Tao JJ, Cheng T, Bian XH, Wei W, Zhang WK, Ma B, Chen SY, Zhang JS (2016) Soybean miR172a improves salt tolerance and can function as a long distance signal.Mol Plant, 9: 1337-1340.Lu X, Li QT, Xiong Q, Li W, Bi YD, Lai YC, Liu XL, Man WQ, Zhang WK, Ma B, Chen SY, Zhang JS (2016) The transcriptomic signature of developing soybean seeds reveals genetic basis of seed trait adaptation during domestication. Plant J. 86: 530-544.沈鸣,陈受宜,张劲松(2016)乙烯对豆科植物生长发育和根瘤形成的影响。大豆科学,35(2):330-336.Tao JJ, Chen HW, Ma B, Zhang WK, Chen SY, Zhang JS (2015) The role of ethylene in plants under salinity stress. Front Plant Sci 6: 1059. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2015.01059.Li ZG, Chen HW, Li QT, Tao JJ, Bian XH, Ma B, Zhang WK, Chen SY, Zhang JS (2015) Three SAUR proteins SAUR76, SAUR77 and SAUR78 promote plant growth in Arabidopsis. Sci. Rep. 5: 12477. doi: 10.1038/srep12477Yang C, Ma B, He SJ, Xiong Q, Duan KX, Yin CC, Chen H, Lu X, Chen SY, Zhang JS (2015) MHZ6/OsEIL1 and OsEIL2 regulate ethylene response of roots and coleoptiles and negatively affect salt tolerance in rice. Plant Physiol. 169:148-165.Wang F, Chen HW, Li QT, Wei W, Li W, Zhang WK, Ma B, Bi YD, Lai YC, Liu XL, Man WQ, Zhang JS, Chen SY (2015) GmWRKY27 interacts with GmMYB174 to reduce expression of GmNAC29 for stress tolerance in soybean plants. Plant J. 83:224-236.Tao JJ, Cao YR, Chen HW, Wei W, Li QT, Ma B, Zhang WK, Chen SY and Zhang JS (2015) Tobacco TCTP interacts with ethylene receptor NTHK1 and enhances plant growth through promotion of cell proliferation. Plant Physiol. 169:96-114.Yin CC, Ma B, Collinge DP, Pogson BJ, He SJ , Xiong Q , Duan KX, Chen H, Yang C, Lu X, Wang YQ , Zhang WK, Chu CC, Sun XH, Fang S, Chu JF, Lu TG, Chen SY, and Zhang JS (2015) Ethylene responses in rice roots and coleoptiles are differentially regulated by a carotenoid isomerase-mediated abscisic acid pathway. Plant Cell, 27(4):1061-1081. Yang C, Lu X, Ma B, Chen SY, Zhang JS(2015) Ethylene signaling in rice and Arabidopsis: conserved and diverged aspects. Mol. Plant, 8(4):495-505.Cao YR,Chen HW,Li ZG,Tao JJ,Ma B,Zhang WK,Chen SY*,Zhang JS* (2015) Tobacco ankyrin protein NEIP2 interacts with ethylene receptor NTHK1 and regulates plant growth and stress responses. 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