







  • 王国栋
  • 研究员

王国栋,博士,研究员,博士生导师 1996年毕业于南开大学化学系,1999年获中国科学院上海药物研究所有机化学硕士学位,2003年获中国科学院上海植物生理生态研究所植物分子遗传学博士学位。2003年11月至2006年12月,在美国University of Michigan (Ann Arbor) 进行博士后研究工作;2006年底-2009年5月,在美国 Samuel Roberts Noble Foundation 工作,长期从事植物特异性代谢研究。2009年六月,入选中国科学院“百人计划”,中国科学院遗传发育所研究员。研究方向 实验室集中于解析植物来源的重要小分子代谢物的代谢途径/酶促反应机理及其生物学功能研究,并对高附加值的代谢物进行合成生物学应用研究。 1.植物代谢组分析方法建立优化:植物产生超过30万种代谢物 (代谢物多样性),这些代谢物在植物的生活史中,特别是与环境适应、物种间互作,发挥着重要的生理作用,但具体分子机制大多不明确。首先,为全面定性定量了解这些化合物在植物体内的变化规律,我们已建立技术齐备的色质联用化学分析平台(见下图;参考DOI:10.16288/j.yczz.19-122),将针对不同的生物学问题,利用不同的检测平台/方法获取需要的“化学表型”信息。 2.植物重要代谢途径解析和生物学功能研究:我们利用代谢组学,基因组学和转录组学等现代组学技术手段,结合传统的分子和生化技术解析植物中重要代谢物的合成途径及其调控,同时利用合成生物学的技术策略将从植物中所解析的代谢途径在酵母体系中重组优化,大规模生产对人体健康有益的小分子代谢物(主要集中于萜类化合物)。在研项目包括: a,大豆籽粒营养物质(大豆皂苷,异黄酮,维他命E和氨基酸等)生物合成途径及调控,长期应用目标是培育营养品质优良的“个性化”大豆新品系; b,拟南芥新型萜类物质(C25,二倍半萜)和NAD补救合成途径,长期研究目标探究植物如何利用代谢网络(新化合物)调控微生物群落组成,实现植物根际“合成生态学”设计理念; c,啤酒花腺毛萜酚类化合物生物合成和转运过程的解析,长期应用目标以酵母和番茄为底盘,利用合成生物学技术手段,培育符合市场需求萜酚类化合物产品。 欢迎对植物特异性代谢及其合成生物学应用研究领域有兴趣的学生和博士后加入。在本实验室,你将有机会接触生物学和化学两个领域的学术交叉前沿。Publications (* Corresponding author) PDF files are available at: www.researchgate.net/profile/Guodong_Wang91. He, J., Chen, Q., Xin, P., Yuan, J., Ma, Y., Wang, X. Xu, M., Chu, J., Peters R., and Wang, G*. (2019) CYP72A enzymes catalyse 13-hydrolyzation of gibberellins. Nature Plants DOI:10.1038/s41477-019-0511-z. (Cover Story)2. Liu, L., Zhang, F., Li, G., and Wang, G*. (2019)Qualitative and quantitative NAD+ metabolomics leads to discovery of multiple functional nicotinate N-glycosyltransferase in Arabidopsis. Front. Plant Sci.10, 1164.3. Xie, P., Shi, J., Tang, S., Chen, C., Khan, A., Zhang, F., Xiong, Y., Li, C., He, W., Wang, G., Lei, F., Wu, Y., and Xie, Q. (2019) Control of bird feeding behavior by tannin1 through modulating the biosynthesis of polyphenols and fatty acid-derived volatiles in Sorghum. Mol Plant DOI: 10.1016/j.molp.2019.08.004.4. Bian, X., Li, W., Niu, C., Wei, W., Hu, Y., Han, J., Lu, X., Tao, J., Jin, M., Qin, H., Zhou, B., Zhang, W., Ma, B., Wang, G., Lai, Y., Chen, S., and Zhang, J. (2019) A class B heat shock factor selected for during soybean domestication contributes to salt tolerance by promoting flavonoid biosynthesis. New Phytol DOI: 10.1111/nph.16104.5. Gao, S., Xiao, Y., Xu, F., Gao, X., Cao, S., Zhang, F., Wang, G., Sanders, D., and Chu, C. (2019) Cytokinin-dependent regulatory module underlies the maintenance of zinc nutrition in rice. New Phytol224, 202-215.6. Chen, Q., Jiang, T., Liu, YX., Liu, H., Zhao, T., Liu, Z., Gan, X., Hallab, A., Wang, X., He, J., Ma, Y., Zhang, F., Jin, T., Schranz, ME., Wang, Y., Bai, Y.*, and Wang, G*. (2019) Recently duplicated sesterterpene (C25) gene clusters in Arabidopsis thaliana modulate root microbiota. Sci China Life Sci62, 947-958.7. Zhou, J., Wang, X., Wang, M., Chang, Y., Zhang, F., Ban, Z., Tang, R., Gan, Q., Wu, S., Zhang, Q., Wang, F., Zhao, L., Jing, Y., Qian, W., Wang, G., Guo, W.*, and Yang, C.* (2018) Aberrant lysine catabolism disrupts mitochondrial homeostasis essential for animal development. J Cell Biol218, 580-597.8. Wu, R., Zhang, F., Liu, L., Li, W., Pichersky, E., and Wang, G.* (2018) MeNA, controlled by reversible methylation of nicotinate, is a NAD precursor that undergoes long-distance transport in Arabidopsis. Mol Plant10, 1264-1277.9. Ding, L., Yang, X., Tian, H., Liang, J., Zhang, F., Wang, G., Wang, Y., Ding, M., Shui, G., and Huang, X.* (2018) Mitochondrial calcium-dependent metabolism supports Seipin-mediated lipid homeostasis. EMBO J37, e97572.10. Ban, Z., Qin, H., Mitchell, A.J., Liu, B., Zhang, F., Weng, J.K., Dixon, R.A.*, and Wang, G.* (2018) Non-catalytic chalcone isomerase-fold proteins in Humulus lupulus are auxiliary components in prenylated flavonoid biosynthesis.Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 115, E5223-E5232. (Cover Story)11. Du, L., Xu, F., Fang, J., Gao, S., Tang, J., Fang, S., Wang, H., Tong, H., Zhang, F., Chu, J., Wang, G., and Chu, C.* (2018) Endosperm sugar accumulation caused by mutation of PHS8/ISA1 leads to pre-harvest sprouting in rice. Plant J95, 545-556.12. Yang, Y., Zhang, Y., Zhang, S., Chen, Q., Ma, K., Bao, L., Tao, Y., Yin, W., Wang, G., and Liu, H.* (2018). Identification and characterization of a membrane-bound sesterterpene cyclase from Streptomyces somaliensis. J Nat Prod81, 1089-1092.13. Zhao, Y., Luo, L., Xu, J., Xin, P., Guo, H., Wu, J., Bai, L., Wang, G., Chu, J., Zuo, J., Yu, H.*, Huang, X.*, and Li, J.* (2018). Malate transported from chloroplast to mitochondrion triggers production of ROS and PCD in Arabidopsis thaliana. Cell Res 28, 448-461.14. Li, W., Zhang, H., Li, X., Zhang, F., Liu, C., Du, Y., Gao, X., Zhang, Z., Zhang, X., Hou, Z., Zhou, H., Sheng, X., Wang, G., and Guo, Y.* (2017). Integrative metabolomic and transcriptomic analyses unveil nutrient remobilization events in leaf senescence of tobacco. Sci Rep7, 12126.15. Fang, C.#, Ma, Y.#, Wu, S.#, Liu Z., Wang, Z., Yang, R., Hu, G., Zhou, Z., Yu, H., Zhang, M., Pan, Y., Zhou, G., Ren, H., Du, W., Yan, H., Wang, Y., Han, D., Shen, Y., Liu, S., Liu, T., Zhang, J., Qin, H., Yuan, J., Yuan, X., Kong, F., Liu, B., Li, J., Zhang, Z.*, Wang, G.*, Zhu, B.*, and Tian, Z.* (2017). Genome-wide association studies dissect the genetic networks underlying agronomical traits in soybean. Genome Biol18, 161.16. Li, W.#, Zhang, F.#, Wu, R.#, Jia, L., Li, G., Guo, Y., Liu, C., and Wang, G.* (2017)A novel N-methyltransferase in Arabidopsis appears to feed a conserved pathway for nicotinate detoxification among land plants and is associated with lignin biosynthesis. Plant Physiol174, 1492-1504.17. Shao, J., Chen, Q., Lv, H., He, J., Liu, Z., Lu, Y.N., Liu, H.*, Wang, G.*, and Wang, Y.* (2017). (+)-Thalianatriene and (-)-Retigeranin B catalyzed by sesterterpene synthases from Arabidopsis thaliana. Org Lett19, 1816-1819.18. Yang, X., Nian, J., Xie, Q., Feng, J., Zhang, F., Jing, H., Zhang, J., Dong, G., Liang, Y., Peng, J., Wang, G., Qian, Q., and Zuo, J. (2016). Rice ferredoxin-dependent glutamate synthase regulates nitrogen-carbon metabolomes and is genetically differentiated between japonica and indica subspecies. Mol Plant9, 1520-1534.19. Li, Q., Fang, C., Duan, Z., Liu, Y., Qin, H., Zhang, J., Sun, P., Li, W., Wang, G., and Tian, Z.* (2016). Functional conservation and divergence of GmCHLI genes in polyploid soybean. Plant J88, 584-596.20. Wei, G., Tian, P., Zhang, F., Qin, H., Miao, H., Chen, Q., Hu, Z., Cao, L., Wang, M., Gu, X., Huang, S., Chen, M., and Wang, G.* (2016). Integrative analyses of non-targeted volatile profiling and transcriptome data provide molecular insight into VOC diversity in cucumber plants (Cucumis sativus L.). Plant Physiol172, 603-618.21. Wang, C., Chen, Q., Fan, D., Li, J., Wang, G.*, and Zhang, P.* (2016). Structural analyses of short-chain prenyltransferases identify an evolutionarily conserved GFPPS clade in Brassicaceae plants. Mol Plant9, 195-204. (Cover Story)22. Li, W., Zhang, F., Chang, Y., Zhao, T., Schranz, M.E., and Wang, G.* (2015). Nicotinate O-glucosylation is an evolutionarily metabolic trait important for seed germination under stress conditions in Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant Cell27, 1907-1924.23. Chen, Q., Fan, D., and Wang, G.* (2015) Heteromeric geranyl(geranyl) diphosphate synthase is involved in monoterpene biosynthesis in Arabidopsis flowers. Mol Plant 8,1434-1437.24. Wang, B., Chu, J., Yu, T., Xu, Q., Sun, X., Yuan, J., Xiong, G., Wang, G., Wang, Y., and Li, J.* (2015). Tryptophan-independent auxin biosynthesis contributes to early embryogenesis in Arabidopsis. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA112, 4821-4826.25. Li, H., Ban, Z., Qin, H., Ma, L., King, A.J., and Wang, G.* (2015). A heteromeric membrane-bound prenyltransferase complex from Humulus lupulus catalyzes three sequential aromatic prenylations in the bitter acid pathway. Plant Physiol167, 650-659.26. Wang, G.* (2015). LC-MS in Plant Metabolomics. In Qi X eds. Plant Metabolomics: Methods and Applications. Springer Netherlands, pp 45-6127. Wang, G.* (2015). Applications of LC-MS in Plant Metabolomics. In Qi X eds. Plant Metabolomics: Methods and Applications. Springer Netherlands, pp 213-22628. Wang, G.* (2014). Recent progress in secondary metabolism of plant glandular trichomes. Plant Biotech 31, 353-361.29. Xu, F., Fang, J., Ou, S., Gao, S., Zhang, F., Du, L., Xiao, Y., Wang, H., Sun, X., Chu, J., Wang, G., and Chu, C.* (2014). Variations in CYP78A1 coding region influence grain size and yield in rice. Plant Cell Enviro38, 800-811.30. Song, Q., Li, Q., Liu, Y., Zhang, F., Ma, B., Zhang, W., Man, W., Du, W., Wang, G., Chen, S., Zhang, J.* (2013). Soybean GmbZIP123 gene enhances lipid content in the seeds of transgenic Arabidopsis plants. J Exp Bot64, 4329-4341.31. Zhao, N., Wang, G., Norris, A., Chen, X., and Chen, F.* (2013). Studying plant secondary metabolism in the age of genomics. Crit Rev Plant Sci32, 369–382.32. Yu, S., Cao, L., Zhou C., Zhang T., Lian, H., Sun, Y., Wu, J., Huang, J., Wang, G., and Wang J.* (2013). Sugar is an endogenous cue for juvenile-to-adult phase transition in plants. eLife2, e00269.33. Xu, H., Zhang, F., Liu, B., Huhman, DV., Sumner, LW, Dixon, RA and Wang, G.* (2013). Characterization of the formation of branched short-chain fatty acid:CoAs for bitter acid biosynthesis in hop glandular trichomes. Mol Plant 6, 1301–1317.34. Yu, H., Zhang, F., Wang, G., Liu, Y., and Liu, D.* (2013) Partial deficiency of isoleucine impairs root development and alters transcript levels of the genes involved in branched-chain amino acid and glucosinolate metabolism in Arabidopsis. J Exp Bot 64, 599-612.35. Yu, H., Du, X., Zhang, F., Hu, Y., Liu, S., Jiang, X., Wang, G., and Liu, D.*(2012). A mutation in the E2 subunit of the mitochondrial pyruvate dehydrogenase complex in Arabidopsis reduces plant organ size and enhances the accumulation of amino acids and intermediate products of the TCA cycle. Planta236, 387-399.36. Liu, X., … Wang, G., … Li, C.* (2012). Activation of the jasmonic acid pathway by depletion of the hydroperoxide lyase OsHPL3 reveals crosstalk between the HPL and AOS branches of the oxylipin pathway in rice. PLoS One7, e50089.37. Wu, H.J., … Wang, G.D., … Xie, Q.* (2012). Insights into salt tolerance from the genome of Thellungiella salsuginea. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA109,12219-12224.38. Li, C., Wang, Y., Liu, L., Hu, Y., Zhang, F., Mergen, S., Wang, G., Schl?ppi, M. R., and Chu, C.* (2011). A rice plastidial nucleotide sugar epimerase is involved in galactolipid biosynthesis and improves photosynthetic efficiency. PLoS Genet7, e1002196.39. 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