- 李传友
- 研究员

1991年山东农业大学学士;1994年山东农业大学硕士;1999年中国科学院遗传研究所博士。1999年至2003年,MSU-DOE Plant Research Laboratory博士后。2003年中国科学院“百人计划”入选者,2004年国家杰出青年科学基金获得者。现担任国家重大科学研究计划项目首席科学家。任《Molecular Plant》, 《Plant Molecular Biology》Associate Editor, 《遗传》、《植物学报》编委。 李传友博士的主要研究方向是植物激素茉莉酸的生理功能及其作用机理。
第十届国际茄科植物生物学大会 会议网站: http://www.sol2013.org
KEY PUBLICATIONS (*Corresponding author):1. Wang H, Li S, Li Y, Xu Y, Wang Y, Zhang R, Sun W, Chen Q, Wang X, Li C*, and Zhao J*. (2019). MED25 connects enhancer-promoter looping and MYC2-dependent activation of jasmonate signaling. Nat. Plants 5: 616–625. (Recommended in F1000 Prime as being of special significance)2. Liu Y, Du M, Deng L, Shen J, Fang M, Chen Q, Lu Y, Wang Q*, Li C*, and Zhai Q*. (2019). MYC2 regulates the termination of jasmonate signaling via an autoregulatory negative feedback loop. Plant Cell 31: 106–127.Highlighted with an In Brief article in Plant Cell, https://doi.org/10.1105/tpc.19.00004;Highlighted with a Spotlight article in Trends Plant Sci., https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tplants.2019.06.001.3. You Y, Zhai Q*, An C, and Li C*. (2019).LEUNIG_HOMOLOG mediates jasmonate-dependent transcriptional activation in cooperation with the coactivators HAC1 and MED25. Plant Cell DOI: https://doi.org/10.1105/tpc.19.00115.4. Zhai Q, and Li C*. (2019). The plant Mediator complex and its role in jasmonate signaling.J. Exp. Bot.70: 3415–3424.5. Zhou W, Lozano-Torres JL, Blilou I, Zhang X, Zhai Q, Smant G, Li C, and Scheres B*. (2019). A jasmonate signaling network activates root stem cells and promotes regeneration. Cell 177: 942–956.6. Zhang P, Wei J, Zhao C, Zhang Y, Li C, Liu S, Dickee M, Yu X, and Turlings TCJ*. (2019). Airborne host–plant manipulation by whiteflies via an inducible blend of plant volatiles. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 116: 7387–7396.7. Zhang X,Zhou W, Chen Q, Fang M, Zheng S, Ben S, and Li C*.(2018). The Mediator subunit MED31 is required for radial patterning of Arabidopsis roots.Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 115: E5624–E5633.8. Qi L, Zhang X,Zhai H, Liu J, Wu F, Li C*,and Chen Q*.(2018). Elongator is required for root stem cell maintenance by regulating SHORT ROOT transcription. Plant Physiol. 179: 220–232. 9. Zhang R, Ge S, He J, Li S, Hao Y, Du H, Liu Z, Cheng R, Feng Y-Q, Xiong L, Li C, Hetherington A, and Liang Y-K*. (2018).BIG regulates stomatal immunity and jasmonate production in Arabidopsis. New Phytol. 222: 335–348.10. Deng L, Wang H, Sun C, Li Q, Jiang H, Du M, Li C-B, and Li C*. (2018). Efficient generation of pink-fruited tomatoes using CRISPR/Cas9 system. Journal of Genetics and Genomics.J. Genet. Genomics 45: 51–54.11. Lian J, Han H, Zhao J and Li C*. (2018). In-vitro and in-planta Botrytis cinerea inoculation assays for tomato. Bio-protocol8: e2810.12. An C, Li L, Zhai Q*, You Y, Deng L, Wu F, Chen R, Jiang H, Wang H, Chen Q, and Li C*. (2018). Mediator subunit MED25 links the jasmonate receptor to transcriptionally active chromatin. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 114: E8930–E8939.13. Du M,Zhao J*, Tzeng D,Liu Y, Deng L, Yang T, Zhai Q, Wu F, Huang Z, Zhou M, Wang Q, Chen Q, Zhong S, Li C-B, and Li C*. (2017).MYC2 orchestrates a hierarchical transcriptional cascade that regulates jasmonate-mediated plant immunity in tomato. Plant Cell 29: 1883–1906.14. Li J, Li C, and Smith S.M. (Eds.). (2017). Hormone Metabolism and Signaling in Plants. Woodhead Publishing, Elsevier. (Book)15. Zhai Q, Yan C, Li L, Xie D, and Li C*. (2017). Jasmonates. In Hormone Metabolism and Signaling in Plants. 1st ed. Li J, Li C and Smith M.S. ed (London, United Kingdom: ELSEVIER Academic Press), pp. 243–263. (Book chapter)16. Li C*, Li J*, Harter K, Lee Y, Leung J, Martinoia E, Matsuoka M, Offringa R, Qu L, Schroeder J, and Zhao Y. (2016). Toward a molecular understanding of plant hormone actions. Mol. Plant 9: 1–3.17. Xu Y, Jin W, Li N, Zhang W, Liu C, Li C*, and Li Y*. (2016). UBIQUITIN-SPECIFIC PROTEASE14 interacts with ULTRAVIOLET-B INSENSITIVE4 to regulate endoreduplication and cell and organ growth in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell 28: 1200–1214.18. Ito J, Fukaki H, Onoda M, Li L, Li C, Tasaka M, and Furutani M*. (2016). Auxin-dependent compositional change in Mediator in ARF7- and ARF19-mediated transcription. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 113: 6562–6567. 19. Ou Y, Lu X, Zi Q, Xun Q, Zhang J, Wu Y, Shi H, Wei Z, Zhao B, Zhang X, He K, Gou X, Li C, and Li J*. (2016). RGF1 INSENSITIVE 1 to 5, a group of LRR receptor-like kinases, are essential for the perception of root meristem growth factor 1 in Arabidopsis thaliana. Cell Res. 26: 686–698.20. Zhai Q, Zhang X, Wu F, Feng H, Deng L, Xu L, Zhang M, Wang Q*,and Li C*. (2015).Transcriptional mechanism of jasmonate receptor COI1-mediated delay of flowering time in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell 27: 2814–2828. (Recommended in F1000 Prime)21. Chen Q , Liu Y, Maere S, Lee E, Van Isterdael G, Xie Z, Xuan W, Lucas J, Vassileva V, Kitakura S, Marhavy P, Wabnik K, Geldner N, Benkova E, Le J, Fukaki H, Grotewold E, Li C, Friml J,Sack F, Beeckman T*, and Vanneste S*. (2015). A coherent transcriptional feed-forward motif controls auxin-sensitive PIN3 expression for lateral root development.Nature Commun. 6: 8821.22. Li C*. (2015). Toward understanding the stem-cell origin and the molecular regulation of rice tillering. J. Genet. Genomics 42: 47–48.23. Zhou Z, Wu Y, Yang Y, Du M, Zhang X, Guo Y, Li C, and Zhou J*. (2015). An Arabidopsis plasma membrane proton ATPase modulates JA signaling and is exploited by the Pseudomonas syringae effector protein AvrB for stomatal invasion. Plant Cell 27: 2032–2041.24. Wang Z, Mao J, Zhao Y, Li C, and Xiang C*.(2015). L-Cysteine inhibits root elongationthrough auxin/PLETHORA and SCR/SHR pathway in Arabidopsis thaliana. J. Integr. Plant Biol. 57: 186–197.25. Yu C, Sun C, Shen C, Wang S, Liu F, Liu Y, Chen Y, Li C, Qian Q, Aryal B, Geisler M, Jiang D, and Qi Y*. (2015). The auxin transporter, OsAUX1, is involved in primary root and root hair elongation and in Cd stress responses in rice (Oryzasativa L.). Plant J. 83: 818–830.26. Du M, Zhai Q, Deng L, Li S, Li H, Yan L, Zhuo Huang Z, Wang B, Jiang H, Huang T, Li C-B, Wei J, Kang L, Li J, and Li C*. (2014). Closely-related NAC transcription factors of tomato differentially regulate stomatal closure and re-opening during pathogen attack. Plant Cell26: 3167–3184.27. Song S, Huang H, Gao H, Wang J, Wu D, Liu X, Yang S, Zhai Q, Li C, Qi T, and Xie D*. (2014). Interaction of MYC2 with EIN3 modulates antagonism between jasmonate and ethylene signaling. Plant Cell 26: 263–279.28. Du L, Li N, Chen L, Xu Y, Li Y, Zhang Y, Li C, and Li Y*. (2014). The ubiquitin receptor DA1 controls seed size by modulating the stability of the ubiquitin-specific protease UBP15/SOD2 in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell 26: 665–677.29. Xu Y, Zhang S, Guo H, Wang S, Xu L, Li C, Qian Q, Chen F, Geisler M, Qi Y, and Jiang D*. (2014). OsABCB14 functions in auxin transport and iron homeostasis in rice (Oryza sativa.L). Plant J. 79: 106–117.30. Wang S, Xu Y, Li Z, Zhang S, Li C, Qian Q, Jiang D, and Qi Y*. (2014). OsMOGS is required for N-glycan formation and auxin-mediated root development in rice. Plant J.78: 632–645. 31. Kang J, Yu H, Tian C, Zhou W, Li C, Jiao Y, and Liu D*. (2014). Suppression of photosynthetic gene expression in roots is required for sustained root growth under phosphate deficiency. Plant Physiol. 165: 1156–1170.32. Zhang G, Li S, Wang L, Ye W, Zeng D, Rao Y, Peng Y, Hu J, Yang Y, Xu J, Ren D, Gao Z, Zhu L, Dong G, Hu X, Yan M, Guo L, Li C, and Qian Q*. (2014). LSCHL4 from japonica cultivar, which is allelic to NAL1, increases yield of indica super rice 93-11. Mol. Plant7: 1350–1364.33. Song Y, Ye M, Li C, He X, Zhu, Wang R, Su Y, Luo S, and Zeng R*. (2014). Hijacking common mycorrhizal networksfor herbivore-induced defence signaltransfer between tomato plants. Sci. Rep. 4: 3915.34. Yan L, Zhai Q, Wei J, Li S, Wang B, Huang T, Du M, Sun J, Kang L, Li C-B, and Li C*. (2013). Role of tomato lipoxygenase D in wound-induced jasmonate biosynthesis and plant immunity to insect herbivores. PLoS Genet. 9: e1003964.35. Yu X, Pasternak T, Eiblmeier M, Ditengou F, Kochersperger P, Sun J, Wang H, Rennenberg H, Teale W, Paponov I, Zhou W, Li C, Li X, and Palme K. (2013). Plastid-localized GR2-controlled glutathione redox status is essential for Arabidopsis root apical meristem maintenance. Plant Cell 25: 4451–4468.36. Sun J, Qi L, Li, Y, Zhai Q, and Li C*. (2013). PIF4 and PIF5 link blue light and auxin to regulate the phototropic response in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell 25: 2102–2114.37. Zhai Q, Yan L, Tan D, Chen R, Sun J, Gao L, Dong M-Q, Wang Y, and Li C*. (2013). Phosphorylation-coupled proteolysis of the transcription factor MYC2 is important for jasmonate-signaled plant immunity. PLoS Genet. 9: e1003422.38. Li S, Zhao B, Yuan D, Duan M, Qian Q, Tang L, Wang B, Liu X, Zhang J, Wang J, Sun J, Liu Z, Feng Y, Yuan L, and Li C*. (2013). The rice zinc finger protein DST enhances grain production through controlling Gn1a/OsCKX2 expression. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 110: 3167–3172.39. Wang C, Yan X, Chen Q, Jiang N, Fu W, Ma B, Liu J, Li C, Bednarek S, and Pan J*. (2013). Clathrin light chains regulate clathrin-mediated trafficking, auxin signaling, and development in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell 25: 499–516.40. Wei J, Yan L, Ren Q, Li C, Ge F, and Kang L*. (2013). Antagonism between herbivore-induced plant volatiles and trichomes affects tritrophic interactions. Plant Cell Environ. 36: 315–327.41. Sun J, Qi L, and Li C*. (2012). Hormonal regulation of polar auxin transport. Signaling and Communication in Plants, Springer Verlag volume. (Book chapter)42. Chen R, Jiang H, Li L, Zhai Q, Qi L, Zhou W, Liu X, Li H, Zheng W, Sun J, and Li C*. (2012). The Arabidopsis Mediator subunit MED25 differentially regulates jasmonate and ABA signalings through interacting with MYC2 and ABI5. Plant Cell 24:2898–2916.43. The Tomato Genome Consortium.(2012). The tomato genome sequence provides insights into fleshy fruit evolution. Nature Volume: 485: Pages: 635–641. (Cover story)44. Ren J, Li C-B, and Li C*. (2012). Tomato genome gets fully decoded--Paves way to tastier and healthier fruits. J. Genet. Genomics39: 303–305.45. Sun J, Qi L, Li Y, Chu J, and Li C*. (2012). PIF4-mediated activation of YUCCA8 expression integrates temperature into the auxin pathway in regulating Arabidopsis hypocotyl growth. PLoS Genet.8: e1002594. (Recommended in F1000 Prime)46. Qi L, Yan J, Li Y, Jiang H, Sun J, Chen Q, Li H, Chu J, Yan C, Sun X, Yu Y, Li C-B, and Li C*. (2012). Arabidopsis plants differentially modulate auxin biosynthesis and transport during defense responses to the necrotrophic pathogen Alternaria brassicicola. New Phytol.195: 872–882.47. Liu X, Li F, Tang J, Wang W, Zhang F, Wang G, Chu J, Yan C, Wang T, Chu C, and Li C*. (2012). Activation of the jasmonic acid pathway by depletion of the hydroperoxide lyase OsHPL3 reveals crosstalk between the HPL and AOS branches of the oxylipin pathway in rice. PLoS One 7: e50089.48. Guo H, Kang L, Li C, Ren Q, Sun Y, Wang C, and Ge F*. (2012). Elevated CO2 reduces the resistance and tolerance of tomato plants to Helicoverpa armigera by suppressing the JA signaling pathway. PLoS One 7: e41426.49. Liu L, Wei J, Zhang M, Zhang L, Li C, and Wang Q*. (2012). Ethylene independent induction of lycopene biosynthesis intomato fruits by jasmonates. J. Exp. Bot.53: 5751–5761.50. Chen Q, Sun J, Zhai Q, Zhou W, Qi L, Xu L, Wang B, Chen R, Jiang H, Qi J, Li X, Palme K, and Li C*. (2011).The basic helix-loop-helix transcription factor MYC2 directly represses PLETHORA expression during jasmonate-mediated modulation of the root stem cell niche in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell23:3335–3352. (Recommended in F1000 Prime)51. Chen M, Liu H, Kong J, Yang Y, Zhang N, Li R, Yue J, Huang J, Li C, Cheung A, and Tao L*. (2011). RopGEF7 regulates PLETHORA-dependent maintenance of the root stem cell niche in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell 23:2880–2894.52. Sun J, Chen Q, Qi L, Jiang H, Li S, Xu, Y, Liu F, Zhou W, Pan J, Li X, Palme K, and Li C*. (2011). Jasmonate modulates endocytosis and plasma membrane accumulation of the Arabidopsis PIN2 protein. New Phytol.191: 360–375. (Recommended in F1000 Prime)53. Li H, Jiang H, Bu Q, Zhao Q, Sun J, Xie Q, and Li C*. (2011). The Arabidopsis RING finger E3 ligase RHA2b acts additively with RHA2a in regulating ABA signaling and drought response. Plant Physiol. 156:550–563.54. Sun J, Jiang H, and Li C*.(2011). Systemin/jasmonate-mediated systemic defense signaling in tomato. Mol. Plant 4: 607–615.55. Zhang L, Jia C, Liu L, Zhang Z, Li C, and Wang Q*. (2011). The involvement of jasmonates and ethylene in Alternaria alternata f. sp. lycopersici toxin-induced tomato cell death. J. Exp. Bot. 62: 5405–5418.56. Sun Y, Yin J, Cao H, Li C, Kang L, and Ge F*. (2011). Elevated CO2 influences nematode-induced defense responses of tomato genotypes differing in the JA pathway. PLoS One. 6: e19751.57. Zhou W, Wei L, Xu J, Zhai Q, Jiang H, Chen R, Chen Q, Sun J, Chu J, Zhu L, Liu C-M, and Li C*. (2010). Arabidopsis tyrosylprotein sulfotransferase acts in the auxin/PLETHORA pathway in regulating post-embryonic maintenance of root stem cell niche. Plant Cell 22: 3692–3709.58. Wei J, Wang L, Zhao J, Li C, Ge F, and Kang L*. (2010). Ecological trade-offs between jasmonic acid-dependent direct and indirect plant defences in tritrophic interactions. New Phytol. 189: 557–567.59. Li C*and Li J. (2010). Toward understanding the molecular mechanisms governing plant hormone actions: A brief introduction to the Major Research Program “Molecular mechanisms of plant hormone actions” funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC). Chinese Sci. Bull. 55: 2197.60. Liu F, Jiang H, Ye S, Chen W-P, Liang W, Xu Y, Sun B, Sun J, Wang Q, Cohen JD, and Li C*. (2010). The Arabidopsis P450 protein CYP82C2 modulates jasmonate-induced root growth inhibition, defense gene expression and indole glucosinolate biosynthesis. Cell Res.20: 539–552.61. Sun J, Xu Y, Ye S, Jiang H, Chen Q, Liu F, Zhou W, Chen R, Li X,Tietz O, Wu X, Cohen J, Palme K, and Li C*. (2009). ArabidopsisASA1 is important for jasmonate-mediated regulation of auxin biosynthesis and transport during lateral root formation.Plant Cell21: 1495–1511.62. Mueller LA et al., (2009). A snapshot of the emerging tomato genome sequence. The Plant Genome. 2: 78–92.63. Jiang H, Li H, Bu Q, and Li C*.(2009). The RHA2a-interacting proteins ANAC019 and ANAC055 may play a dual role in regulating ABA response and jasmonate response. Plant Signal Behav. 4: 464–466.64. Bu Q, Li H, Zhao Q, Jiang H, Zhai Q, Zhang J, Wu X, Sun J, Xie Q, Wang D, and Li C*. (2009). The Arabidopsis RING finger E3 ligase RHA2a is a novel positive regulator of ABA signaling during seed germination and early seedling development. Plant Physiol. 150: 463–481.65. Liang W, Li C-B, Liu F, Jiang H, Li S, Sun J, Wu X, and Li C*. (2009). The Arabidopsis homologs of CCR4-associated factor 1 exhibit mRNA deadenylation activity and play a role in plant defense responses. Cell Res.19: 307–316.66. Li C-B, Zhao J, Jiang H, Geng Y, Dai Y, Fan H, Zhang D, Chen J, Lu F, Shi J, Sun S, Chen J, Yan X, Lu C, Chen M, Cheng Z, Ling H, Wang Y, Xue Y, and Li C*. (2008). A snapshot of the Chinese SOL Project. J. Genet. Genomics 35: 387–390.67. Qi J, Qian Q, Bu Q, Li S, Chen Q, Sun J, Liang W, Zhou Y, Chu C, Li X, Ren F, Palme K, Zhao B, Chen J, Chen M, and Li C*. (2008). Mutation of the rice NARROW LEAF1 gene, which encodes a novel protein, affects vein patterning and polar auxin transport. Plant Physiol. 147: 1947–1959.68. Bu Q, Jiang H, Li C-B, Zhai Q, Zhang J, Wu X, Sun J, Xie Q, and Li C*.(2008). Role of the Arabidopsis thaliana NAC transcription factors ANAC019 and ANAC055 in regulating jasmonic acid-signaled defense responses. Cell Res 18: 756–767.69. Li H, Sun J, Xu Y, Jiang H, Wu X, and Li C*. (2007). The bHLH-type transcription factor AtAIB positively regulates ABA response in Arabidopsis. Plant Mol. Biol. 65: 655–665.70. Sun J, Jiang H, Xu Y, Li H, Wu X, Xie Q, and Li C*.(2007). The CCCH-type zinc finger proteins AtSZF1 and AtSZF2 regulate salt stress responses in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell Physiol. 48: 1148–1158.71. Zhai Q, Li C-B, Zheng W, Wu X, Zhao J, Zhou G, Jiang H, Sun J, Lou Y, and Li C*.(2007). Phytochrome chromophore deficiency leads to overproduction of jasmonic acid and elevated expression of jasmonate-responsive genes in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell Physiol. 48: 1061–1071.72. Zheng W, Zhai Q, Sun J, Li C-B, Zhang L, Li H, Zhang X, Li S, Xu Y, Jiang H, Wu X, and Li C*. (2006). Bestatin, an inhibitor of aminopeptidases, provides a chemical genetics approach to dissect jasmonate signaling in Arabidopsis. Plant Physiol. 141: 1400–1413.73. Li C-B, Zhao J, Jiang H, Wu X, Sun J, Zhang C, Wang , Lou Y, and Li C*.(2006). The wound-response mutant suppressor of prosystemin-mediated responses6 (spr6) is a weak allele of the tomato homolog of CORONATINE-INSENSITIVE1 (COI1). Plant Cell Physiol. 47: 653–663.74. Li C-B, Sun J, Jiang H, Wu X, and Li C*. (2006). Systemic defense signaling in tomato. Chinese Sci. Bull.50: 1817–1822.75. Canoles MA, Beaudry RM, Li C, and Howe GA*. (2006). Deficiency of linolenic acid in lefad7 mutant tomato changes the volatile profile and sensory perception of disrupted leaf and fruit tissue. J. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. 131: 284–289.76. Mueller LA*, Tanksley SD, Giovannoni JJ, van Eck J, Stack S, Choi D, Kim BD, Chen M, Cheng Z, Li C, Ling H, Xue Y, Seymour G, Bishop G, Bryan G, Sharma R, Khurana J, Tyagi A, Chattopadhyay D, Singh NK, Stiekema W, Lindhout P, Jesse T, Lankhorst RK, Bouzayen M, Shibata,D, Tabata S, Granell A, Botella MA, Giuliano G, Frusciante L, Causse M, and Zamir D. (2005). The Tomato Sequencing Project, the first cornerstone of the International Solanaceae Project (SOL). Comp. Funct. Genomics 6: 153–158.77. Li C, Schilmiller AL, Liu G, Lee GI, Jayanty S, Sageman C, Vrebalov J, Giovannoni JJ, Yagi K, Kobayashi Y, and Howe GA*. (2005). Role of β-oxidation in jasmonate biosynthesis and systemic wound signaling in tomato. Plant Cell 17: 971–986.78. Li C, Liu G, Xu C, Lee G, Bauer P, Ganal M, Ling H, and Howe GA*. (2003). The tomato Suppressor of prosystemin-mediatedresponse2 gene encodes a fatty acid desaturase required for the biosynthesis of jasmonic acid and the production of a systemic wound signal for defense gene expression. Plant Cell 15: 1646–1661.79. Li L#, Li C#, Lee GI, and Howe GA*. (2002). Distinct roles for jasmonate synthesis and action in the systemic wound response of tomato. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 99: 6416–6421. (#These authors contributed equally to this work)80. Li C, Williams MM, Loh Y-T, Lee GI, and Howe GA*. (2002). Resistance of cultivated tomato to cell content-feeding herbivores is regulated by the octadecanoid-signaling pathway. Plant Physiol. 130: 494–503.81. Li L, Li C, and Howe GA*. (2001). Genetic analysis of wound signaling in tomato: evidence for a dual role of jasmonic acid in defense and female fertility. Plant Physiol. 127: 1414–1417.