- 李红菊
- 研究员

李红菊,博士,青年研究员 2014年入选中国科学院青年创新促进会会员,2016年获国家自然科学基金委“优秀青年基金”资助,2017年入选“万人计划青年拔尖人才计划”。教育经历 2004,河北师范大学,获学士学位; 2010,遗传发育所,获博士学位;工作经历 2010/3-2012/12,遗传发育所助理研究员。 2013/1-2016/12,遗传发育所副研究员。 2017/1-今,遗传发育所青年研究员。 2017/9-2017/12,在德国Münster大学访问研究。研究内容: 1. 植物细胞极性建立和极性生长的分子调控机理 2. 植物受精过程中生殖隔离的分子基础PUBLICATIONSJia, Peng-Fei, Li, Hong-Ju and Yang, Wei-Cai (2017). Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) to study histology of pollen and pollen tubes. Methods Mol Biol. 1669:181-189.Jia, Peng-Fei, Li, Hong-Ju and Yang, Wei-Cai (2017). Analysis of peroxisome biogenesis in pollen by confocal microscopy. Methods Mol Biol. 1669:173-180.Yuan, Guo-Liang, Li, Hong-Ju# and Yang, Wei-Cai# (2017). The integration of Gβ and MAPK signaling cascade in zygote development. Scientific Reports7:8732.Wang, Tong, Liang, Liang, Xue, Yong, Jia, Peng-Fei, Chen, Wei, Zhang, Meng-Xia, Wang, Ying-Chun, Li, Hong-Ju#and Yang, Wei-Cai# (2016). A receptor heteromer mediates the male perception of female attractants in plants. Nature, 531: 241-244.Li, Hong-Ju, and Yang, Wei-Cai (2016). RLKs orchestrate the signaling in plant male-female interaction. Sci China Life Sci, 59: 867-77.Yu, Tian-Ying, Shi, Dong-Qiao, Jia, Peng-Fei, Tang, Jun, Li, Hong-Ju, Liu, Jie, and Yang, Wei-Cai (2016). The Arabidopsis receptor kinase ZAR1 is required for zygote asymmetric division and its daughter cell fate. PLoS Genet 12: e1005933.Wang, Jia-Gang, Feng, Chong, Liu, Hai-Hong, Ge, Fu-Rong, Li, Sha, Li, Hong-Ju, and Zhang, Yan (2016). HAPLESS13-mediated trafficking of STRUBBELIG is critical for ovule development in Arabidopsis. PLoS Genet 12: e1006269.Yan, Liuhua, Wei, Shaowei, Wu, Yaorong, Hu, Ruolan, Li, Hong-Ju, Yang, Weicai and Xie, Qi (2015). High efficiency genome editing in Arabidopsis using Yao promoter-driven CRISPR/Cas9 system. Mol Plant, 8: 1820-3.Wang, Jizong*, Li, Hong-Ju*, Han, Zhifu, Zhang, Heqiao, Wang, Tong, Lin, Guangzhong, Chang, Junbiao, Yang, Weicai# and Chai, Jijie# (2015). Allosteric receptor activation by the plant peptide hormone phytosulfokine. Nature, 525: 265-8.Li, Hong-Ju*, Zhu, Shan-Shan*, Zhang, Meng-Xia*, Wang, Tong, Liang, Liang, Xue, Yong, Shi, Dong-Qiao, Liu, Jie, and Yang, Wei-Cai (2015). Arabidopsis CBP1 is a novel regulator of transcription initiation in central cell-mediated pollen tube guidance. Plant Cell, 27: 2880-2893.Li, Xin-Ran*,Li, Hong-Ju*,Yuan, Li*,Liu, Man.,Shi, Dong-Qiao,Liu, Jie and Yang, Wei-Cai (2014). Arabidopsis DAYU/ABERRANT PEROXISOME MORPHOLOGY9 is a key regulator of peroxisome biogenesis and plays critical roles during pollen maturation and germination in planta.Plant Cell, 26: 619-635.Li, Hong-Ju and Yang, Wei-Cai (2012). Emerging role of ER quality control in plant cell signal perception.Protein & Cell, 3: 10-16.Li, Hong-Ju,Xue, Yong,Jia, Dong-Jie,Wang, Tong,Shi, Dong-Qiao,Liu, Jie,Cui, Feng,Xie, Qi,Ye, De and Yang, Wei-Cai (2011). POD1 regulates pollen tube guidance in response to micropylar female signaling and acts in early embryo patterning in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell, 23: 3288-3302.Li, Hong-Ju*,Liu, Nai-You*,Shi, Dong-Qiao,Liu, Jie and Yang, Wei-Cai (2010). YAO is a nucleolar WD40-repeat protein critical for embryogenesis and gametogenesis in Arabidopsis. BMC Plant Biol,10: 169.Chen, Yan-Hong,Li, Hong-Ju, Shi, Dong-Qiao, Yuan, Li, Liu, Jie, Sreenivasan, Rajini,Baskar, Ramarmurthy, Grossniklaus, Ueli and Yang and Wei-Cai (2007). The central cell plays a critical role in pollen tube guidance in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell, 19: 3563–3577.