







  • 刘力
  • 研究员

刘力 博士 研究员 博士生导师





电子邮件(E-mail) liuli(AT)ibp.ac.cn

电话(Tel) 010-64888550

传真(Fax) 010-64871293

邮政编码 100101


简历 & 研究工作摘要


1985-1989 南开大学物理系获理学学士学位

1989-1991 南开大学工作

1991-1996 中国科学院生物物理研究所 获理学博士学位

1996-1997 中国科学院生物物理研究所 助理研究员

1997-1999 德国维尔兹堡大学博士后

1999-至今 中国科学院“百人计划”,生物物理研究所研究员

2006 获得国家杰出青年科学基金

2014-至今 中国科学院大学生命学院教授




李美霞博士,副研究员 limeixia@ibp.ac.cn杨郑鸿博士,副研究员 yangzh@ibp.ac.cn
魏虹莹博士,副研究员 weihongying@ibp.ac.cn 龚海韵,高级实验师 haiyun@ibp.ac.cn
许孟博博士,工程师 xmb@ibp.ac.cn向远航,博士研究生 xyh890219@163.com
郝顺,博士研究生 haoshun911@126.com杨继华,博士研究生 yangjihua110@163.com
段文兰,博士研究生 u201212287@hust.edu.cn崔明扬,硕士研究生 cmybjfu13@163.com


1. Mengbo Xu, Yuanhang Xiang, Xiaojun Liu, Baoyan Bai, Runsheng Chen, Li Liu, Meixia Li (2019) Long noncoding RNA SMRG regulates Drosophila macrochaetes by antagonizing scute through E(spl)mβ. RNA Biology, 16:42-53.

2. Qionglin Peng, Yijin Wang, Meixia Li, DeliangYuan, Mengbo Xu, Changqing Li, Zhefeng Gong, Renjie Jiao, Li Liu (2016) cGMP-dependent protein kinase encoded by foraging regulates motor axon guidance in Drosophila by suppressing Lola function. The Journal of Neuroscience, 36(16):4635-4646.

3. Chao Guo, Yifei Du, Deliang Yuan, Meixia Li, Haiyun Gong, Zhefeng Gong, Li Liu (2014) A conditioned visual orientation requires the ellipsoid body in Drosophila. Learning & Memory, 22:56-63.

4. Jiangqu Liu, Zhefeng Gong, Li Liu (2014) γ-glutamyl transpeptidase 1 specifically suppresses green-light avoidance via GABAA receptors in Drosophila. J Neurochemestry, 130:408-418.

5. Xuebo Cheng, Huoqing Jiang, Weizhe Li, Hailong Lv, Zhefeng Gong, Li Liu (2013)ten-a affects the fusion of central complex primordia in Drosophila. PLOS One, 8(2): e57129.

6. Meixia Li, Shengyun Wen, Xiangqian Guo, Baoyan Bai, Zhefeng Gong, Xiaojun Liu, Yijin Wang, Yanqiong Zhou, Xiaowei Chen, Li Liu, Runsheng Chen (2012) The novel long non-coding RNA CRG regulates Drosophila locomotor behaviour. Nucleic Acids Research, 40(22):11714-11727.

7. Yanqiong Zhou, Xiaoxiao Ji, Haiyun Gong, Zhefeng Gong, Li Liu (2012) Edge detection depends on achromatic channel in Drosophila melanogaster. Journal of Experimental Biology, 215:3478-3487.

8. Huoqing Jiang, Qinlong Hou, Zhefeng Gong, Li Liu (2011) Proteomic and transcriptomic analysis of visuallong-term memory in Drosophila melanogaster. Protein & Cell, 2(3):215-222.

9. Zhefeng Gong, Jianqu Liu, Chao Guo, Yanqiong Zhou, Yan Teng, Li Liu (2010) Two pairs of neuronsin central brain control Drosophila innate light preference. Science, 330:499-502.

10. Yan Xiong, Hailong Lv, Zhefeng Gong, Li Liu (2010) Fixation and locomotor activity are impairedby inducing tetanus toxin expressionin adult Drosophila brain. Fly,3 (4):194-203.

11. Weizhe Li, Yufeng Pan, Zhipeng Wang, Haiyun Gong, Zhefeng Gong, Li Liu (2009) Morphological characterization of single fan-shaped body neurons in Drosophila melanogaster. Cell Tissue Research, 336:509-519.

12. Yufeng Pan, Yanqiong Zhou, Chao Guo, Haiyun Gong, Zhefeng Gong, Li Liu (2009) Differential roles of the fan-shaped body and the ellipsoid body in Drosophila visual pattern memory. Learning & Memory,16:289-295.

13. Zhipeng Wang, Yufeng Pan, Weizhe Li, Huoqing Jiang, Lazaros Chatzimanolis, Jianhong Chang, Zhefeng Gong, Li Liu (2008) Visual pattern memory requires foraging function in the central complex of Drosophila. Learning & Memory, 15:133-142.

14. Gang Liu, Holger Seiler, Ai Wen, Troy Zars, Kei Ito, Reinhard Wolf, Martin Heisenberg, Li Liu (2006) Distinct memory traces for two visual features in the Drosophila brain. Nature, 439:551-556.

15. Li Liu, Reinhard Wolf, Roman Ernst, Martin Heisenberg (1999) Context generalization in Drosophila visual learning requires the mushroom bodies. Nature, 400:753-756.
