- 卫涛涛
- 研究员

卫涛涛 博士 研究员 博士生导师 中国科学院生物物理研究所,生物大分子国家重点实验室,研究组长 研究方向:细胞能量代谢 讲授课程:中国科学院大学本科生《细胞生物学》课程 电子邮件(E-mail) weitt(AT)ibp.ac.cn 电话(Tel) 010-64888566 邮政编码 100101 英文版个人网页 |
简历 & 研究组工作摘要
1989-1993年 华中科技大学,化学系,学士
1993-1996年 湖北省化学研究所,硕士
1996-1999年 中国科学院生物物理研究所,博士
1999-2001年 中国科学院生物物理研究所,助理研究员
2001-2008年 中国科学院生物物理研究所,副研究员
2008年-至今 中国科学院生物物理研究所,研究员
代表性论文(* 通讯作者):
1. Li Ma, Shuxin Hu, Xiaolong He, Na Yang, Licui Chen, Chenguang Yang, Fangfu Ye, Taotao Wei* and Ming Li*. Detection of tBid oligomerization and membrane permeabilization by graphene-based single-molecule surface-induced fluorescence attenuation. Nano Letters 19(2019), 6937-6944.
2. Peng Wei, Yan Xie, Peter W. Abel, Yapei Huang, Qin Ma, Linghai Li, Junfeng Hao, Dennis W. Wolff, Taotao Wei* and Yaping Tu*. Transforming growth factor (TGF)-β1-induced miR-133a inhibits myofibroblast differentiation and pulmonary fibrosis. Cell Death and Disease 10(2019), 670.
3. Yang Xu, Jinqi Ren, Xiaolong He, Han Chen, Taotao Wei* and Wei Feng*. YWHA/14-3-3 proteins recognize phosphorylated TFEB by a noncanonical mode for controlling TFEB cytoplasmic localization. Autophagy 15(2019), 1017-1030.
4. Yipeng Du, Hao Hu, Xiaoxia Pei, Kang Du and Taotao Wei*. Genetically encoded FapR-NLuc as a biosensor to determine Malonyl-CoA in situ at subcellular scales. Bioconjugate Chemistry 30(2019), 826-832.
5. Yipeng Du*, Hao Hu, Saisi Qu, Jifeng Wang, Chaoju Hua, Jialing Zhang, Peng Wei, Xiaolong He, JunfengHao, Pingsheng Liu, Fuquan Yang, Tingting Li* and Taotao Wei*. SIRT5 deacylates metabolism-related proteins and attenuates hepatic steatosis inob/ob mice. EBioMedicine 36(2018), 347-357.
6. Ping Zhu, Yongzhang Liu, Fenglin Zhang, Xiufeng Bai, Zilei Chen, FugenShangguan, Bo Zhang, Lingyun Zhang, Qianqian Chen, DeyaoXie, Linhua Lan, XiangdongXue, Xingjie Liang, Bin Lv*, Taotao Wei* and Yan Qin*. Human Elongation Factor 4 regulates cancer bioenergetics by acting as a mitochondrial translation switch. Cancer Research 78(2018), 2813-2824.
7. Bo Zhang, PengWei, Zhixiang Zhou and Taotao Wei*. Interactions of graphene with mammalian cells: Molecular mechanismsand biomedical insights. Advanced Drug Delivery Reviews 105 (2016) 145–162.
8. Chuu-Yun A. Wong, Haihong Jiang, Peter W. Abel, Margaret A. Scofield, Yan Xie, Taotao Wei* and Yaping Tu*. Phorbolmyristate acetate suppresses breast cancer cell growth via down-regulation of P-Rex1 expression. Protein & Cell 7(2016), 417-433.
9. Bo Zhang, Wei Chu, Peng Wei, Ying Liu and Taotao Wei*. Xanthohumol induces generation of reactive oxygen species and triggers apoptosis through inhibition of mitochondrial electron transfer chain complex I. Free Radical Biology & Medicine 89(2015), 486-497.
10. Yipeng Du, Tanxi Cai, Tingting Li, Peng Xue, Bo Zhou, Xiaolong He, Peng Wei, Pingsheng Liu, Fuquan Yang* and Taotao Wei*. Lysine malonylation is elevated in type 2 diabeticmouse models and enriched in metabolicassociated proteins. Molecular & Cellular Proteomics 14(2015), 227-236.
11. Bo Zhang, Jing Wang, Zhen Huang, Peng Wei, Ying Liu, Junfeng Hao, Lijing Zhao, Fenglin Zhang, Yaping Tu and Taotao Wei*. Aberrantly upregulated TRAP1 is required for tumorigenesis of breast cancer. Oncotarget 6(2015), 44495-44508.
12. Teng Zhou, Meifang Yu, Bo Zhang, Liming Wang, Xiaochun Wu, Hejiang Zhou, Yipeng Du, JunfengHao, YapingTu, Chunying Chen* and Taotao Wei*. Inhibition of cancer cell migration by gold nanorods: molecular mechanisms and implications for cancer therapy. Advanced Functional Materials 24(2014), 6922-6932.
13. Qianqian Chen, Juan Zhang, Kai Zhao, Wei Li, Qi Miao, Yang Sun, Xingyu Zhao, Taotao Wei* and Fuyu Yang*. Lysosomal chymotrypsin inducesmitochondrial fission in apoptotic cellsby proteolytic activation of calcineurin. Protein & Cell 5(2014), 643-647.
14. Teng Zhou, Bo Zhang, Peng Wei, Yipeng Du, Hejiang Zhou, Meifang Yu, Liang Yan, Wendi Zhang, Guangjun Nie, Chunying Chen, Yaping Tu and Taotao Wei*. Energy metabolism analysis reveals the mechanism of inhibition of breast cancer cell metastasis by PEG-modified graphene oxide nanosheets. Biomaterials 35(2014), 9833-9843.
15. Hejiang Zhou, Bo Zhang, Jiajia Zheng, Meifang Yu, Teng Zhou, Kai Zhao, YanxiaJia, Xingfa Gao*, Chunying Chen* and Taotao Wei*. The inhibition of migration and invasion of cancer cells by graphenevia the impairment of mitochondrial respiration. Biomaterials 35(2014), 1597-1607.
16. Wenjuan Duan, Juefei Zhou, Wei Li, Teng Zhou, Qianqian Chen, Fuyu Yang* and Taotao Wei*. Plasma membrane calcium ATPase 4binhibits nitric oxide generation throughcalcium-induced dynamic interaction withneuronal nitric oxide synthase. Protein & Cell 4(2013), 286-298.
17. Kai Zhao, Hejiang Zhou, Xingyu Zhao, Dennis W. Wolff, YapingTu, Huili Liu,Taotao Wei* and Fuyu Yang*. Phosphatidic acid mediates the targeting of tBid toinduce lysosomal membrane permeabilizationand apoptosis. Journal of Lipid Research 53(2012), 2102-2114.
18. Hejiang Zhou, Kai Zhao, Wei Li, Na Yang, Ying Liu, Chunying Chen* and Taotao Wei*. The interactions between pristine graphene and macrophages and the production of cytokines/chemokines via TLR- and NF-κB-related signaling pathways. Biomaterials 33(2012), 6933-6942.
19. Wei Li, Lina Zhao, Taotao Wei*, Yuliang Zhao* and Chunying Chen*. The inhibition of death receptor mediated apoptosis through lysosome stabilization following internalization of carboxyfullerene nanoparticles. Biomaterials 32(2011), 4030-4041.
20. Kai Zhao, Xingyu Zhao, YapingTu, Qi Miao, Dongxu Cao, WenjuanDuan, Yang Sun, Jincheng Wang, Taotao Wei* and Fuyu Yang*. Lysosomal chymotrypsin B potentiates apoptosis via cleavageof Bid. Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences 67(2010), 2665-2678.