







  • 徐平勇
  • 研究员

徐平勇 博士 研究员 博士生导师










简历 & 研究组工作摘要

1992-1996 华中师范大学化学学院化学教育专业 大学本科

1996-2000 华中师范大学化学学院有机合成专业 硕士

2000-2004 华中科技大学生命科学与技术学院生物医学工程 博士

2004-2006 中国科学院生物物理研究所生物物理专业 博士后助理研究员

2006-2010 中国科学院生物物理研究所副研究员

2010-今 中国科学院生物物理研究所研究员


2008年 国家自然科学奖二等奖(第二完成人)

2009年 卢嘉锡青年人才奖


1) 发展新型荧光蛋白和小分子探针及其相关的超高分辨显微成像新技术和方法

超高分辨率显微成像技术能够突破衍射极限,提供生物大分子纳米尺度的定位和结构信息,是生物成像的研究热点和发展趋势,为解决生命科学领域的诸多问题提供了新的可能。该技术获得了2014年诺贝尔化学奖。该技术的实现及其在细胞生物学的应用需要具有特殊光化学性质的荧光蛋白和小分子探针。本课题组根据不同超高分辨成像技术的特点和需求,开发具有相应潜能的新型荧光探针,进一步推动超高分辨率显微成像的发展和应用。具体包括:开发了具有高亮度、完美单体性质和高标记密度的光转化荧光蛋白mEos3,反复光激活系列荧光蛋白mGeos系列,可应用于光激活定位显微镜(Photoactivated localization microscopy,PALM);具有高信噪比,高光稳定性的光开光荧光蛋白Skylan系列,例如可应用于非线性结构光照明显微镜(Nonlinerstructured-illumination microscopy,non-liner SIM)的Skylan-NS;光学波动超高分辨成像技术(Superresolution optical fluctuation imaging,SOFI)的Skylan-S;可逆饱和荧光转换显微镜(reversible saturable (or switchable) optical fluorescence transitions ,RESOLFT)的Skylan-R等。课题组还发展了具有自主知识产权的活细胞超高分辨显微成像方法SIMBA,具有时间和空间分辨率高、所需光学设备简单,可直接用于现有TIRFM、PALM/STORM等商用成像设备等优点。目前,课题组主要集中在发展可用于活细胞超高分辨显微成像技术的第二代荧光蛋白探针,可应用于光电联合显微成像技术的荧光探针等,并基于新型探针发展更高时空分辨率的活细胞超高分辨显微成像技术,并探讨它们在细胞生物学中的应用。

2) 超高分辨率荧光显微成像新技术新方法在生物中的应用



代表性论文(*, corresponding author)

1. Fu, Z., Peng, D., Zhang, M., …& Xu, T.*, Xu, P.* (2019). mEosEM withstands osmium staining and Epon embedding for super-resolution CLEM. Nature Methods. 2019 Oct 14. doi: 10.1038/s41592-019-0613-6.

2. Zhang, M., Fu, Z., Li, C., Liu, A., Peng, D., Xue, F., ... & Xu, T.*, Xu, P.*(2019). Fast super-resolution imaging technique and immediate early nanostructure capturing by a photo-convertible fluorescent protein. Nano Letters. 2019 Oct 7. doi: 10.1021/acs.nanolett.9b02855.

3. Yuan, L., Liu, Q., Wang, Z., Hou, J., & Xu, P*. (2019). EI24 tethers endoplasmic reticulum and mitochondria to regulate autophagy flux. Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences, 2019 Jul 22. doi: 10.1007/s00018-019-03236-9.

4. Luo, C., Wang, H., Liu, Q., He, W., Yuan, L. *, & Xu, P*. (2019). A genetically encoded ratiometric calcium sensor enables quantitative measurement of the local calcium microdomain in the endoplasmic reticulum. Biophysics Reports, 5(1), 31-42.

5. Yuan, L., Wang, H., Liu, Q., Wang, Z., Zhang, M., Zhao, Y., ... & Xu, T.*, Xu, P.* (2018). Etoposide-induced protein 2.4 functions as a regulator of the calcium ATPase and protects pancreatic β-cell survival. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 293(26), 10128-10140.

6. Xue, F., He, W., Xu, F., Zhang, M., Chen, L., & Xu, P.*(2018). Hessian single-molecule localization microscopy using sCMOS camera. Biophysics reports, 4(4), 215-221.

7. Liu Q, Xu P, Yuan L*. (2018). A Method for Identifying The Topology of Etoposide - induced Protein 2.4 Using Split mNeonGreen2[J]. Progress in Biochemistry and Biophysics, 45(12): 1280-1287.

8. Xu, F., Zhang, M., He, W., Han, R., Xue, F., Liu, Z., Zhang, F.*, Lippincott-Schwartz, J.*, Xu, P.* (2017). Live cell single molecule-guided Bayesian localization super resolution microscopy. Cell research, 27(5), 713.

9. Zhang, X., Zhang, M., Li, D., He, W., Peng, J., Betzig, E.*, & Xu, P*. (2016). Highly photostable, reversibly photoswitchable fluorescent protein with high contrast ratio for live-cell superresolution microscopy. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 113(37), 10364-10369.

10. Du, W., Zhou, M., Zhao, W., Cheng, D., Wang, L., Lu, J., ... & Xue, Y.H.*, Xu, P.*, Xu, T.*(2016). HID-1 is required for homotypic fusion of immature secretory granules during maturation. Elife, 5, e18134.

11. Zhang, X., Chen, X., Zeng, Z., Zhang, M., Sun, Y., Xi, P.*, Peng, J.*, Xu, P.* (2015). Development of a reversibly switchable fluorescent protein for super-resolution optical fluctuation imaging (SOFI). ACS nano, 9(3), 2659-2667.

12. Chen, J. J., Jing, J., Chang, H., Rong, Y., Hai, Y., Tang, J., Zhang, J.*, Xu, P.* (2013). A sensitive and quantitative autolysosome probe for detecting autophagic activity in live and prestained fixed cells. Autophagy, 9(6), 894-904.

13. Jing, J., Chen, J. J., Hai, Y., Zhan, J., Xu, P.*, & Zhang, J. L.* (2012). Rational design of ZnSalen as a single and two photon activatable fluorophore in living cells. Chemical Science, 3(11), 3315-3320.

14. Zhang, M., Chang, H., Zhang, Y., Yu, J., Wu, L., Ji, W., ... & Zhang, J., Xu, P.*, Xu, T.* (2012). Rational design of true monomeric and bright photoactivatable fluorescent proteins. Nature methods, 9(7), 727.

15. Chang, H., Zhang, M., Ji, W., Chen, J., Zhang, Y., Liu, B., ... & Xu, P.*, Xu, T.* (2012). A unique series of reversibly switchable fluorescent proteins with beneficial properties for various applications. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 109(12), 4455-4460.

16. Hai, Y., Chen, J. J., Zhao, P., Lv, H., Yu, Y., Xu, P.*, Zhang, J. L.* (2011). Luminescent zinc salen complexes as single and two-photon fluorescence subcellular imaging probes. Chemical Communications, 47(8), 2435-2437.

17. Ji, W., Xu, P., Li, Z., Lu, J., Liu, L., Zhan, Y., Hille, B.*, Xu, T.*, Chen L. *(2008). Functional stoichiometry of the unitary calcium-release-activated calcium channel. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 105(36), 13668-13673. (Pingyong Xu as co-first author)

18. Bai, L., Wang, Y., Fan, J., Chen, Y., Ji, W., Qu, A., Xu, P.*, James, D.E., Xu, T. (2007). Dissecting multiple steps of GLUT4 trafficking and identifying the sites of insulin action. Cell metabolism, 5(1), 47-57.

19. Xu, P., Lu, J., Li, Z., Yu, X., Chen, L. *, Xu, T. *(2006). Aggregation of STIM1 underneath the plasma membrane induces clustering of Orai1. Biochemical and biophysical research communications, 350(4), 969-976.
