







  • 秦燕
  • 研究员

秦燕 博士 研究员 博士生导师



中国科学院大学 岗位教授




电子邮件(E-mail) qiny@ibp.ac.cn ,电话(Tel) 010-64888434

传真(Fax) 010-64871293 ,邮政编码 100101


简历 & 研究组工作摘要

1995-1999年 南开大学,生物学学士

2000-2006年 德国马-普学会,博士学位,留任博士后

2006年-- 中国科学院生物物理研究所研究员,RNA平台首席技术专家

2007年-- 创新课题组长,博士生导师

2008-2012年 中德生物技术青年科学家小组,中方组长

2014年-- 中国科学院大学 岗位教授

2014-2016年 国家“优秀青年基金”


1. 核糖体的结构和分子机理


2. 蛋白质翻译调控与疾病(主要是癌症)的关系






1. Li G and Qin Y* (2018) A brief review: the mitochondrial translation factor EF4 regulated mitochondrial respiratory chain and induced the production of ROS, Free Radical Res. (accepted)

2. Zhou Z, Hu Y, Li A, Li Y, Zhao H, Wang S, Otecko NO, Zhang D, Wang J, Liu Y, Irwin DM, Qin Y & Ya-Ping Zhang* (2018) Genome wide analyses uncover allele-specific RNA editing in human and mouse,Nucleic Acids Res.https://doi.org/10.1093/nar/gky613

3. Wang F, Zhang L, Bai X, Cao X, Jiao X, Huang Y, Li Y, Qin Y* and Wen Y* (2018) (*corresponding author) Stimuli-Responsive Nanocarrier for Co-delivery of MiR-31 and Doxorubicin To Suppress High MtEF4 Cancer, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, doi: 10.1021/acsami.8b07698

4. Zhu P, Liu Y, Zhang F, Bai X, Chen Z, Shangguan F, Zhang B, Zhang L, Chen Q, Xie D, Lan L, Xue X, Liang X, LU B, Wei T, Qin Y* (2018) (*corresponding author) Human Elongation Factor 4 Regulates Cancer Bioenergetics by Acting as a Mitochondrial Translation Switch. Cancer research. doi: 10.1158/0008-5472.CAN-17-2059.

5. Cao X, Qin Y* (2016) (*corresponding author) Mitochondrial translation factors reflect coordination between organelles and cytoplasmic translation via mTOR signaling: Implication in disease, Free Radic Biol Med. 100, 231-7.

6. Song G, Qin Y* (2016) (*corresponding author) EF4 reveals the energy barrier for tRNA back-translocation in the peptidyl transferase center, RNA Biol. 13(10), 934-9.

7. Gao Y, Bai X, Zhang D, Han C,Yuan J, Liu W, Cao X, Chen Z, Shangguan F, Zhu Z, Gao F and Qin Y* (2016) (*corresponding author) Mammalian elongation factor 4 regulates mitochondrial translation essential for spermatogenesis, Nat Struct Mol Biol.10.1038/nsmb.3206

8. Zhang D, Kaige Y, Liu G, Song G, Luo J, Shi Y, Cheng E, Wu S, Jiang T, Lou Z, Gao N* and Qin Y* (2016) (*corresponding author) EF4 disengages the peptidyl-tRNA CCA end and facilitates back-translocation on the 70S ribosome, Nat Struct Mol Biol. 23, 125-131

9. Zhang Y, Mandava CS, Cao W, Li X, Zhang D, Li N, Zhang Y, Zhang X, Qin Y, Mi K, Lei J*, Sanyal S*, Gao N* (2015) (*corresponding author) HflX is a ribosome-splitting factor rescuing stalled ribosomes under stress conditions, Nat Struct Mol Biol. 22, 906–913.

10. Zhang D, Kaige Y, Zhang Y, Liu G, Cao X, Song G, Xie Q*, Gao N*, Qin Y* (2015) (*corresponding author) New insights into the enzymatic role of EF-G in ribosome recycling, Nucleic Acids Res. 1674–1683.

11. Liu G, Zhang D, Song G, Li Z, Zhang D, Lyv Z, Aachenbach J, Dong J, Gong W, Zhao X, Nierhaus K H and Qin Y* (2014) (*corresponding author) EF-G catalyzes tRNA translocation by disrupting interactions between decoding center and codon-anticodon duplex, Nat Struct Mol Biol. 21, 817–824.

12. Yang F, Gao Y, Li ZK, Chen LM, Xia Z, Xu T*, Qin Y* (2014) (*corresponding author) Mitochondrial EF4 links respiratory dysfunction and cytoplasmic translation in Caenorhabditis elegans. Biochim Biophys Acta. 1674–1683

13. Yamamoto H#, Qin Y#, Achenhach J#, Li X, Kijek J, Kijek J, Sphan CMT and Nierhaus HK (2014) (#co-first author) EF-G and EF4: Translocation and back-translocation on the bacterial ribosome. Nature Reviews Microbiology, 12 (2) 89-100 (Invited review).

Nominated by “Faculty of 1000”

14. Zhang D and Qin Y* (2013) (*corresponding author) The Paradox of Elongation Factor 4: highly conserved yet of no physiological significance? Biochem. J., 452 (2), 173-181 (invited review)

15. Zhang D, Liu G, Xue J, Lou J, Nierhaus K H, Gong W* and Qin Y* (2012) (*corresponding author) Common chaperone activity in the G-domain of trGTPase protects L11–L12 interaction on the ribosome, Nucleic Acids Res., 40 (21) 10851-10865.

16. Wang L, Yang F, Zhang D, Chen Z, Xu R, Nierhaus K H, Gong W and Qin Y* (2012) (*corresponding author) A conserved proline switch on the ribosome facilitates the recruitment and binding of trGTPases, Nat. Struct. Mol. Biol., 19(4)403-410

17. Di Giacco V#, Marquez V#, Qin Y#, Pech M, Triana-Alonso FJ, Wilson DN, Nierhaus KH (2008) (#co-first author). Shine-dalgarno interaction prevents incorporation of noncognate amino acids at the codon following the aug. PNAS 105(31):10715-10720.

18. Connell SR#, Topf M#, Qin Y#, Wilson DN, Mielke T, Fucini P, Nierhaus KH, Spahn CM (2008) (#co-first author) A new trna intermediate revealed on the ribosome during ef4-mediated back-translocation. Nature Struct. Mol. Biol. 15(9):910-915.

19. Qin Y, Polacek N, Vesper O, Staub E, Einfeldt E, Wilson DN, Nierhaus KH (2006) The highly conserved lepa is a ribosomal elongation factor that back-translocates the ribosome. Cell 127(4):721-733.

Commented by Current Biology (Youngman et al., 17 (4)316-319)

Evaluated by “Faculty of 1000” (http://f1000.com/prime/1089479)


1. Knud H Nierhaus, Yan Qin; Daniel Wilson. The protein factor LepA (EF4) as a new target for antibiotics against bacteria. PCT/EP 2007/008961

2. Knud H Nierhaus, Yan Qin; Daniel Wilson. Use of LepA for improving the accuracy of protein synthesis in vitro. PCT/EP 2006/006503

3. Yan Qin, Yanyan Gao. Usage of the mitochondrial translation factor Guf1 in Male sterility study. 2013104852275

4. 秦燕,郝佳,朱萍. EF4蛋白编码基因沉默在癌症治疗方面的应用(申请号:201210566942.7,证书号第2369805号)(已授权)

5. 秦燕, 高岩岩线粒体蛋白质翻译因子mtEF4/Guf1在雄性不育研究中的应用(申请号201310485227.5 ,证书号第1812912号)(已授权)
