







  • 胡赞民
  • 研究员

胡赞民,博士,研究员,博士生导师 1985年毕业于河南师范大学生物系获学士学位。1988年毕业于哈尔滨师范大学生物系获硕士学位。1988-1992年哈尔滨医科大学任助教和讲师。1995年获北京大学生物系理学博士学位。1995-1997年中国科学院遗传研究所博士后。1997年在中国科学院遗传所任副研究员、研究室主任。1998-2000年美国农业部牧草实验室(犹它州立大学)博士后。2000年9月回中国科学院遗传与发育生物学研究所。

胡胡赞民博士领导的创新研究组主要研究方向是植物生物技术。主要致力于重要基因的克隆、新型植物表达体系的建立、遗传转化方法的探索、外源基因在植物中的表达规律和重要经济作物的遗传工程改良等研究工作,以不断为植物遗传工程的发展提供理论基础、新技术并获得重要经济作物新品系(品种)。主要研究内容为: 1. 生物反应器研究 植物作为生物反应器日益受到科学家的重视。本实验室将利用小球藻及油菜表达重要基因,使植物能够生产油脂、新的保健食品、药品及化工原料等。本实验室还致力于利用益生微生物生产脂肽的研究,产生脂肽的益生微生物可用于饲料添加剂、生物肥料、生物农药、食品和医药等领域。 2. 植物染色体微切割与微克隆研究 植物染色体微切割与微克隆技术是将植物细胞遗传学与分子生物学联系起来的桥梁。本项目旨在不断探索植物染色体微切割与微克隆的新技术,应用该技术建立特定植物染色体或染色体片段的DNA文库和EST文库,进而分离重要新基因,并探索染色体的结构。 3. 油菜抗病及脂肪酸改良基因工程研究 旨在利用基因工程手段解决油菜抗菌核病问题、提高油菜含油量及改善油菜的品质。 4. 林木抗旱、耐盐基因的克隆 我国具有大量抗旱、耐盐林木资源。本项目旨在收集西部抗旱林木资源的基础上克隆与抗旱、耐盐有关的基因。KEY PUBLICATIONS (* Correspondence author)1.Fan C, Wu J, Xu L, Bai L , Yang H, Yan C, Wu Q, Chen Y*, Hu Z* (2019). A mutated rabbit defensin NP-1 produced by Chlorella ellipsoidea can improve the growth performance of broiler chickens. Scientific Reports, 9:127782.Sun B, Guo X, Fan C, Chen Y, Wang J, Hu Z* (2018). Newly Identified essential amino acids affecting Chlorella ellipsoidea DGAT1 function revealed by site-directed mutagenesis. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 19, 3462; doi:10.3390/ijms191134623.Han H, Liu W, Lu Y, Zhang J, Yang X, Li X, Hu Z*, Li L*(2017). Isolation and application of P genome-specific DNA sequences of Agropyron gaertn. in Triticeae. Planta, 245(2):425–4374.Guo X, Fan C, Chen Y, Wang J, Yin W, Wang R, Hu Z*(2017). Identification and characterization of an efficient acyl-CoA: diacylglycerol acyltransferase 1 (DGAT1) gene from the microalga Chlorella ellipsoidea. BMC Plant Biology,17:485.Zhang Y, Fan C, Li S, Chen Y, Wang R, Zhang X, Han F, Hu ZM*(2017). The diversity of sequence and chromosomal distribution of new transposable element-related segments in the rye genome revealed by FISH and lineage annotation .Frontiers in Plant Sciences, 2017.8:17066. Zhang YX, Deng CL,Hu ZM* (2016). The chromosome microdissection and microcloning technique. Methods Mol Biol, 1429:151-60. doi: 10.1007/978-1-4939-3622-9_12.7. Yan N, Fan C, Chen Y and Hu Z* (2016). The potential for microalgae as bioreactors to produce pharmaceuticals. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 17, 962, doi:10.3390/ijms170609628. Li S, Fan C, Li Y, Zhang J, Sun J, Chen Y, Tian C, Su X, Lu M, Liang C, Hu Z* (2016). Effects of drought and salt-stresses on gene expression in Caragana korshinskii seedlings revealed by RNA-seq. BMC Genomics, 17: 2009. Xu C, Bai L, Chen Y, Fan C, Hu Z*, Xu H*, Jiang B* (2016). Effect of mutated defensin NP-1 on sciatic nerve regeneration after transection—A pivot study. Neuroscience Letters, 617: 283-28710.. Li S, Huang Q, Zhang B, Zhang J, Liu X, Lu M, Hu Z, Ding C and Su X (2016). Small GTP-binding protein PdRanBP regulates vascular tissue development in poplar. BMC Genetics, 17:9611. Guo X, Su H, Shi Q, Fu S, Wang J, Zahng X, Hu Z, Han F (2016). De Novo centromere formation and centromeric sequence expansion in wheat and its wide hybrids. PLOS Genetics, DOI:10.1371/journal.pgen.1005997 April 25, 201612.Han H, Zhang Y, Liu W, Hu Z*, and Li L* (2015). Degenerate oligonucleotide primed–polymerase chain reaction-based chromosome painting of P genome chromosomes in Agropyron cristatum and Wheat–A. cristatum addition lines. Crop Sciences, 55: 2798-280513.Fan J, Ning K, Zeng X, Luo Y, Wang D, Hu J, Li J, Xu H, Huang J, Wan M, Wang W, Zhang D, Shen G, Run C, Liao J, Fang L, Huang S, Jing X, Su X, Wang A, Bai L, Hu Z, Xu J*, and Li Y* (2015). Genomic foundation of starch-to-lipid switch in oleaginous Chlorella spp. Plant Physiology, 169: 2444-246114. Zhang J, Hao Q, Bai L, Xu J, Yin W, Song L, Xu L, Guo X, Fan C, Chen Y, Ruan J, Hao S, Li Y, Wang RR, Hu Z* (2014). Overexpression of the soybean transcription factor GmDof4 significantly enhances the lipid content of Chlorella ellipsoidea. Biotechnology for Biofuels, 2014, 7: 12815. Hu L Z, Yin W B, Chen YH, Hu Z M* (2014). Functional Divergence and Evolutionary Dynamics of the Putative AAAP Gene Family in Brassica rapa. Plant Molecular Biology Reporter, 32:517–530 16. Song L Y, Zhang Y, Li S F, Hu J, Yin W B, Chen Y H, Hao S T, Wang B L, Wang R R, Hu Z M* (2014). Identification of the substrate recognition region in the Δ6-fatty acid and Δ 8-sphingolipid desaturase by fusion mutagenesis.Planta, 239(4):753-63 17. Bai L L, Yin W B, Chen Y H, Niu L L, Sun Y R, Zhao S M, Yang F Q, Wang R R-C, Wu Q, Zhang X Q, Hu Z M* (2013). A new strategy to produce a defensin: Stable production of mutated NP-1 in nitrate reductase-deficient Chlorella ellipsoidea. PLoS ONE, 8(1): e54966 18. Song L Y, Lu W X, Hu J, Yin W B, Chen Y H, Wang B L, Wang R R, Hu Z M* (2013). The role of C-terminal amino acid residues of a Delta(6)-fatty acid desaturase from blackcurrant. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 431(4):675-679 19. Deng C, Bai L, Fu S, Yin W, Zhang Y, Chen Y, Wang RR, Zhang X, Han F, Hu Z* (2013). Microdissection and chromosome painting of the alien chromosome in an addition line of wheat--Thinopyrum intermedium.PLoS ONE, 8(8):e72564 20.Han Y, Wang W, Sun J, Ding M, Zhao R, Deng S, Wang F, Hu Y, Wang Y, Lu Y, Du L, Hu Z, Diekmann H, Shen X, Polle A, Chen S (2013). Populus euphratica XTH overexpression enhances salinity tolerance by the development of leaf succulence in transgenic tobacco plants. Journal of Experimental Botany, 64(14):4225-38 21. Li S, Su X, Zhang B, Huang Q, Hu Z, Lu M (2013). Molecular cloning and functional analysis of the Populus deltoides remorin gene PdREM. Tree Physiology, 33(10):1111-21 22. Fan J, Cui Y, Huang J, Wang W, Yin W, Hu Z*, Li Y* (2012). Suppression subtractive hybridization reveals transcript profiling of Chlorella under Heterotrophy to photoautotrophy transition. PLoS ONE, 7:e50414 23. Yang D H, Song L Y, Hu J, Yin W B, Li Z G, Chen Y H, Su X H, Wang RR-C, Hu Z M* (2012). Enhanced tolerance to NaCl and LiCl stresses by over-expressing Caragana korshinskii sodium/proton exchanger 1 (CkNHX1) and the hydrophilic C terminus is required for the activity of CkNHX1 in Atsos3-1 mutant and yeast. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 417: 732–737 24. Li S F, Song L Y, Yin W B, Chen Y H, Chen L, Li J L, Wang R R-C, Hu Z M* (2012). Isolation and functional characterization of the genes encoding ?8-sphingolipid desaturase from Brassica rapa.Journal of Genetics and Genomics, 39: 47-59 25. Li S F, Song L Y , Zhang G J, Yin W B , Chen Y H , Wang R R C, Hu Z M* (2011).Newly identified essential amino acid residues affecting Δ8-sphingolipid desaturase activity revealed by site-directed mutagenesis. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 416(1-2):165-71 26. Li Z G, Yin W B, Song L Y, Chen Y H, Guan R Z, Wang J Q, Wang R R-C, and Hu Z M * (2011). Genes encoding the biotin carboxylase subunit of acetyl-CoA carboxylase from Brassica napus and parental species: cloning, expression patterns, and evolution. Genome, 54: 202–211. 27. Su X, Chu Y, Li H, Hou Y, Zhang B, Huang Q, Hu Z, Huang R, Tian Y (2011). Expression of multiple resistance genes enhances tolerance to environmental stressors in transgenic Poplar (Populus x euramericana ‘Guariento’). PLoS ONE, 6(9):e24614. 28. Sun J, Zhang C L, Deng S R, Lu C F, Shen X, Zhou X Y, Zheng X J, Hu Z M, Chen S L (2011). An ATP signalling pathway in plant cells: extracellular ATP triggers programmed cell death in Populus euphratica. Plant Cell Environment, 2011 Nov 9. doi:10.1111/j.1365-3040.2011.02461.x. [Epub ahead of print]. 29. Song L Y, Lu W X, Hu J, Zhang Y, Yin W B, Chen Y H, Hao ST, Wang B L, Wang R R C, Hu Z M* (2010).Identification and functional analysis of the genes encoding Delta6-desaturase from Ribes nigrum. Journal of Experimental Botany, 61(6): 1827-38. 30. Li Z G, Yin W B, Guo H, Song L Y, Chen Y H, Guan R Z, Wang J Q, Wang R R C, Hu Z M* (2010).Genes encoding the a-carboxyltransferase subunit of acetyl-CoA carboxylase from Brassica napus and parental species: cloning, expression patterns, and evolution. Genome, 53: 360–370. 31. Ding M, Hou P, Shen X, Wang M, Deng S, Sun J, Xiao F, Wang R, Zhou X, Lu C, Zhang D, Zheng X, Hu Z, Chen S (2010). Salt-induced expression of genes related to Na(+)/K(+) and ROS homeostasis in leaves of salt-resistant and salt-sensitive poplar species. Plant Mol Biol, 73(3): 251-69. 32. Sun J, Wang M J, Ding M Q, Deng S R, Liu M Q, Lu C F, Zhou X Y, Shen X, Zheng X J, Zhang Z K, Song J, Hu Z M, Xu Y, Chen S L (2010). H2O2 and cytosolic Ca2+ signals triggered by the PM H-coupled transport system mediate K+/Na+ homeostasis in NaCl-stressed Populus euphratica cells. Plant Cell Environment, 33(6):943-58 33. Wang H H, Yin W B, Hu Z M* (2009). Advances in chloroplast engineering. Journal of Genetics and Genomics, 36 (7): 387-98 34. Jiang S M, Yin W B, Hu J, Shi R, Zhou R N, Chen Y H, Zhou G H, Wang R R-C, Song L Y, Hu ZM* (2009). Isolation of expressed sequences from a specific chromosome of Thinopyrum intermedium infected by BYDV.Genome, 52(1): 68-76 35. Sun J, Dai S, Wang R, Chen S, Zhou X, Li N, Lu C, Shen X, Zheng X, Hu Z, Zhang Z, Song J, Xu Y (2009). Calcium mediates root K+/Na+ homeostasis in poplar species differing in salt tolerance. Tree Physiology, 29(9):1175-86 36. Sun J, Chen S, Dai S, Wang R, Li N, Shen X, Zhou X, Lu C, Zheng X, Hu Z, Zhang Z, Song J, Xu Y (2009). NaCl-induced alternations of cellular and tissue ion fluxes in roots of salt-resistant and salt-sensitive poplar species.Plant Physiology, 149(2): 1141-53 37. Zhou R N, Shi R, Jiang S M, Yin W B, Wang H H, Chen Y H, Hu J, Wang R R C, Zhang X Q, Hu Z M* (2008). Rapid EST isolation from chromosome 1R of rye.BMC Plant Biology, 2008, 8:28 38. Zhou R N, Hu Z M*(2007). The development of chromosome microdissection and microcloning technique and its applications in genomic research. Current Genomics, 8 (1): 67-72 39. Zhao T J, Zhao S Y, Chen H M, Zhao Q Z, Hu Z M, Hou B K, Xia G M (2006). Transgenic wheat progeny resistant to powdery mildew generated by Agrobacterium inoculum to the basal portion of wheat seedling. Plant Cell Reports, 25(11): 1199-1204 40. Lu X M, Yin W B and Hu Z M* (2006). Chloroplast transformation. Methods in Molecular Biology, Vol.318: 285-303 (Plant Cell Culture Protocols, Second Edition Edited by: V. M. Loyola-Vargas and F. Vazquez-Flota, Humanna Press Inc., Totowa, NJ.). 41. Jiang S M , Hu J , Yin W B , Chen Y H , Wang R R C, Hu Z M* (2005). Cloning of resistance gene analogs located on the alien chromosome in an addition line of wheat-Thinopyrum intermedium. Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 111(5): 923 – 931 42. Hu Z M, Wu X L, Larson S R, Wang R R-C, Jones T A, Chatterton N J and Palazzo A J (2005). Detection of linkage disequilibrium QTLs controlling low-temperature growth and metabolite accumulations in an admixed breeding population of Leymus wildryes. Euphytica, 141(3): 263-280 43. Zhang F Y, Yin W B, Shi R, Hu Y K, Yan Y M, Chen Y H, Zhou Y H, Hu J, Wang R. R-C, and Hu Z M *(2005). Construction and characterization of chromosome 1B specific DNA library of wheat. Canadian Journal of Plant Science, 85: 309-316 44. Jiang S M, Zhang L, Hu J, Shi R, Zhou G H, Chen Y H, Yin W B, Wang R R C, Hu Z M * (2004). Screening and analysis of differentially expressed genes from an alien addition line of wheat Thynopyrum intermedium induced by barley yellow dwarf virus infection. Genome, 47:1114-1121 45. Huang D, Wu W, Zhou Y, Hu Z, Lu L (2004). Microdissection and molecular manipulation of single chromosomes in woody fruit trees with small chromosomes using pomelo (Citrus grandis) as a model. I. Construction of single chromosomal DNA libraries. Theor Appl Genet, 108: 1366-1370 46. Hou B K, Zhou Y H, Wan L H, Zhang Z L, Shen G F, Chen Z H and Hu Z M* (2003). Chloroplast transformation in oilseed rape. Transgenic Research, 12:111-114 47. Wang R R-C, Li X M, Hu Z M, Zhang J Y, Larson S R, Zhang X Y, Grieve C M and Shannon M C (2003). Development of salinity-tolerant wheat recombinant lines from a wheat disomic addition line carrying a Thinopyrum junceum chromosome. Int J Plant Sci, 164(1): 25-33 48. Wu X, Larson S R, Hu Z M, Palazzo A J, Jones T A, Wang R R-C, Jensen K B., and Chatterton N J (2003). Molecular genetic linkage maps for allotetraploid Leymus Wildryes (Gramineae: Triticeae). Genome, 46: 627-646 49. Hu Z M*, Larson S R*, Jones T A, Wang R R-C (2002). Genetic relationships among soluble carbohydrates,anthocyanins and growth characteristics in Leymus (Gramineae) detected with molecular markers. Acta Botanica Sinica, 44(10): 1173-1181 50. Hu Z M, Wang R R-C*, Larson S R, Palazzo A J, Asay K H and Chatterton N J (2001). Selection response for molecular markers associated with anthocyanin coloration and low temperature growth traits in crested wheatgrass. Canadian Journal of Plant Science, 81(4): 665-671