- 翟文学
- 研究员

翟文学,博士,研究员,博士生导师 主要从事水稻重要功能基因,特别是具有重要农艺性状基因的克隆与分子育种。目前研究的工作包括水稻抗白叶枯病基因的克隆、利用克隆的Xa21基因培育抗白叶枯病杂交稻、水稻和玉米的分子育种。研究工作得到国家自然基金、国家转基因专项和国家农作物育种专项的支持。近期发表主要论文1. Jiang G, Yin D, Zhao J, Chen H, Guo L, Zhu L, Zhai W. The rice thylakoid membrane-bound ascorbate peroxidase OsAPX8 functions in tolerance to bacterial blight. Scientific Reports,2016, 6, 26104; doi: 10.1038/srep26104.2. Chen H, Li C, Liu L, Zhao J, Cheng X, Jiang G, Zhai W.The Fd-GOGAT1 mutant gene lc7 confers resistance to Xanthomonas oryzae pv. Oryzae in rice. Scientific Reports, 2016,6, 26411; doi: 10.1038/srep26411.3. 夏志辉,刘鹏程,高利芬,刘栋峰,姜丽,江光怀,郭乐群,翟文学. 水稻无选择标记Xa21转基因系CX8621的获得与遗传分析. 中国水稻科学, 2016, 30(1):10-16.4. 高利芬,刘鹏程,夏志辉,赵纪莹,史佳楠,江光怀,刘国振,翟文学. 水稻转基因系CX8621中Xa21的整合和表达.生物工程学报, 2016,32(9):1255-1263.5. Jiang G, Xiang Y, Zhao J, Yin D, Zhao X, Zhu L, and Zhai W. Regulation of Inflorescence Branch Development in Rice Through a Novel Pathway Involving the Pentatricopeptide Repeat Protein sped1-D. Genetics, 2014, 197:1395-1407.6. Gao L, Cao Y, Xia Z, Jiang G, Liu G, Zhang W and Zhai W. Do transgenesis and marker-assisted backcross breeding produce substantially equivalent plants? - A comparative study of transgenic and backcross rice carrying bacterial blight resistant gene Xa21. BMC Genomics, 2013, 14:738.7. Wu L, Liu D, Wu J, Zhang R, Qin Z, Liu D, Li A, Fu D, Zhai W and Mao L Regulation of FLOWERING LOCUS T by a MicroRNA in Brachypodium distachyon. Plant Cell 2013, 25: 4363-4377.8. Peng H, Jiang G, Zhang J, Zhang W, Zhai W. DNA methylation polymorphism and stability in Chinese indica hybrid rice. Sci China Life Sci, 2013, 56 (12): 1097-1106.9. Geng S, Li A, Tang L, Yin L, Wu L, Lei L, Guo X, Zhang X, Jiang G, Zhai W, Wei Y, Zheng Y, Lan X, and Mao L. TaCPK2-A, a calcium-dependent protein kinase gene that is required for wheat powdery mildew resistance enhances bacterial blight resistance in transgenic rice. J. Exp. Bot., 2013, 64 (11): 3125-3136.10. Chen X, Hao L, Pan J, Zheng X, Jiang G, Jin Y, Gu Z, Qian Q, Zhai W, Ma B. SPL5, a cell death and defense-related gene, encodes a putative splicing factor 3b subunit 3(SF3b3) in rice. Molecular Breeding, 2012, 30: 939-949.11. Gao L, Xia Z, Jiang G, Peng H, Zhao X, Zhai W. Generation of marker-free, bacterial blight-resistant transgenic sterile line and hybrid rice with Xa21. Plant Breeding, 2011, 130: 438-443.12. Zhao F, Cai Z, Hu T, Yao H, Wang L, Dong N, Wang B, Ru Z, Zhai W. Genetic analysis and molecular mapping of a novel gene conferring resistance to rice stripe virus. Plant Mol Biol Rep, 2010, 28: 512–518.培育农作物新品种1. 水稻新品种“深优95669”, 琼审稻2015002。翟文学, 罗越华,等。2. 水稻新品种“博II优5128”. 琼审稻2014002。孟卫东,翟文学,等。3. 水稻新品种“巴优99”,渝审稻2013006。金良,翟文学,等。4. 玉米新品种“科饲6号”,川审玉2011025。翟文学,郭乐群,等。5. 水稻新品种“嘉晚优1号”,琼审稻2010007;浙审稻2012010。翟文学,姚海根,等。6. 水稻新品种“中科黑糯1号”,琼审稻2010026。翟文学,罗越华,等。7. 水稻新品种“R9323”,中华人民共和国农业部CNA20101161.7。翟文学, 赵显峰, 彭海。8. 水稻新品种“明恢23”,中华人民共和国农业部CNA20101163.5。翟文学, 赵显峰, 彭海。9. 水稻新品种“R723”,中华人民共和国农业部CNA20101164.4。翟文学, 赵显峰, 彭海。10. 水稻新品种“中香糯1号”,中华人民共和国农业部CNA20101162.6。翟文学, 赵显峰, 彭海。