







  • 何康敏
  • 研究员

何康敏,博士,研究员,博士生导师 2008年在北京大学医学部获得预防医学学士学位,期间在北京大学中国经济研究中心获得经济学学士双学位;2013年在北京大学获得生物力学与医学工程博士学位;2013年至2019年在哈佛医学院/波士顿儿童医院先后从事博士后、Instructor/Research Associate研究;2019年加入中国科学院遗传与发育生物学研究所任研究员。主要研究方向: 课题组主要利用活细胞单分子荧光成像技术以及发展新的细胞生物学工具和体系,通过多学科交叉的研究手段探索: 1. 细胞内吞和胞内囊泡运输的调控机制 2. 细胞受体信号转导的动态过程和调控机制 3. 细胞内吞和胞内囊泡运输过程中磷酸肌醇等脂类分子的动态转运转化、功能和调控机制发表文章:1.Kangmin He*, Robert Marsland III, Srigokul Upadhyayula, Eli Song, Song Dang, Ben Capraro, Weiming Wang, Wesley Skillern, Raphael Gaudin, Minghe Ma, Tom Kirchhausen*. Dynamics of phosphoinositide conversion in clathrin-mediated endocytic traffic. Nature (2017) 552:410-414. (*Co-corresponding author)2.Nan Li, Rong Zhao, Yahong Sun, Zi Ye, Kangmin He*, Xiaohong Fang*. Single-molecule imaging and tracking of molecular dynamics in living cells. National Science Review (2017) 4:739–760. (*Co-corresponding author)3.Kangmin He, Xiaohua Yan, Nan Li, Song Dang, Li Xu, Bing Zhao, Zijian Li, Zhizhen Lv, Xiaohong Fang, Youyi Zhang, Ye-Guang Chen. Internalization of the TGF-β type I receptor into caveolin-1 and EEA1 double-positive early endosomes. Cell Research (2015) 25:738-752.4.Kangmin He#, Tsuyoshi Sakai#, Yoshikazu Tsukasaki, Tomonobu M. Watanabe, Mitsuo Ikebe. Myosin X is recruited to nascent focal adhesions at the leading edge and induces multi-cycle filopodial elongation. Scientific Reports (2017) 7:13685. (#Co-first author)5.Kangmin He, Rui Xing, Xiaohua Yan, Aiju Tian, Mingliang Zhang, Jinghe Yuan, Zhizhen Lv, Xiaohong Fang, Zijian Li, Youyi Zhang. mAbp1/HIP-55 is essential for the scission of clathrin-coated pits by regulating dynamin-actin interaction. FASEB Journal (2015) 29:2495-503.6.Kangmin He, Xiaoli Shi, Xuejie Zhang, Song Dang, Xiaowei Ma, Fei Liu, Ming Xu, Zhizheng Lv, Dong Han, Xiaohong Fang, Youyi Zhang. Long-distance intercellular connectivity between cardiomyocytes and cardiofibroblasts mediated by membrane nanotubes. Cardiovascular Research (2011) 92:39–47.7.Kangmin He#, Yongnan Fu#, Wei Zhang, Jinghe Yuan, Zijian Li, Zhizhen Lu, Youyi Zhang, Xiaohong Fang. Single-molecule imaging revealed enhanced dimerization of transforming growth factor β Type II receptors in hypertrophic cardiomyocytes. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications(2011) 2:313-317. (#Co-first author)8.Kangmin He#, Wangxi Luo#, Yuliang Zhang, Fei Liu, Da Liu, Li Xu, Lei Qin, Chunyang Xiong, Zhizhen Lu, Xiaohong Fang, Youyi Zhang. Intercellular transportation of quantum dots mediated by membrane nanotubes. ACS nano (2010) 4:3015-3022. (#Co-first author)9.Kangmin He, Sunqing Wang, Jingliang Zhang. Blood lead levels of children and its trend in China. Science of the Total Environment (2009) 13:3986-3993.10.Mingliang Zhang, Zhen Zhang, Kangmin He, Jimin Wu, Nan Li, Rong Zhao, Jinghe Yuan, Han Xiao, Youyi Zhang, Xiaohong Fang. Quantitative Characterization of the Membrane Docking Dynamics of TGF-β Receptors by Single-Molecule Imaging. Analytical Chemistry (2018) 90:4282-4287.11.Jing Shen, Jianghui Zhang, Han Xiao, Jimin Wu, Kangmin He, Zhizhen Lv, Zijian Li, Ming Xu, Youyi Zhang. Mitochondria are transported along microtubules in membrane nanotubes to rescue distressed cardiomyocytes from apoptosis. Cell Death and Disease (2018) 9:81.12.Mingliang Zhang, Kangmin He, Jimin Wu, Nan Li, Jinghe Yuan, Wei Zhou, Zi Ye, Zijian Li, Zhizhen Lv, Xiaohong Fang, Youyi Zhang. Single-molecule imaging reveals the stoichiometry change of epidermal growth factor receptorduring transactivation by β2-adrenergic receptor. SCIENCE CHINA Chemistry (2017) 60:1310-1317.13.Yu Hu, Ji Hyung Kim, Kangmin He, Qi Wan, Jessica Kim, Melanie Flach, Tom Kirchhausen, Andrea Vortkamp, Florian Winau. Scramblase TMEM16F terminates T cell receptor signaling to restrict T cell exhaustion. Journal of Experimental Medicine (2016) 213:2759-2772.14.Fran?ois Aguet, Srigokul Upadhyayula, Rapha?l Gaudin, Yi-ying Chou, Emanuele Cocucci, Kangmin He, Bi-Chang Chen, Kishore Mosaliganti, Mithun Pasham, Wesley Skillern, Wesley R. Legant, Tsung-Li Liu, Greg Findlay, Eric Marino, Gaudenz Danuser, Sean Megason, Eric Betzig, Tom Kirchhausen. Membrane dynamics of dividing cells imaged by lattice light-sheet microscopy. Molecular Biology of the Cell (2016) 27:3418-3435.15.Nan Li, Yong Yang, Kangmin He, Fayun Zhang, Libo Zhao, Wei Zhou, Jinghe Yuan, Wei Liang, Xiaohong Fang. Single-molecule imaging reveals the activation dynamics of intracellular protein Smad3 on cell membrane. Scientific Reports (2016) 6:33469.16.Yi-ying Chou, Christian Cuevas, Margot Carocci, Sarah H. Stubbs, Minghe Ma, David K. Cureton, Luke Chao, Frances Evesson, Kangmin He, Priscilla L. Yang, Sean P. Whelan, Susan R. Ross, Tom Kirchhausen, Rapha?l Gaudin. Identification and characterization of a novel broad-spectrum virus entry inhibitor. Journal of Virology (2016) 90:4494-4510.17.Jinghe Yuan, Kangmin He, Ming Cheng, Jianqiang Yu, Xiaohong Fang. Analysis of the steps in single-molecule photobleaching traces by using the hidden markov model and maximum likelihood clustering. Chemistry – An Asian Journal (2014) 9:2303-2308.18.Chengzhi Yang, Zenggang Li, Zhi Shi, Kangmin He, Aiju Tian, Jimin Wu, Youyi Zhang, Zijian Li. Regulation of cell survival by the HIP-55 signaling network. Molecular BioSystems (2014) 10:1393-1399.19.Xuejie Zhang, Qiaoling Liu, Tie Xia, Nan Li, Kangmin He, Chunru Wang, Weihong Tan, Xiaohong Fang. Atomic force microscopy study of the effects of water-soluble fullerenes on the elasticity of living plant cells. Chemistry – An Asian Journal (2013) 8:2388-2394.20.Wangxi Luo, Kangmin He, Tie Xia, Xiaohong Fang. Single-molecule monitoring in living cells using fluorescence microscopy. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry (2013) 405:43-49.21.Song Dang, Qiaoling Liu, Xuejie Zhang, Kangmin He, Cunru Wang, Xiaohong Fang. Comparative cytotoxicity study of water-soluble carbon nanoparticles on plant cells. Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology(2012) 12:4478-4484.22.Fei Liu, Kangmin He, Xinxing Yang, Ning Xu, Zhangyi Liang, Ming Xu, Xinsheng Zhao, Qide Han, Youyi Zhang. α1A-adrenergic receptor induces activation of extracellular signal-regulated kinase 1/2 through endocytic pathway. PLoS ONE (2011) 6: e21520.23.Xiaoli Shi, Lei Qin, Xuejie Zhang, Kangmin He, Chunyang Xiong, Jing Fang, Xiaohong Fang, and Youyi Zhang. Elasticity of cardiac cells on the polymer substrates with different stiffness: an atomic force microscopy study. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics (2011) 13:7540-7545.