- 周奕华
- 研究员

Tel: 64807605 (O); 64807628 (L)
Email: yhzhou@genetics.ac.cn
主要研究方向:植物分子遗传学与细胞壁生物学研究 科学意义与经济价值:植物在人类的文明发展史中起着举足轻重的作用。植物为人类提供了粮食、食品、纤维、医药及燃料等多种物资,其中不少是细胞壁及其衍生的产品。而不同植物的细胞壁特性决定了其利用方向与价值,它可以作为工业原料也可以作为生活必需品。因此,细胞壁具有重要的经济价值。细胞壁也是植物细胞特有的结构,参与了许多植物生命活动的重要过程。“植物如何制造细胞壁”是植物学研究领域的一个重要科学问题,该问题的阐释对揭示植物环境适应性及众多生长发育机制具有重要的意义。 1、细胞壁形成机理与水稻抗倒伏性状改良 农作物的抗倒伏性是一个重要且复杂的农艺性状,与产量密切相关。它受多基因调控,但没有明确的指标分解。而次生细胞壁是支撑植物直立生长的关键细胞结构,细胞壁的化学组成及物理结构决定了支撑力的强弱。为解决作物因倒伏而带来的产量损失,我们课题组以水稻茎秆为研究对象,利用正向遗传学、分子生物学等手段阐明了茎秆强度控制基因BC1 (Liu et al., 2013)、BC15 (Wu et al., 2012), BC13 (Song et al., 2012)、BC14 (Zhang et al., 2011)、BC3 (Xiong et al., 2010)、BC12 (Zhang et al., 2010)及BC11 (Zhang et al., 2009)等基因的功能与作用机理。所开展的工作已涵盖从底物核苷酸糖运输到纤维素、非纤维素多糖合成与沉积,从膜泡转运到细胞骨架转换等细胞壁形成的重要过程。同时通过对发育茎秆的转录组测序,挖掘到参与次生壁形成调控的十多个关键转录因子,获得了一批遗传材料,茎秆次生壁形成的转录调控网络初步显露。这些工作的开展为揭示次生细胞壁形成机理与茎秆强度调控的遗传网络奠定了基础。我们还在已测序的水稻种质资源中开展细胞壁成分及抗倒伏相关性状的全基因组关联分析,锁定到可能影响水稻抗倒伏性状的多个SNP,开展基因克隆与验证,为抗倒伏基因优异变异发掘和农艺性状改良提供了依据。 2、半纤维素合成与修饰 水稻中有两种重要的半纤维素,即木聚糖和混链型葡聚糖,而且木聚糖上存在大量的乙酰化修饰。作为两种具有重要经济价值的半纤维素,人们对其合成与修饰机理仍了解甚少。我们以水稻为材料,结合遗传学、植物化学、分子生物学等多学科手段,对上述两种半纤维素的合成机理开展了研究,逐步建立了多种生物化学和植物化学的研究体系。通过关键基因的挖掘、互作蛋白的筛选、复合体的分离以及酶活分析,解析木聚糖主链合成的复合体成分与特性,鉴定了催化木聚糖主链乙酰化修饰的乙酰基转移酶OsTBL1/2 (Gao et al., 2017)和乙酰酯酶BS1 (Zhang et al., 2017),发现木聚糖乙酰化修饰存在乙酰化和去乙酰化过程,第一次提出了细胞壁乙酰化修饰调控的新理论、即“双向调控”理论,表明我们课题组在水稻木聚糖合成和修饰机理研究方面取得了重要突破。乙酰酯酶BS1在Nature Plants 发表后,美国劳伦斯伯克利国家实验室(Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory) Henrik V. Scheller教授为该文撰写了新闻与观点(News & Views)专评文章“Plant cell wall: Never too much acetate”,高度评价该文,认为“该文给人们带来很多惊喜(It has many surprises)”。在混链型葡聚糖合成机理研究方面,已通过细胞壁成分调查在水稻资源中发掘到混链型葡聚糖极其丰富的品种资源,正在开展正向遗传学研究来克隆关键基因,并揭示混链型葡聚糖合成的新机制。 3、细胞壁合成的信号转导与植物生长发育 除了为植物提供机械支撑外,细胞壁作为植物细胞的基本结构,它的合成与植物生长发育密切相关,包括参与植物细胞形态建成、营养物质转运、抵御生物与非生物胁迫等众多生物学过程。大量研究表明,细胞壁形成异常通常导致植物生长发育异常。人们对植物体内外哪些信号参与细胞壁形成以及植物如何感知和传递这些信号的认知仍相当肤浅。我们课题组通过研究矮秆、披叶等水稻突变体和拟南芥花粉管发育异常突变体,发现一些关键基因OsCSLD4 (Li et al., 2009)、BC12 (Zhang et al., 2010)、MGP4 (Liu et al., 2011)、ILA1 (Ning et al., 2011)等影响细胞生长,为揭示细胞壁形成机制及其在生长发育中的作用积累了数据。此外,我们还对启动植物细胞壁合成的信号及其感知与信号转导通路开展了研究。揭示了一条赤霉素调控次生壁纤维素合成的完整信号转导通路,且这条调控途径在多种植物中保守(Huang et al., 2015)。解析了ILA1-IIP4-NAC调控次生壁形成的信号转导通路(Zhang et al., 2018)。实验室成员: 张保才 博士,副研究员 张兰军 博士,工程师 刘香玲 硕士,工程师博士研究生: 李善策 (2018年毕业)、曹少雪 (2014级)、梅家松 (2015级)、杨晗蕾 (2016级)、高成旭 (2017级)、高易宏 (2018级)硕博连读研究生:汪航 (2012级)、唐露 (2013级)硕士研究生:孔德敏 (2015级)、马佳宁(2017级)客座学生(含博士后):许作鹏 (扬州大学,2014级)、张冬梅 (中国科学院植物所,2017级)、王少干 (中国科学院微生物所,2018级)近期主要论文(*通讯作者):2018:Zhang Z, Zhang B, Chen Z, Zhang D,Zhang H, Wang H, Zhang Y, Cai D, Liu J, Xiao S, Huo Y, Liu Jie, Zhang L, Wang M, Liu X,Xue Y*, Zhao L*, Zhou Y*, and Chen H*.(2018) A PECTIN METHYLESTERASE at the Maize Ga1 locus confers male function in unilateral cross-incompatibility. Nat. Commun. 9: 3678Zhang D, Xu Z, Cao S, Chen K, Li S, Liu X, Gao C, Zhang B*, and Zhou Y*. (2018) An uncanonical CCCH-tandem zinc finger protein represses secondary wall synthesis and controls mechanical strength in rice. Mol. Plant 11: 163–174.Sanchez-Rodriguez C.*, Shi Y., Kesten, C., Zhang, D., Sancho-Andres, G., Ivakov, A., Lampugnani, E., Sklodowski, K., Fujimoto, M., Nakano, A., Bacic, A., Wallace, I., Ueda, T., Damme, D., Zhou, Y., and Persson S. (2018) The cellulose synthases are cargo of the TPLATE adaptor complex. Mol. Plant 11: 346–349.Zhang L-M, Leng C-Y, Luo H, Wu X-Y, Liu Z-Q, Zhang Y-M, Zhang H, Xia Y, Shang L, Liu C-M, Hao D-Y, Zhou Y, Chu C, Cai H-W, and Jing H-C*. (2018) Sweet sorghum originated through selection of dry, a plant-specifific NAC transcription factor gene. Plant Cell 30: 2286–2307.Xu, J., Zhang, B., Lu, X., Zhou, Y., Fang, J., Li Y., and Zhang, S*. (2018) Nanoscale observation of microfibril swelling and dissolution in ionic liquids. ACS Sustainable Chem. Eng. 6: 909–917.Zhang C, Shen Y, Tang D, Shi W, Zhang D, Du G, Zhou Y, Liang G, Li Y, and Cheng Z*. (2018) The zinc finger protein DCM1 is required for male meiotic cytokinesis by preserving callose in rice. PLoS Genet. (DOI:10.1371/journal.pgen.1007769 )2017:Zhang B, Zhang L, Li F, Zhang D, Liu X, Wang H, Xu Z, Chu C*,and Zhou Y*. (2017) Control of secondary cell wall patterning involves xylan deacetylation by a GDSL esterase. Nat. Plants 3:17017.Gao Y, He C, Zhang D, Liu X, Xu Z, Tian Y, Liu X, Zang S, Pauly M, Zhou Y*, and Zhang B*. (2017) Two trichome birefringence-like proteins mediate xylan acetylation, which is essential for leaf blight resistance in rice. Plant Physiol. 173: 470–481.Zhang B and Zhou Y*. (2017) Carbohydrate composition analysis in xylem. de Lucus M. and Etchells JP, eds. Humana Press. New York. Methods Mol. Biol. 1544: 213–222. DOI 10.1007/978-1-4939-6722-3.Xu Z#, Li S#, Zhang C, Zhang B, Zhu K, Zhou Y*, and Liu Q*. (2017) Genetic connection between cell-wall composition and grain yield via parallel QTL analysis in indica and japonica subspecies. Scientif. Reps. 7: 12561.Schneider R, Tang L, Lampugnani E R, Barkwill S, Lathe R, Zhang Y, McFarlane HE, Pesquet E, Niittyla T, Mansfield SD, Zhou Y, and Persson S. (2017) Two complementary mechanisms underpin cell wall patterning during xylem vessel development. Plant Cell 29: 2433–2449.Qi J, Wu B, Feng S, Lü S, Guan C, Zhang X, Qiu D, Hu Y, Zhou Y, Li C, Long M*, and Jiao Y* (2017) Mechanical regulation of organ asymmetry in leaves. Nat. Plants 3: 724–733.Zhou T, Hua Y, Zhang B, Zhang X, Zhou Y, Shi L, and Xu F*. (2017) Low-boron tolerance strategies involving pectin-mediated cell wall mechanical properties in Brassica napus. Plant Cell Physiol. 58: 1991–2005.2016:Ma J, Cheng Z, Chen J, Shen J, Zhang B, Ren Y, Ding Y, Zhou Y, Zhang H, Zhou K, Wang J, Lei C, Zhang X, Guo X, Gao H, Bao Y, and Wan J*. (2016) Phosphatidylserine synthase controls cell elongation especially in the uppermost internode in rice by regulation of exocytosis. PLoS ONE 11, e0153119.2015:Huang D, Wang S, Zhang B, Shang-Guan K, Shi Y, Zhang D, Liu X, Wu K, Xu Z, Fu X, and Zhou Y*. (2015) A Gibberellin-midiated DELLA-NAC signaling cascade regulates cellulose synthesis in rice. Plant Cell 27, 1681–1696.张保才, 周奕华*. (2015). 植物细胞壁形成机制的新进展.中国科学, 45: 544-556.Liu S, Lan J, Zhou B, Qin Y, Zhou Y, Xiao X, Yang J, Gou J, Qi J, Huang Y, and Tang C*. (2015) HbNIN2, a cytosolic A/N-invertase, is responsible for sucrose catabolism in rubber-producing laticifers of Hevea brasiliensis (para rubber tree). New Phytol. 206, 709–725.Wang X, Jing Y,Zhang B, Zhou Y, and Lin R*. (2015). Glycosyltransferase-like protein ABI8/ELD1/KOB1 promotes Arabidopsis hypocotyl elongation through regulating cellulose biosynthesis. Plant Cell Environ.38, 411–422.2014:Shi Y, Liu X, Li R, Gao Y, Xu Z, Zhang B*, and Zhou Y. (2014) Retention of OsNMD3 in the cytoplasm disturbs protein synthesis efficiency and affects plant development in rice. J. Exp. Bot. 65, 3055–3069.Wang C, Li S, Ng S,Zhang B, Zhou Y, Whelan J, Wu P, and Shou H*. (2014). Mutation in xyloglucan 6-xylosytransferase results in abnormal root hair development in Oryza sativa. J. Exp. Bot.65, 4149–4157.Zhu X, Sun Y, Zhang B, Mansoori N, Wan J, Liu Y, Wang Z, Shi YZ, Zhou Y, and Zheng S*. (2014). TRICHOME BIREFRINGENCE-LIKE27 affects aluminum sensitivity by modulating the O-acetylation of xyloglucan and aluminum-binding capacity in Arabidopsis. Plant Physiol.166, 181–189.2013:Liu L, Shang-Guan K, Zhang B, Liu X, Yan M, Zhang L, Shi Y, Zhang M, Qian Q, Li J, and Zhou Y*. (2013) Brittle Culm1, a COBRA-like protein, functions in cellulose assembly through binding cellulose microfibrils. PLoS Genet. 9, e1003704.Song X, Liu L, Jiang Y, Zhang B, Gao Y, Liu X, Lin Q, Ling H, and Zhou Y*. (2013) Disruption of secondary wall cellulose biosynthesis alters cadmium translocation and tolerance in rice plants. Mol. Plant 6, 768–780.Kang J, Zhang H, Sun T, Shi Y, Wang J, Zhang B, Wang Z, Zhou Y, and Gu H*. (2013) Natural variation of C-repeat-binding factor (CBFs) genes is a major cause of divergence in freezing tolerance among a group of Arabidopsis thaliana populations along theYangtze River in China. New Phytol. 199, 1069–1080.Zou H, Zhang Y, Wei W, Chen H, Song Q, Liu Y, Zhao M, Wang F, Zhang B, Lin Q, Zhang W, Ma B, Zhou Y, Zhang J, and Chen S*. (2013) The transcription factor AtDOF4.2 regulates shoot branching and seed coat formation in Arabidopsis. Biochem J. 449: 373–388.2012:Wu B, Zhang B, Dai Y, Zhang L, Shang-Guan K, Peng Y, Zhou Y*, and Zhu Z*. (2012) Brittle Culm15 encodes a membrane-associated chitinase-like protein required for cellulose biosynthesis in rice. Plant Physiol. 159, 1440–1452 (*Corresponding author)Zhang S-J, Song X-Q, Yu B, Zhang B-C, Sun C-Q, Knox J. P, and Zhou Y-H*. (2012) Identification of quantitative trait loci affecting hemicellulose characteristics based on cell wall composition in a wild and cultivated rice species. Mol. Plant 5, 162–175.Zhu X, Shi Y, Lei G, Fry S, Zhang B, Zhou Y, Braam J, Jiang T, Xu X, Mao C, Pan Y, Yang J, Wu P, and Zheng S*. (2012) XTH31, encoding an in vitro XEH/XET-active enzyme, regulates aluminum sensitivity by modulating in vivo XET action, cell wall xylolucan content, and aluminum binding capacity in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell 24, 4731–4747.Bao C, Wang J, Zhang R, Zhang B, Zhang H, Zhou Y, and Huang S*. (2012) Arabidipsis VILLIN2 and VILLIN3 act redundantly in sclerenchyma development via bundling of actin filaments. Plant J. 71, 962–975Chen M-Q, Zhang A-H, Zhang Q, Zhang B-C, Nan J, Li X, Liu N, Qu H, Lu C-M, Sudmorgen, Zhou Y-H, Xu Z-H, and Bai S-N*. (2012) Arabidopsis NMD3 is required for nuclear export of 60S ribosomal subunits and affects secondary cell wall thickening. PLoS ONE 7, e359042011:Ning J, Zhang B, Wang N, Zhou Y*, and Xiong L*. (2011) Increased leaf angle1, a Raf-Like MAPKKK that interacts with a nuclear protein family, regulates mechanical tissue formation in the lamina joint of rice. Plant Cell 23, 4334–4347 (*Corresponding author)Zhang B, Liu X, Qian Q, Liu L, Dong G, Xiong G, Zeng D, and Zhou Y*. (2011) A Golgi nucleotide sugar transporter modulates cell wall biosynthesis and plant growth in rice. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 108, 5110–5115.Song X., Zhang B., and Zhou Y*. (2011) Golgi-localized UDP-glucose transporter is required for cell wall integrity in rice. Plant Signaling & Behavior 6, 1097–1100.Zhang B and Zhou Y*. (2011) Study on rice brittleness mutants: A way to open the ‘black box’ of monocot cell wall biosynthesis. J. Integr. Plant Biol. 53, 136–142.Liu X-L, Liu L, Niu Q-K, Xia C, Yang K-Z, Li R, Chen L-Q, Zhang X-Q, Zhou Y*, and Ye D*. (2011) MALE GAMETOPHYTE DEFECTIVE 4 encodes a rhamnogalacturonan II xylosyltransferase and is important for growth of pollen tubes and roots in Arabidopsis. Plant J. 65, 647–660 (*Corresponding author)Lei M, Liu Y, Zhang B, Zhao Y, Wang X, Zhou Y, Raghothama K G, and Liu D*. (2011) Genetic and genomic evidence that sucrose is a global regulator of plant responses to phosphate starvation in Arabidopsis. Plant Physiol. 156, 1116–1130.Wang W, Wang Li, Chen C, Xiong G, Tan X-Y, Yang K-Z, Wang Z-C, Zhou Y, Ye D, and Chen L-Q*. (2011) Arabidopsis CSLD1 and CSLD4 are required for cellulose deposition and normal growth of pollen tubes. J. Exp. Bot. 62, 5161–5177.Wang Z-P, Xie Z-Q, Zhang B, Hou L-Y, Zhou Y, Li L-H, and Han X-G*. (2011) Aerobic and anaerobic nonmicrobial methane emissions from plant material. Environ. Sci. Technol. 45, 9531–9537.2010:Xiong G, Li R, Qian Q, Song X, Liu X, Yu Y, Zeng D, Wan J, Li J and Zhou Y*. (2010) The rice dynamin-related protein DRP2B mediates membrane trafficking and thereby plays a critical role in secondary cell wall cellulose biosynthesis. Plant J. 64, 56–70.Zhang M, Zhang B, Qian Q, Yu Y, Li R, Zhang J, Liu X, Zeng D, Li J and Zhou Y*. (2010) Brittle Culm12, a dual-targeting Kinesin-4 protein, controls cell cycle progression and wall properties in rice. Plant J. 63, 312–328.Li R, Xiong G, and Zhou Y*. (2010) Membrane trafficking mediated by OsDRP2B is specific for cellulose biosynthesis. Plant Signaling & Behavior 5 (11), 1–4.Tang C, Huang D, Yang J, Liu S, Sakr S, Li H, Zhou Y, and Qin Y*. (2010) The sucrose transporter HbSUT3 plays an active role in sucrose loading to laticifer and rubber productivity in exploited trees of Hevea brasiliensis (rara rubber tree). 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(1Contribute equally)Li L G, Zhou Y, Cheng X F, Sun J Y, Marita J M, Ralph J, and Chiang V*. (2003) Combinatorial modification of multiple lignin traits in trees through multigene cotransformation. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 100, 4939–4944.