







  • 吴青峰
  • 研究员

吴青峰,博士,研究员,博士生导师 2005年毕 业于复旦大学获临床医学学士学位,2012年毕业于中国科学院神经科学研究所获理学博士学位。2012-2016年在美国Johns Hopkins University (约翰霍普金斯大学)从事博士后研究。先后获得中国科学院院长特别奖(特等奖)、中国科学院优秀博士毕业论文奖、礼来优秀博士论文奖、细胞生物学青年论坛学术新人奖、人类前沿科学奖(HFSP Postdoctoral Fellowship)、美国马里兰干细胞研究基金奖(MSCRF Fellowship)。2017年入选中国科学院“百人计划”,2018年入选中国科学院脑智卓越中心。研究方向 1、大脑核团的发育 哺乳动物大脑包括层状结构(大脑皮层、视网膜等)和核团结构(丘脑、下丘脑、脑干等),这些神经元的组织结构将直接影响神经信息传递和认知行为。虽然层状结构大脑皮层的组织原则在过去十年里已经得到比较深入的研究,然而学界对核团类结构的空间构架原则所知甚少。我们将利用单细胞谱系追踪技术、单细胞测序、单细胞基因敲除等探索丘脑和下丘脑核团的干细胞起源,神经元多样性的起源,子代神经元的迁移方式和路线,神经元投射的方式,核团内细胞微环路的形成和核团形成的基本原则,以及先天性神经相关疾病的分子细胞机理。 2、神经调控代谢的机制 随着物质生活条件的改善,肥胖在全球范围内成为危害人体健康的重要疾病。下丘脑弓状核和室旁核神经元及其相关神经环路在调控人体摄食和机体代谢方面发挥着重要的作用。我们一方面关注下丘脑神经元群调控代谢的新机制;另一方面也探索下丘脑神经干细胞在各种环境下的稳态维持及其失调对机体代谢的影响,同时关注下丘脑新生神经元的环路整合。 3、神经干细胞的稳态调控 神经干细胞的稳态维持对于神经发育和损伤再生至关重要,胚胎期神经干细胞的稳态失调可以导致大脑发育异常,出现自闭症、智力障碍等疾病;成年期神经干细胞的稳态失调可以导致精神分裂症、情绪障碍、早衰等疾病。我们利用谱系追踪技术、基因编辑技术等研究调控神经干细胞稳态的分子机制,来研究中心体复合物对大脑发育的调控、分泌性因子对神经组织稳态的调节以及胶质瘤发生的机制、神经损伤状态下室管膜细胞重编程的方式和机制等。代表性论文 (*通讯作者):(14) Daniel A. Berg, Yijing Su, Dennisse Jimenez-Cyrus, Aneek Patel, Nancy Huang, David Morizet, Stephanie Lee, Reeti Shah, Francisca Rojas Ringeling, Rajan Jain, Jonathan A. Epstein, Qing-Feng Wu, Stefan Canzar, Guo-Li Ming, * Hongjun Song, * and Allison M. Bond. (2019) A Common Embryonic Origin of Stem Cells Drives Developmental and Adult Neurogenesis. Cell, dio: 10.1016/j.cell.2019.02.010(13) Qing-Feng Wu, Samuel Z.H. Wong, Candace C. Liu, Christopher Jou, Mai Nakamura, Gerry J. Sun, Michael A. Bonaguidi, Kimberly M. Christian, Yasushi Nakagawa, Guo-li Ming, and Hongjun Song. (2018) Clonal Organization and Production of Diverse Cell Types in Hypothalamus. Prepared for submission(12) Xu, M.#, Wang, J. #, Guo, X.#, Li, T. #, Kuang, X., Wu, Q.F.* (2018) Illumination of neural development by in vivo clonal analysis. Cell Regen (Lond)https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cr.2018.09.001(11) Helfer, G., and Wu, Q.F.* (2018). Chemerin: a multifaceted adipokine involved in metabolic disorders. J Endocrinol 238, R79-R94.(10) Wong, S.Z.H., Scott, E.P., Mu, W., Guo, X., Borgenheimer, E., Freeman, M., Ming, G.L., Wu, Q.F.*, Song, H.*, and Nakagawa, Y.* (2018). In vivo clonal analysis reveals spatiotemporal regulation of thalamic nucleogenesis. PLoS Biol 16, e2005211.(9) Tang, C., Wang, M., Wang, P., Wang, L., Wu, Q.F., Guo, W.X. *(2018). Neural Stem Cells Behave as a Functional Niche for the Maturation of Newborn Neurons through the Secretion of PTN. Neuron,doi: 10.1016/j.neuron.2018.10.051.(8) Dan, W., Gao, N., Li, L., Zhu, J.X., Diao, L., Huang, J., Han, Q.J., Wang, S., Xue, H., Wang, Q., Wu, Q.F., Zhang, X., and Bao, L. (2017). alpha-Tubulin acetylation restricts axonoverbranching by dampening microtubule plus-end dynamics in neurons. Cereb Cortex, 1-15.(7) Yoon, K.J., Song, G., Qian, X., Pan, J., Xu, D., Rho, H.S., Kim, N.S., Habela, C., Zheng, L., Jacob, F., Zhang, F., Lee, E.M., Huang, W.K., Ringeling, F.R., Vissers, C., Li, C., Yuan, L., Kang, K., Kim, S., Yeo, J., Cheng, Y., Liu, S., Wen, Z., Qin, C.F., Wu, Q., Christian, K.M., Tang, H., Jin, P., Xu, Z., Qian, J., Zhu, H., Song, H., and Ming, G.L. (2017). Zika-virus-encoded NS2A disrupts mammalian cortical neurogenesis by degrading adherens junction proteins. Cell Stem Cell 21, 349-358 e346.(6) Oh, Y., Zhang, F., Wang, Y., Lee, E.M., Choi, I.Y., Lim, H., Mirakhori, F., Li, R., Huang, L., Xu, T., Wu, H., Li, C., Qin, C.F., Wen, Z., Wu, Q.F., Tang, H., Xu, Z., Jin, P., Song, H., Ming, G.L., Lee, G. (2017). Zika virus directly infects peripheral neurons and induces cell death. Nat Neurosci 20:1209-1212.(5) Yang, L., Dong, F., Yang, Q., Yang, P.F., Wu, R., Wu, Q.F., Wu, D., Li, C.L., Zhong, Y.Q., Lu, Y.J., Cheng X, Xu FQ, Chen L, Bao L, Zhang X. (2017). FGF13 selectively regulates heat nociception by interacting with Nav1.7. Neuron 93, 806-821 e809.(4) Liu, H., Wu, Q.F., Li, J.Y., Liu, X.J., Li, K.C., Zhong, Y.Q., Wu, D., Wang, Q., Lu, Y.J., Bao, L., Zhang X. (2015). Fibroblast growth factor 7 is a nociceptive modulator secreted via large dense-core vesicles. J Mol Cell Biol 7, 466-475.(3) Zhang, X., Bao, L., Yang, L., Wu, Q., and Li, S. (2012). Roles of intracellular fibroblast growth factors in neural development and functions. Sci China Life Sci 55, 1038-1044.(2) Wu, Q.F., Yang, L., Li, S., Wang, Q., Yuan, X.B., Gao, X., Bao, L., and Zhang, X. (2012). Fibroblast growth factor 13 is a microtubule-stabilizing protein regulating neuronal polarization and migration. Cell 149, 1549-1564.(1) Liu, X.J., Zhang, F.X., Liu, H., Li, K.C., Lu, Y.J., Wu, Q.F., Li, J.Y., Wang, B., Wang, Q., Lin, L.B., Zhong, Y.Q., Xiao, H.S., Bao, L., and Zhang, X. (2012). Activin C expressed in nociceptive afferent neurons is required for suppressing inflammatory pain. Brain 135, 391-403.