







  • 胡春胜
  • 中国科学院农业资源中心副主任、栾城站站长、河北省人大代表、河北省国土资源厅特邀监察专员
  • 研究员

1简历:胡春胜 男,1965年生,博士、博导、二级研究员、国科大教授

中国科学院农业资源中心副主任、栾城站站长、河北省人大代表、河北省国土资源厅特邀监察专员。1985年毕业于山西农业大学,1988年毕业于北京农业大学,获硕士学位,1996年毕业于中国科学院沈阳应用生态研究所,获博士学位。1994-1995 曾在美国加州大学洛杉矶分校、国际小麦研究所(墨西哥)合作研究,1999.5-7在澳大利亚科工组织水土资源研究所合作研究, 2002.9-12在美国农业部大平原系统实验室与麻省大学合作研究。

2 研究方向:农田生态系统碳、氮、水循环及土壤生态过程

3 主持的项目









4 学术成就






担任国际SCI杂志“Journal of Soil and Water conservation”编委,中文核心期刊“土壤与作物”编委,中文核心期刊“中国生态农业学报”副主编。


5 荣誉奖励

国务院政府特殊津贴(国务院2006-491032号),河北省优秀科技工作者(2009,省组织部、科技厅、人事厅、科协),河北省优秀青年(2003,河北省省委、省政府),河北省政府二等功(2003,河北省政府),河北省直五一劳动奖章 (2011,河北省直工委),中国科学院朱李月华优秀老师奖(2008,中国科学院),全国优秀科技工作者(2010,中国科协技术协会),全国野外先进科技工作者(2009,科技部)

6 学术兼职

SCI杂志“Journal of Soil and Water conservation”编委;








7 代表性论文:Qin, S., Yuan, H., Hu, C*., Oenema, O. Determination of potential N2O-reductase activity in soil. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 2014, 70: 205-210.Qin, S., Yuan, H., Dong, W., Hu, C*., Oenema, O., Zhang, Y. Relationship between soil properties and the bias of N2O reduction by acetylene inhibition technique for analyzing soil denitrification potential. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 2013, 66: 182-187.Wu, D., Dong, W., Oenema, O., Wang, Y., Trebs, I., Hu, C*. N2O consumption by low-nitrogen soil and its regulation by water and oxygen. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 2013,60: 165-172.Qin S, Hu C*, Oenema O. Quantifying the underestimation of soil denitrification potential as determined by the acetylene inhibition method. Soil Biology & Biochemistry. 2012, 47:14-17.Liu, L., Hu, C*., Olesen, J. E., Ju, Z., Yang, P., Zhang, Y. Warming and nitrogen fertilization effects on winter wheat yields in northern China varied between four years. Field Crops Research, 2013, 151: 56-64.Qin, S., Hu, C*., & Oenema, O. Differentiating Intracellular from Extracellular Alkaline Phosphatase Activity in Soil by Sonication. PloS one, 2013, 8(3): e58691.ZHOU, W., HU, C. S*., LI, J., Christie, P., HE, X. H., JU, X. T. Natural 15N Abundance in Winter Wheat Amended with Urea and Compost: A Long-Term Experiment. Pedosphere, 2013, 23(6): 835-843.Wang, Y. Y., Hu, C. S*., Ming, H., Zhang, Y. M., Li, X. X., Dong, W. X., & Oenema, O. Concentration profiles of CH4, CO2 and N2O in soils of a wheat―maize rotation ecosystem in North China Plain, measured weekly over a whole year. Agriculture, ecosystems & environment, 2013, 164: 260-272.Qin S, Wang Y, Hu C*, Oenema O, Li X, Zhang Y, Dong W. Yield-scaled N2O emissions in a winter wheat summer corn double-cropping system. Atmospheric Environment. 2012, 55:240-244.Schindler U, Mueller L, da Veiga M, Zhang Y, Schlindwein S, Hu C. Comparison of water-retention functions obtained from the extended evaporation method and the standard methods sand/kaolin boxes and pressure plate extractor. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science. 2012, 175:527-534.Zhou W, Hu C*, Li J, Christie P, Ju X. Natural 15N abundance of tomato and soil amended with urea and compost. Journal of Food Agriculture & Environment. 2012, 10: 287-293.Dong W, Hu C, Zhang Y, Wu D Gross mineralization, nitrification and N2O emission under different tillage in the North China Plain. Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems, 2012, in press, DOI: 10.1007/s10705-012-9536-7.Qin S.P., Hu, C.S*., He, X.H., Dong, W.X., Cui, J.F., Wang, Y. Soil organic carbon, nutrients and relevant enzyme activities in particle-size fractions under conservational versus traditional agricultural management. Applied Soil Ecology, 2010, 152-159. Qin S.P., He, X.H., Hu, C.S*., Zhang, Y.M., Dong, W.X. Responses of soil chemical and microbial indicators to conservational tillage versus traditional tillage in the North China Plain. European Journal of Soil Biology, in press, doi:10.1016/j.ejsobi.2010.04.006.Du, Z.L., Ren, T.S., Hu, C.S., 2010. Tillage and Residue Removal Effects on Soil Carbon and Nitrogen Storage in the North China Plain. Soil Science Society of America Journal 74, 196-202.Qin, S.P., Dong, W.X., Hu, C.S*., 2010. Tillage affecting the turnover rate of soil urease: implications for soil enzyme assays and ecological modeling. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin 19, 717-720.Dong, W.X., Hu, C.S*., Chen, S.Y., Zhang, Y.M., 2009. Tillage and residue management effects on soil carbon and CO2 emission in a wheat-corn double-cropping system. Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems 83, 27-37.Mueller, L., Kay, B.D., Deen, B., Hu, C.S., Zhang, Y.M., Wolff, M., Eulenstein, F., Schindler, U., 2009a. Visual assessment of soil structure: Part II. Implications of tillage, rotation and traffic on sites in Canada, China and Germany. Soil & Tillage Research 103, 188-196.Mueller, L., Kay, B.D., Hu, C.S., Li, Y., Schindler, U., Behrendt, A., Shepherd, T.G., Ball, B.C., 2009b. Visual assessment of soil structure: Evaluation of methodologies on sites in Canada, China and Germany Part I: Comparing visual methods and linking them with soil physical data and grain yield of cereals. Soil & Tillage Research 103, 178-187.Delgado, J.A., Shaffer, M., Hu, C.S, Lavado, R., Cueto-Wong, J., Joosse, P., Sotomayor, D., Colon, W., Follett, R., DelGrosso, S., Li, X., Rimski-Korsakov, H., 2008. An index approach to assess nitrogen losses to the environment. Ecological Engineering 32, 108-120.Wang, Y.Y., Zhu, B., Shi, Y., Hu, C.S., 2008. Effects of nitrogen fertilization on upland rice based on pot experiments. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis 39, 1733-1749.Li, X.X., Hu, C.S*., Delgado, J.A., Zhang, Y.M., Ouyang, Z.Y., 2007. Increased nitrogen use efficiencies as a key mitigation alternative to reduce nitrate leaching in north China plain. Agricultural Water Management 89, 137-147.Delgado, J.A., Shaffer, M., Hu, C.S., Lavado, R.S., Wong, J.C., Joosse, P., Li, X.X., Rimski-Korsakov, H., Follett, R., Colon, W., Sotomayor, D., 2006. A decade of change in nutrient management: A new nitrogen index. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation 61, 62a-71a.Hu, C.S, Saseendran, S.A., Green, T.R., Ma, L., Li, X., Ahuja, L.R., 2006. Evaluating nitrogen and water management in a double-cropping system using RZWQM. Vadose Zone Journal 5, 493-505.Hu, C.S, Delgado, J.A., Zhang, X., Ma, L., 2005. Assessment of groundwater use by wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) in the Luancheng Xian region and potential implications for water conservation in the northwestern North China Plain. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation 60, 80-88.Zhang, Y.M., Hu, C.S., Zhang, J.B., Chen, D.L., Li, X.X., 2005. Nitrate leaching in an irrigated wheat-maize rotation field in the North China Plain. Pedosphere 15, 196-203.Zhang, Y.M., Chen, D.L., Zhang, J.B., Edis, R., Hu, C.S., Zhu, A.N., 2004. Ammonia volatilization and denitrification losses from an irrigated maize-wheat rotation field in the North China Plain. Pedosphere 14, 533-540.* indicates corresponding author.