







  • 侯娅丽
  • 硕士生导师
  • 研究员

侯娅丽 ( Yali Hou )

职 称: 副研究员
职 务: 硕士生导师
E-Mail: houyl@big.ac.cn
学科类别: 遗传学,基因组学,生物信息学

2005年9月-2009年2月:中国农业大学 博士学位

1998年9月-2005年7月:山西农业大学 学士学位 硕士学位


2006年10月–2008年2月 丹麦奥胡斯大学遗传与生物技术系 访问学者

2009年9月–2012年1月 美国马里兰大学农业与自然资源院动物和鸟类科学系 博士后

(其间:2009年10月–2012年1月 美国农业部农业研究所动物与自然资源系 访问学者)

2012年2月–至今 中国科学院北京基因组研究所 中国科学院精准基因组医学重点实验室 副研究员





1、中国科学院先导专项(B类)重点攻关方向项目,驯化物种高原适应的趋同进化机制,2017/05-2019/06,在研,主持 2、国家重点研发计划项目,精准医学大数据的有效挖掘与关键信息技术开发,2018/07-2020/12,在研,骨干 3、中国科学院青年创新促进会,2015/01-2018/12,结题,主持 4、973项目,肿瘤异质性演化过程的动物模型研究,2014/01-2018/08,结题,骨干 5、国家自然科学基金青年基金,拷贝数变异对家鸡重要经济性状表型及基表达的影响,2014/01-2016/12,结题,主持 6、国家自然科学基金重大研究计划培育项目,癌症细胞群体发展和增值模型的建立和数据采集,2012/01-2014/12,结题,主持 7、中国科学院先导B类,在模式系统中研究复杂性状演化和稳定性的网络调控,2014/06-2019/06,在研,参加


1. Furong Qi, Airong Yang, Sadaf Ambreen, Xue Bai, Yali Hou*, Xuemei Lu*, Birth and death of Mx genes and the presence/absence of genes regulating Mx transcription are correlated with the diversity of anti-pathogenicity in vertebrate species, Molecular Genetics and Genomics, 2019, 294(1): 121-133. 2. Chunyan Li#, Yali Hou#, Jin Xu#, Aiqun Zhang, Zhenzhen Liu, Furong Qi, Zuyu Yang, Ke Chen, Sixue Liu, Huanwei Huang, Qianfei Wang, Jiahong Dong, Chung-I Wu, Xuemei Lu*, A direct test of selection in cell populations using the diversity in gene expression within tumors, Molecular Biology and Evolution, 2017, 34(7): 1730-1742. 3. Guo G, Hou Y*, Zhang Y, Su G*. Comparison of models for genetic evaluation of number of inseminations to conception in Danish Holstein cows, Anim Sci J., 2017, 88(4): 567-574. 4. Gao Y, Jiang J, Yang S, Hou Y, Liu GE, Zhang S, Zhang Q, Sun D. CNV discovery for milk composition traits in dairy cattle using whole genome resequencing, BMC Genomics, 2017, 18(1): 265. 5. Kaile Wang, Qin Ma, Lan Jiang, Shujuan Lai, Xuemei Lu, Yali Hou*, Chung-I Wu*, Jue Ruan*, Ultra-precise detection of mutations by droplet-based amplification of circularized DNA, BMC Genomics, 2016, 17: 214. 6. Lingzhao Fang#, Yali Hou#, Jing An, Bingjie Li, Minyan Song, Xiao Wang, Peter S?rensen, Yichun Dong, Chao Liu, Yachun Wang, Huabin Zhu, Shengli Zhang, Ying Yu*, Genome-wide transcriptional and post-transcriptional regulation of innate immune and defense responses of bovine mammary gland to Staphylococcus aureus, Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology, 2016, 6: 193. 7. Lingyang Xu#, Yali Hou#, Derek M. Bickhart, Yang Zhou, El Hamidi abdel Hay, Jiuzhou Song, Tad S. Sonstegard, Curtis P. Van Tassell, George E. Liu*, Population-genetic properties of differentiated copy number variations in cattle, Scientific Reports, 2016, 6: 23161. 8. Cui X #, Hou Y #, Yang S, Xie Y, Zhang S, Zhang Y, Zhang Q, Lu X, Liu GE, and Sun D*. Transcriptional profiling of mammary gland in Holstein cows with extremely different milk protein and fat percentage using RNA sequencing. BMC Genomics, 2014, 15: 226. 9. Xu L, Cole JB, Bickhart DM, Hou Y, Song J, VanRaden PM, Sonstegard TS, Van Tassell CP, Liu GE*. Genome wide CNV analysis reveals additional variants associated with milk production traits in Holsteins. BMC Genomics, 2014, 15:683. 10. Xu L, Hou Y, Bickhart DM, Song J, Van Tassell CP, Sonstegard TS, Liu GE*. A genome-wide survey reveals a deletion polymorphism associated with resistance to gastrointestinal nematodes in Angus cattle. Functional & Integrative Genomics, 2014,14(2): 333-339. 11. Hou Y﹟, Wang Y﹟, Lu X﹟, Zhang X, Zhao Q, Todhunter RJ*, Zhang Z*. Monitoring Hip and Elbow Dysplasia Achieved Modest Genetic Improvement of 74 Dog Breeds over 40 Years in USA. Plos one, 2013, 8(10): e76390. 12. Bickhart DM #, Hou Y #, Schroeder SG, Alkan C, Cardone MF, Matukumalli LK, Song J, Schnabel RD, Ventura M, Taylor JF, Garcia JF, Van Tassell CP, Sonstegard TS, Eichler EE, and Liu GE*. Copy number variation of Individual cattle genomes using next-generation sequencing. Genome Research, 2012, 22(4): 778-790. 13. Hou Y, Bickhart DM, Hvinden ML, Li C, Song J, Boichard DA, Fritz S, Eggen A, DeNise S, Wiggans GR, Sonstegard TS, Van Tassell CP, and Liu GE*. Fine mapping of copy number variations on two cattle genome assemblies using high density SNP array. BMC Genomics, 2012, 13: 376. 14. Hou Y, Bickhart DM, Chung H, Hutchison JL, Norman HD, Connor EE*, Liu GE*. Analyses of copy number variations in Holstein cows identify potential mechanisms contributing to differences in residual feed intake. Functional & Integrative Genomics, 2012, 12: 717-723. 15. Hou Y, Liu GE*, Bickhart DM, Matukumalli LK, Li C, Song J, Gasbarre LC, Van Tassell CP, and Sonstegard TS. Genomic regions showing copy number variations associate with resistance or susceptibility to gastrointestinal nematodes in Angus cattle. Functional & Integrative Genomics, 2012, 12(1): 81-92. 16. Hou Y, Liu GE*, Bickhart DM, Cardone MF, Wang K, Kim ES, Matukumalli LK, Ventura M, Song J, Vanraden PM, Sonstegard TS, Van Tassell CP. Genomic characteristics of cattle copy number variations. BMC Genomics, 2011, 12: 127. 17. Liu GE, Hou Y, Robl JM, Kuroiwa Y, Wang Z. Assessment of genome integrity with array CGH in cattle transgenic cell lines produced by homologous recombination and somatic cell cloning. Genome Integr. 2011, 2(1):6. 18. Hou Y#, Wang Y#, Lust G, Zhu L, Zhang Z*, Todhunter RJ. Retrospective analysis for genetic improvement of hip joints of cohort labrador retrievers in the United States: 1970-2007. PLoS One, 2010, 5(2): e9410. 19. Liu GE*, Hou Y, Zhu B, Cardone MF, Jiang L, Cellamare A, Mitra A, Alexander LJ, Coutinho LL, Dell'Aquila ME, Gasbarre LC, Lacalandra G, Li RW, Matukumalli LK, Nonneman D, Regitano LC, Smith TP, Song J, Sonstegard TS, Van Tassell CP, Ventura M, Eichler EE, McDaneld TG, Keele JW*. Analysis of copy number variations among diverse cattle breeds. Genome Research, 2010, 20(5): 693-703. 20. Hou Y, Madsen P, Labouriau R, Zhang Y, Lund MS, Su G*. Genetic analysis of days from calving to first insemination and days open in Danish Holsteins using different models and censoring scenarios. J Dairy Sci., 2009, 92(3): 1229-1239.

中国遗传学会 会员
2015年 中国科学院青年创新促进会