1. 张德兴(2015) 对我国分子生态学研究近期发展战略的一些思考。生物多样性, 23,559–569。
2. Zhang DX (2015) Are we really seeing the big picture? Some reflections on the current debates in evolutionary biology. Current Zoology, 61, 217-220.
3. Ma L, Ji YJ, Zhang DX (2015) Statistical measures of genetic differentiation of populations: rationales, history and current states. Current Zoology, 61, 886–896.
4. Liu JF, Zhang DX, Yang Z (2015) A discrete-beta model for testing gene flow after speciation. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 6, 715–724.
5. Shi CM, Ji YJ, Liu L, Wang L, Zhang DX (2013) Impact of climate changes from Middle Miocene onwards on evolutionary diversification in Eurasia: Insights from the mesobuthid scorpions. Molecular Ecology, 22, 1700-1716.
6. Leng L, Zhang DX (2013) Time matters: some interesting properties of the population differentiation measures Gst and D overlooked in the equilibrium perspective. Journal of Systematics and Evolution, 51, 44–60.
7. Zhang C, Zhang DX, Zhu T, Yang Z (2011) Evaluation of a Bayesian coalescent method of species delimitation. Systematic Biolology, 60,747-761.
8. Leng L, Zhang DX (2011) Measuring population differentiation using Gst or D? A simulation study with microsatellite DNA markers under a finite island model. Molecular Ecology, 20,2494-2509.
9. Zhang DX, Yan LN, Ji YJ, Hewitt GM, Huang ZS (2009) Unexpected relationships of substructured populations in Chinese Locusta migratoria. BMC Evolutionary Biology, 9, 144.
10. Huang ZS, Ji YJ, Zhang DX (2008) Haplotype reconstruction for scnp DNA: a consensus vote approach with extensive sequence data from populations of the migratory locust (Locusta migratoria). Molecular Ecology, 17, 1930-1947.
11. Zhang DX (2004) Lepidopteran microsatellite DNA: redundant but promising. Trends in Ecology and Evolution, 19: 507-509.
12. Zhang DX, Hewitt GM (2003) Nuclear DNA analyses in genetic studies of populations: practice, problems and prospects. Molecular Ecology, 12: 563-584.[listed in ISI-Essential Science Indicators database as HIGHLY CITED PAPERS]
13. Zhang DX, Hewitt GM (1996) Nuclear integrations: challenges for mitochondrial DNA markers. Trends in Ecology and Evolution, 11: 247-251. [listed in ISI-Essential Science Indicators database as HIGHLY CITED PAPERS]