蔡 军








  • 蔡 军
  • 博士生导师
  • 研究员

蔡 军 ( CAI Jun )

职 称: 研究员
职 务: 博士生导师
E-Mail: juncai@big.ac.cn
学科类别: 基因组学/生物信息学
1995年9月-1999年7月 清华大学 自动化系 学士 1999年9月-2005年12月 清华大学 生物信息学 博士

2006年-2008年 美国伊利诺伊大学香槟分校生物工程系 博士后

2009年至今 中国科学院北京基因组研究所 研究员




1. 国家自然科学基金委员会面上项目,诱导多能干细胞的单细胞起源和特异性基因组变异来源组成的研究,2016.01-2019.12,在研,课题负责人; 2. 国家自然科学基金青年项目,多能干细胞特异的逆转座子缺失:发生机制和对基因表达影响的组学研究,2016.01-2018.12,在研,项目负责人; 3. 中国科学院重点部署项目中项目一,2015.01-2018.12,研究骨干。


1. Gao S*, Zheng C*, Chang G*, Liu W, Kou X, Tan K, Tao L, Xu K, Wang H, Cai J§, Tian JH§, Gao S§. Unique features of mutations revealed by sequentially reprogrammed induced pluripotent stem cells. Nature Communications. 2015 Feb 18;6:6318.

2. Cai J, Miao X, Li Y, Cory Smith, Kitman Tsang, Cheng L, Wang Q, Whole-Genome Sequencing Identifies Genetic Variances in Culture-Expanded Human Mesenchymal Stem Cells, Stem cell reports, 3(2), 2014.

3. Yin S*, Yang J*, Lin B*, Deng W*, Zhang Y, Yi X, Shi Y, Tao Y,Cai J, Wu CI, Zhao G, Hurst L, Zhang J, Hu L§ and Kong X§, Exome sequencing identifies frequent mutation of MLL2 in non-small cell lung carcinoma from Chinese patients, Scientific Reports, 4, 6036, 2014.

4. Lan Jiang, Jing Zhang, Jing-Jing Wang, Lu Wang, Li Zhang, Guoqiang Li, Xiaodan Yang, Xin Ma, Xin Sun, Jun Cai, Jun Zhang, Xingxu Huang, Miao Yu, Xuegeng Wang, Feng Liu, Chung-I Wu, Chuan He, Bo Zhang, Weimin Ci, Jiang Liu. Sperm, but not oocyte, DNA methylome is inherited by zebrafish early embryos, Cell, 2013, 153, 773-84.

5. Zheng C, Miao X, Li Y, Huang Y, Ruan J, Ma X, Wang L, Wu CI§, Cai J§. Determination of genomic copy number alteration emphasizing a restriction site-based strategy of genome re-sequencing. Bioinformatics. 2013 Nov 15;29(22):2813-21.

6. Qiang Gong, Yong tao, Jian-rong Yang, Jun Cai, Yunfei Yuan, et al., Identification of medium-sized genomic deletions with low coverage, mate-paired restricted tags, BMC Genomics, doi: 10.1186/1471-2164-14-52, 2013.

7. Tao Y*, Ruan J*, Yeh SH*, Lu X*, Wang Y*, Zhai W*, Cai J*, Ling S, Gong Q, Chong Z, Qu Z, Li Q, Liu J, Yang J, Zheng C, Zeng C, Wang HY, Zhang J, Wang SH, Hao L, Dong L, Li W, Sun M, Zou W, Yu C, Li C, Liu G, Jiang L, Xu J, Huang H, Li C, Mi S, Zhang B, Chen B, Zhao W, Hu S, Zhuang SM, Shen Y, Shi S, Brown C, White KP, Chen DS§, Chen PJ§, Wu CI§. Rapid growth of a hepatocellular carcinoma and the driving mutations revealed by a cell-population genetic analysis of whole-genome data. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. 2011 Jul 19;108(29):12042-7.

8. Wang L*, Wu X*, Zhang W, Zhu D, Wang Y, Li Y, Tian Y, Li R, Li Z, Zhu X, Li J, Cai J, Liu L, Miao X§, Liu Y§ and Li H§, Evaluation of Genetic Susceptibility Loci for Chronic Hepatitis B in Chinese: Two Independent Case-Control Studies, PLoS One, 6(3), e17608, 2011.

9. Jun Cai, Dan Xie, Zhewen Fan, John Marden, Wing H. Wong, Sheng Zhong. Modeling co-expression across species for complex traits: insights to the difference of human and mouse embryonic stem cells. PLoS Computational Biology, 6(3), doi:10.1371/journal.pcbi.1000707,2010.

10. Dan Xie, Jun Cai, Na-Yu Chia, Huck H. Ng and Sheng Zhong. Cross-species de novo identification of cis-regulatory modules with GibbsModule: application to gene regulation in embryonic stem cells. Genome Research, 18:1325-1335, 2008.

11. Jianming Jiang, Yun-Shen Chan*, Yuin-Han Loh*, Jun Cai*, Guo-Qing Tong, Ching-Aeng Lim, Paul Robson, Sheng Zhong and Huck-Hui Ng. A core Klf circuitry regulates self-renewal of embryonic stem cells. Nature Cell Biology. 10: 353-360, 2008. (* contribute equally)
