







  • 鲍一明
  • 博士生导师
  • 研究员

鲍一明 ( BAO Yiming )

职 称: 研究员
职 务: 博士生导师
E-Mail: baoym@big.ac.cn
学科类别: 生物信息学 病毒基因组学
1983年–1987年 中国 北京大学 生物化学 学士学位 1991年–1994年 英国 John Innes中心(通过东英吉利大学授予学位) 遗传学 博士学位

2017年4月至今,中国科学院北京基因组研究所,生命与健康大数据中心 主任


2005年–2017年,美国国立卫生研究院国家生物信息中心(NCBI)研究科学家(Staff Scientist)

2001年–2005年,美国ComputerCraft(作为政府合同工在国立卫生研究院国家生物信息中心工作)病毒基因组科学家(Viral Genome Scientist)

1994年–2001年,美国Noble基金会(Noble Foundation)博士后,高级研究助理(Senior Research Associate)

1987年–1991年,中国 北京大学生物系,助教


生物数据库 病毒基因组注释 病毒进化与分类


1. 国家重点研发计划战略性国际科技创新合作重点专项,国际生命组学数据共享计划,2017年9月-2020年7月,在研,项目负责人 2. 国际生物科学联合会(IUBS),生物多样性与健康大数据开放计划,2017年9月-2020年8月,在研,项目负责人


1. Radoshitzky S.R., Bao Y., et al. (2015). Past, present, and future of arenavirus taxonomy. Archives of Virology 160, 1851-1874.

2. Kuhn J.H., Dürrwald R., Bao Y., et al. (2015). Taxonomic reorganization of the family Bornaviridae. Archives of Virology 160, 621-632.

3. Kuhn J.H., Andersen K.G., Baize S., Bao Y., et al. (2014). Nomenclature- and Database-Compatible Names for the Two Ebola Virus Variants that Emerged in Guinea and the Democratic Republic of the Congo in 2014. Viruses 6, 4760-4799.

4. Kuhn J.H., Andersen K.G., Bao Y., et al. (2014). Filovirus RefSeq Entries: Evaluation and Selection of Filovirus Type Variants, Type Sequences, and Names. Viruses 6, 3663-3682.

5. Bao Y., Chetvernin V. & Tatusova T. (2014). Improvements to pairwise sequence comparison (PASC): a genome-based web tool for virus classification. Archives of Virology 159, 3293-3304.

6. Du Z., Chen A., Chen W., Liao Q., Zhang H., Bao Y., Roossinck M.J. & Carr J.P. (2014). Nuclear-cytoplasmic partitioning of the Cucumber mosaic virus 2b protein determines the balance between its roles as a virulence determinant and RNA silencing suppressor. Journal of Virology 88, 5228-5241.

7. Brister J.R., Bao Y., Zhdanov S.A., Ostapchuck Y., Chetvernin V., Kiryutin B., Zaslavsky L., Kimelman M. & Tatusova T.A. (2014). Virus Variation Resource--recent updates and future directions. Nucleic Acids Research 42, D660-D665.

8. Kuhn J.H., Bao Y., et al. (2014). Virus nomenclature below the species level: a standardized nomenclature for filovirus strains and variants rescued from cDNA. Archives of Virology 159, 1229-1237.

9. Brister J.R. & Bao Y. (2013). Virus Variation. 2013 Nov 14. In: The NCBI Handbook [Internet]. 2nd edition. Bethesda (MD): National Center for Biotechnology Information (US); 2013-. Available from: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK143949/

10. Bao Y., Brister J.R., Blinkova O., et al. (2013). About Viral and Phage Genome Processing and Tools. 2013 Mar 30 [Updated 2013 May 10]. In: The NCBI Handbook [Internet]. 2nd edition. Bethesda (MD): National Center for Biotechnology Information (US); 2013-. Available from: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK153522/

11. Bao Y., Chetvernin V. & Tatusova T. (2012). PAirwise Sequence Comparison (PASC) and Its Application in the Classification of Filoviruses. Viruses 4, 1318-1327.

12. Gilbert, J.A., Bao, Y., et al. (2012). Report of the 13th Genomic Standards Consortium Meeting, Shenzhen, China, March 4–7, 2012. Standards in Genomic Sciences 6, 276-286.

13. Brister, J.R., Bao, Y., Kuiken, C., Lefkowitz, E.J., Mercier, P.L., Leplae, R., Madupu, R., Scheuermann, R.H., Schobel, S., Seto, D., Shrivastava, S., Sterk, P., Zeng, Q., Klimke, W. & Tatusova, T. (2010). Towards Viral Genome Annotation Standards, Report from the 2010 NCBI Annotation Workshop. Viruses 2, 2258-2268.

14. Resch, W., Zaslavsky, L.,Kiryutin B., Rozanov, M., Bao Y. &Tatusova T.A. (2009). Virus variation resource at the national center for biotechnology information: dengue virus. BMC Microbiology 9, 65.

15. Bao, Y., Kapustin Y.&Tatusova T. (2008). Virus Classification by Pairwise Sequence Comparison (PASC).Encyclopedia of Virology, 5 vols. (B.W.J. Mahy and M.H.V. Van Regenmortel, Editors). Oxford: Elsevier. Vol. 5, 342-348.

16. Zaslavsky, L., Bao Y. &Tatusova T.A. (2008). Visualization of large influenza virus sequence datasets using adaptively aggregated trees with sampling-based subscale representation. BMC Bioinformatics9, 237.

17. Bao, Y., Bolotov P., Dernovoy D., Kiryutin B., Zaslavsky L., Tatusova T., Ostell J. & Lipman D. (2008). The influenza virus resource at the national center for biotechnology information. Journal of Virology82, 596-601.

18. Bao, Y., Bolotov P., Dernovoy D., Kiryutin B. & Tatusova T. (2007). FLAN: a web server for influenza virus genome annotation. Nucleic Acids Research35, W280-W284.

19. Ghedin E, Sengamalay NA, Shumway M, Zaborsky J, Feldblyum T, Subbu V, Spiro DJ, Sitz J, Koo H, Bolotov P, Dernovoy D, Tatusova T, Bao Y, St George K, Taylor J, Lipman DJ, Fraser CM, Taubenberger JK & Salzberg SL. (2005). Large-scale sequencing of human influenza reveals the dynamic nature of viral genome evolution. Nature 437, 1162-1166.

20. Holmes E. C., Ghedin E., Miller N., Taylor J., Bao Y., St. George K., Grenfell B.T., Salzberg S.L., Fraser C.M., Lipman D.J. &Taubenberger J.K. (2005). Whole-Genome Analysis of Human Influenza A Virus Reveals Multiple Persistent Lineages and Reassortment among Recent H3N2 Viruses. PLoS Biology 3: e300.

21. Bao, Y., Federhen, S., Leipe, D., Pham, V., Resenchuk, S., Rozanov, M., Tatusov, R. & Tatusova, T.(2004).National Center for Biotechnology Information Viral Genomes Project.Journal of Virology78, 7291-7298.

2011年至今 国际病毒分类委员会(International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses,ICTV)的病毒数据分委会成员

2006年 获美国NIH成就奖(Merit Award)