







  • 刘欣
  • 博士生导师
  • 研究员

刘欣 ( LIU Xin )

职 称: 研究员
职 务: 博士生导师
E-Mail: liuxin@big.ac.cn
学科类别: 遗传学,基因组学
1988年9月-1993年7月,山东医科大学,临床医学专业,医学学士学位 1997年9月-2002年2月,美国约翰霍普金斯大学,遗传流行病学专业,博士学位

2015年1月-至今 中国科学院北京基因组研究所 研究员 博士生导师

2007年1月-2015年1月 美国西北大学 儿科系助理教授

2004年2月-2006年12月 美国加州大学旧金山分校 遗传流行病学专业博士后

2002年2月-2003年12月 美国约翰霍普金斯大学布隆博格公共卫生学院 遗传流行病学专业博士后

1993年9月-1995年11月 北京工人疗养院 内科医生





2.中国科学院重点部署,中国人群精准医学研究计划/职业人群队列建立及精准医学研究, 2015-2018,在研,项目负责人。


代表论著(*: corresponding author):

1. PDGFRB mutation and tyrosine kinase inhibitor resistance in Ph-like acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Blood. 131(20):2256-2261,2018 Zhang Y, Gao Y, Zhang H, Zhang J, He F, Hnízda A, Qian M, Liu X, Gocho Y, Pui CH, Cheng T, Wang Q, Yang JJ*, Zhu X*, Liu X*.

2. Genome-wide association study of maternal genetic effects and parent-of-origin effects on food allergy. Medicine. 97(9):e0043,2018 Liu X*, Hong X, Tsai HJ, Mestan KK, Shi M, Kefi A, Hao K, Chen Q, Wang G, Caruso D, Geng H, Gao Y, He J, Kumar R, Wang H, Yu Y, Bartell T, Tan XD, Schleimer RP, Weeks DE, Pongracic JA, Wang X.

3. Genome-wide approach identifies a novel gene-maternal pre-pregnancy BMI interaction on preterm birth. Nat Commun. 8:15608, 2017 Hong X, Hao K, Ji H, Peng S, Sherwood B, Di Narzo A, Tsai HJ, Liu X, Burd I, Wang G, Ji Y, Caruso D, Mao G, Bartell TR, Zhang Z, Pearson C, Heffner L, Cerda S, Beaty TH, Fallin MD, Lee-Parritz A, Zuckerman B, Weeks DE, Wang X.

4. Genome-wide DNA Methylation Associations with Spontaneous Preterm Birth in US Blacks: Findings in Maternal and Cord Blood Samples. Epigenetics. (Epub ahead of print) Hong X, Sherwood B, Ladd-Acosta C, Peng S, Ji H, Hao K, Burd I, Bartell TR, Wang G, Tsai HJ, Liu X, Ji Y, Wahl A, Caruso D, Lee-Parritz A, Zuckerman B, Wang X.

5. Racial Disparity in the Associations of Cotinine with Insulin Secretion: Data from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, 2007-2012. Plos One. 11(12):e0167260, 2016 Liu R*, Zheng Z, Du J, Christoffel KK, Liu X*.

6. Genome-wide Association Study of Food Allergy Identifies Peanut Allergy-Specific Susceptibility Loci and Evidence of Epigenetic Mediation in U.S. Children of European Ancestry. Nat Commun. 24;6:6304, 2015 Hong X, Hao K, Ladd-Acosta C, Hansen KD, Tsai HJ, Liu X, Xu X, Thornton TA, Caruso D, Keet CA, Sun Y, Wang G, Luo W, Kumar R, Fuleihan R, Singh AM, Kim JS, Story RE, Gupta RS, Gao P, Chen Z, Walker SO, Bartell TR, Beaty TH, Fallin MD, Schleimer R, Holt PG, Nadeau KC, Wood RA, Pongracic JA, Weeks DE, Wang X.

7. Maternal Pre-conception Body Mass Index and Offspring Cord Blood DNA Methylation: Exploration of Early Life Origins of Disease. Environ Mol Mutagen. 55(3):223-30, 2014 Liu X*, Chen Q, Tsai HJ, Wang GY, Hong XM, Zhou Y, Zhang CL, Liu CY, Liu R, Wang HJ, Zhang SC, Yu YX, Mestan K, Pearson P, Otlans P, Zuckerman P, Wang XB.

8. Blood methylomics in response to arsenic exposure in a low-exposed US population. J Expo Sci Environ Epidemiol. 24(2):145-9, 2014 Liu X, Zheng YN, Zhang W, Zhang X, LIoyd-Jones DM, Baccarelli AA, Ning HY, Fornage M, He K, Liu K, Hou LF.

9. Longitudinal trajectory of vitamin D status from birth to early childhood in the development of food sensitization. Pediatr Res. 74(3):321-6, 2013 Liu X*, Arguelles L, Zhou Y, Wang GY, Chen Q, Tsai HJ, Hong XM, Liu R, Price HE, Pearson C, Apollon S, Cruz N, Schleimer R, Langman CB, Pongracic J, Wang XB.

10. Microsomal epoxide hydrolase (EPHX1) polymorphisms are associated with aberrant promoter methylation of ERCC3 and hematotoxicity in benzene-exposed workers. Environ Mol Mutagen. 54(6): 397-405, 2013 Xing CH, Chen Q, Li GL, Zhang LY, Zheng M, Zou ZY, Hou LF, Wang QF, Liu X*, Guo XB*.

11. Individual variation and longitudinal pattern of genome-wide DNA methylation from birth to the first two years of life. Epigenetics. 7(6): 594-605, 2012 Wang D*, Liu X*, Zhou Y, Xie H, Hong XM, Tsai HJ, Wang GY, Liu R, Wang XB.

12. Associations between gene polymorphisms in fatty acid metabolism pathway and preterm delivery in a U.S. urban black population. Hum Genet. 131(3):341-51, 2012 Liu X*, Wang GY, Hong XM, Tsai HJ, Liu R, Zhang SC, Wang HJ, Pearson C, Ortiz K, Wang D, Hirsch E, Zuckerman B, Wang XB.

13. A population-based twin study on sleep duration and body composition. Obesity. 20(1):192-9, 2012 Liu R, Liu X, Arguelles L, Patwari, PP, Zee PC, Chervin RD, Ouyang F, Christoffel KK, Zhang SC, Wang GY, Xu X, Wang XB.

14.Association between short sleep duration and the risk of sensitization to food and aero allergens in Rural Chinese Adolescents. Clin Exp Allergy. 41(4):547-55, 2011 Zhang S, Liu X (Co-first author), Kim JS, Ouyang F, Wang B, Li Z, Tang G, Liu X, Yang J, Xu X, Pongracic JA, Wang X.

15. Fine mapping of prostate cancer aggressiveness loci on chromosome 7q22-35. Prostate. 71(7): 682-685, 2011 Liu X, Cheng I, Plummer SJ, Suarez B, Casey G, Catalona WJ, Witte JS.

16. Gene-Vitamin D interactions on food sensitization: a prospective birth cohort study. Allergy. 66(11):1442-8, 2011 Liu X*, Wang GY, Hong XM, Wang D, Tsai HJ, Zhang SC, Arguelles L, Kumar R, Wang HJ, Liu R, Zhou Y, Pearson C, Ortiz K, Schleimer R, Holt P, Pongracic J, Price HE, Langman C, Wang XB.

17. Genetic and Environmental Contributions to Allergen Sensitization in a Chinese Twin Study. Clin Exp Allergy. 39(7):991-8, 2009 Liu X*, Zhang SC, Tsai HJ, Hong XM, Wang BY, Fang YP, Liu X, Pongracic J, Wang X.

18. Trans Fatty Acid Intake and Increased Risk of Advanced Prostate Cancer: Modification by RNASEL R462Q Variant. Carcinogenesis. 28:1232-6, 2007 Liu X*, Schumacher FR, Plummer SJ, Jorgenson E, Casey G, Witte JS*.

19. Multiple Essential Hypertension Susceptibility Genes On Chromosome 1q. Am J Hum Genet. 80: 253-264, 2007 Chang YP, Liu X, Kim J, Ikeda MA, Layton M, Weder A, Cooper R, Kardia S, Rao DC, Hunt S, Luke A, Boerwinkle E, Chakravarti A.

20. Nonsteroidal Anti-inflammatory Drugs and Decreased Risk of Advanced Prostate Cancer: Modification by Lymphotoxin Alpha. Am J Epidemiol. 164:984-989, 2006 Liu X, Plummer SJ, Nock NL, Casey G, Witte JS.

21. Hierarchical modeling in association studies of multiple phenotypes. BMC Genet. 6(S1):S104, 2005 Liu X, Jorgenson E, Witte JS.

22. Genetic dissection methods: designs used for tests of gene-environment interaction. Curr Opin Genet Dev. 14:241-245, 2004 Liu X, Fallin MD, Kao WH.

23. Associations between specific serum IgE response and 6 variants within the genes IL4, IL13, and IL4RA in German children: the German Multicenter Atopy Study. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 113:489-95, 2004 Liu X, Beaty TH, Deindl P, Huang SK, Lau S, Sommerfeld C, Fallin D, Kao WH, Wahn U, Nickel R.
