







  • 刘劲松
  • 研究员
  • 南楼 924


2011--         Institute of Mathematics, C.A.S, Professor
2008-2009   Harvard University, Visiting Fellow 
2006-2011   Institute of Mathematics, C.A.S, Associate Professor
2004-2006   Institute of Mathematics, C.A.S, Assistant Professor
2002-2004   Institute of Mathematics, C.A.S, Postdoctoral Fellow 


1997-2002   Ph.D. Mathematics, Peking University,  Advisor: Zhong Li
1993-1997   B.A. Mathematics, Peking University.

Current Research Interests:

Teichmuller & Moduli Space, Quadratic Differentials; Computational Conformal Geometry;  Circle Packing.

Teaching Experience:

Instructor  MCM of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Fall 2010, Kleinian groups & Hyperbolic Geometry
Instructor  Academy of Mathematics and System Sciences, Fall 2006, Riemann Surfaces
Instructor  Academy of Mathematics and System Sciences, Spring 2005, Algebraic curves
Instructor  MCM of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Fall 2004, Quasi-conformal mapping & Teichmuller Space
Instructor  Department of Mathematics, Peking University, Spring 2004, Complex Analysis

Publications and Preprints:

1.insong Liu, Jenkins-Strebel differentials with poles, Comment. Math. Helv. 83 (2008) 211-240;
2.Jinsong Liu, On existence of Jenkins-Strebel differentials via Teichmuller theory,  Bull. London. Math. Soc. 36(2004) no 3, 1-13;
3.Jinsong Liu, A new coordinate of Teichmuller space, Science in China A 44(2001), no. 12,1523—1530;
4.Zhengxu He & Jinsong Liu, A sharp estimate for the hexagonal circle packing constants,  Geometriae Dedicata: 146 (2010), no.1 193-210;
5.Xiaojun Huang & Jinsong Liu, Parabolic Rectangle Packing, Israel. J. Math,  191 (2012), no. 2, 667–699;
6. Jinsong Liu, Koebe problems and Teichmuller theory, Acta. Math. Sinica (Eng Ser),  22 (2006) , 959-962;
7.Jinsong Liu, An Extremality Property on Jenkins-Strebel Differentials,  Science in China, A 49 (2006), no. 8,1094—1102;
8.Xiaojun Huang,Jinsong Liu & Liang Shen, Schwarz’s lemma for the circle packings with the general combinatorics, Science in China,A 53 (2010),275-288;
9.Xiaojun Huang & Jinsong Liu, Normal and Quasinormal Families of Quasiregular Mappings, 199-209 Contemporary Mathematics, 575, AMS Special Session on "Quasiconformal mappings, Riemann surfaces, and Teichmuller spaces”;
10.Zhengxu He & Jinsong Liu, On the Teichmuller theory of circle patterns, Trans. AMS,Volume 365, Number 12, 6517–6541;
11.Xiaojun Huang & Jinsong Liu, Quasi-hyperbolic metrics and quasiconformal maps in metric spaces, Trans. AMS, to appear;
12.Xiaojun Huang & Jinsong Liu, Characterizations of circle patterns and convex polyhedra in hyperbolic 3-space,  Preprint;
13.Zhengxu He & Jinsong Liu, On the Minimal Factorization of Higher Dimensional Quasiconformal Mappings, Preprint and submitted;
14.Jinsong Liu & Ze Zhou, How many cages midscribe an egg, Preprint.