







  • 蒋岚
  • 博士生导师
  • 研究员

蒋岚 ( JIANG Lan )

职 称: 研究员
职 务: 博士生导师
E-Mail: jiangl@big.ac.cn
学科类别: 基因组学 生物信息学
2001年9月-2005年7月 武汉大学 国土资源管理专业(计算机双学位) 理学学士学位 2007年9月-2013年7月 北京基因组研究所 基因组学 博士学位

2018至今 中国科学院北京基因组研究所 研究员 博士生导师 2013年- 2018年 哈佛医学院 博士后研究员 2005年- 2007年 北京华大基因研究中心 生物信息工程师




*Equal contribution

1. Djekide M, Inoue A, Matoba S, Suzuk T, Zhang C, Lu F, Jiang L, and Zhang Y. (2018) Cell Report. Reprogramming of chromatin accessibility in somatic cell nuclear transfer is DNA replication independent. PMID: 29768195

2. Jiang L, Daphne T, Yuan GC. (2018) Cell Systems. Assessing Inequality in Transcriptomic Data. PMID: 29494801

3. Inoue A, Jiang L, Lu F, and Zhang Y. (2017) Genes Dev. Genomic imprinting of Xist by maternal H3K27me3. PMID: 29089420

4. Inoue A*, Jiang L*, Lu F*, Suzuki T, and Zhang Y. (2017) Nature. Maternal H3K27me3 controls DNA methylation-independent genomic imprinting. PMID: 28723896

5. Chen R*, Wu X*, Jiang L*, and Zhang Y. (2017) Cell Report. Single-cell RNA-seq reveals hypothalamic cell diversity. PMID: 28355573

6. Jiang L, Chen H, Pinello L, Yuan GC. (2016) Genome Biol. GiniClust: detecting rare cell types from single-cell gene expression data with Gini index. PMID: 27368803.

7. Kim TH, Saadatpour A, Guo G, Saxena M, Cavazza A, Desai N, Jadhav U, Jiang L, Rivera MN, Orkin SH, Yuan GC, Shivdasani RA. Single-Cell Transcript Profiles Reveal Multilineage Priming in Early Progenitors Derived from Lgr5(+) Intestinal Stem Cells. (2016) Cell Rep. PMID: 27524622.

8. Wang K, Ma Q, Jiang L, Lai S, Lu X, Hou Y, Wu CI, Ruan J. (2016) BMC Genomics. Ultra-precise detection of mutations by droplet-based amplification of circularized DNA. PMID: 26960407

9. Lu F*, Liu Y*, Jiang L*, Yamaguchi S, Zhang Y. Role of Tet proteins in enhancer activity and telomere elongation. (2014) Genes Dev. PMID: 25223896. Comment in: Epigenetics: Enhancers under TET control. [Nat Rev Mol Cell Biol. 2014]

10. Jiang L*, Zhang J*, Wang JJ*, Wang L, Zhang L, Li G, Yang X, Ma X, Sun X, Cai J, Zhang J, Huang X, Yu M, Wang X, Liu F, Wu CI, He C, Zhang B, Ci W, Liu J. Sperm, but not oocyte, DNA methylome is inherited by zebrafish early embryos. (2013) Cell. PMID: 23663777. Comment in: Beyond DNA: programming and inheritance of parental methylomes. [Cell. 2013] Development: Zebrafish early methylomes. [Nat Rev Genet. 2013]

11. Ruan J*, Jiang L*, Chong Z*, Gong Q*, Li H, Li C, Tao Y, Zheng C, Zhai W, Turissini D, Cannon CH, Lu X, Wu CI. Pseudo-Sanger sequencing: massively parallel production of long and near error-free reads using NGS technology. (2013) BMC Genomics. PMID: 24134808.

12. Wang L*, Jiang L*, Hu S, Wang Y. Characterization of evolutionarily conserved microRNAs in amphioxus. (2010) Genomics Proteomics Bioinformatics. PMID: 20451158.

13. Tao Y, Ruan J, Yeh SH, et al. (Author #28/44). Rapid growth of a hepatocellular carcinoma and the driving mutations revealed by cell-population genetic analysis of whole-genome data. (2011) PNAS. PMID: 21730188.

14. Xia Q, Guo Y, Zhang Z, et al. (Author #20/58). Complete resequencing of 40 genomes reveals domestication events and genes in silkworm. (2009) Science. PMID: 19713493.

15. Chong Z, Zhai W, Li C, Gao M, Gong Q, Ruan J, Li J, Jiang L, Lv X, Hungate E, Wu CI. The evolution of small insertions and deletions in the coding genes of Drosophila melanogaster. (2013) Mol Biol Evol. PMID: 24077769.


2017年 Charles A. King Trust Postdoctoral Research Fellowship 2017年 Harvard Medical School Epigenetics Travel Grant 2014年 中国科学院百篇优秀博士论文 2013年 吴瑞奖学金 2013年 中国科学院院长特别奖