1. 对于小区间中哥德巴赫数的例外集问题得到若干结果
2. 对于小区间上的三素数定理得到一系列结果
3. 对于几乎所有小区间中的素数分布得到若干结果
4. 对于小区间中整数的最大素因子的下界估计取得若干结果
5. 对于用分母为素数的有理数去逼近无理数的问题取得若干结果
6. 对于Dedekind和四次及四次以上均值的渐近公式得到最佳余
7. 证明了龙以明的一个猜想
1. C. Jia, On a conjecture of Yiming Long, Acta Arith., 122(2006), no.1, 57-61.
2. C. Jia (jointly with D. R. Heath-Brown), The distribution of αp modulo one, Proc. London Math. Soc.(3), 84(2002), 79-104.
3. C. Jia, On the mean value of Dedekind sums, J. Number Theory, 87(2001), 173- 188.
4. C. Jia (jointly with Ming-Chit Liu), On the largest prime factor of integers, Acta Arith., 95(2000), no.1, 17-48.
5. C. Jia (jointly with D. R. Heath-Brown), The largest prime factor of the integers in an interval, II, J. Reine Angew. Math., 498(1998), 35-59.
6. C. Jia, On the exceptional set of Goldbach numbers in a short interval, Acta Arith., 77(1996), no.3, 207-287.
7. C. Jia, Almost all short intervals containing prime numbers, Acta Arith., 76(1996), no.1, 21-84.
8. C. Jia, Three primes theorem in a short interval (VII), Acta Math. Sin., New Series, 10(1994), 369-387.
9. C. Jia, Three primes theorem in a short interval (V), Acta Math. Sin., New Series, 2(1991), 135-170.
10. C. Jia, Three primes theorem in a short interval (II), International symposium in memory of Hua Loo Keng, Science Press and Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1991, 103-115.