简历: |
白宗庆,博士,研究员,硕士生导师。 2006年7月,中国科学院山西煤炭化学研究所获理学博士学位 2006/7 - 2010/12,中国科学院山西煤炭化学研究所 助理研究员 2007/8-2007/11,比利时Hasselt大学,化工系,访问学者 2011/1 - 2017/9,中国科学院山西煤炭化学研究所 副研究员 2017/9-中国科学院山西煤炭化学研究所 研究员 |
研究领域: |
煤的结构与反应性,低阶煤利用化学,煤中污染物脱除 |
获奖及荣誉: |
2008年度山西省科学技术奖自然科学类二等奖 |
代表论著: |
1. Pan Hao, Zongqing Bai*, Ranran Hou, Junli Xu, Wen Li. Effect of solvent and atmosphere on product distribution, hydrogen consumption and coal structural change during preheating stage in direct coal liquefaction. Fuel, 2018, 211, 783-788. 2. Junli Xu, Zongqing Bai*, Zheng Li, Zhenxing Guo, Wen Li Interactions during co-pyrolysis of direct coal liquefaction residue with lignite and the kinetic analysis. Fuel, 2018, 215, 438-445. 3. Jingchong Yan, Zongqing Bai*, Pan Hao, Jin Bai, Wen Li. Comparative study of low-temperature pyrolysis and solvent treatment on upgrading and hydro-liquefaction of brown coal. Fuel, 2017, 199, 598-605. 4. Junli Xu, Zongqing Bai*, Jin Bai, Lingxue Kong, Dongmei Lv, Yanna Han, Xin Dai, Wen Li. Physico-chemical structure and combustion properties of chars derived from co-pyrolysis of lignite with direct coal liquefaction residue. Fuel, 2017, 187: 103-110. 5. Pan Hao, Zong-Qing Bai*, Zhi-Tong Zhao, Jing-Chong Yan, Xiao Li, Zhen-Xing Guo, Jun-Li Xu, Jin Bai, Wen Li. Study on the preheating stage of low rank coals liquefaction: Product distribution, chemical structural change of coal and hydrogen transfer. Fuel, Processing Technology, 2017, 159: 153-159. 6. Wen Li*,Zong-Qing Bai*,Jin Bai,Xiao Li*. Transformation and roles of inherent mineral matter in direct coal liquefaction: A mini-review. Fuel, 2017, 197: 209-216. 7. Yanna Han, Junjie Liao*, Zongqing Bai*, Jin Bai, Xiao Li, Wen Li. Correlation between the combustion behavior of brown coal char and its aromaticity and pore structure. Energy Fuels, 2016, 30:3419-3427. 8. Yanna Han, Zongqing Bai*, Junjie Liao*, Jin Bai, Wen Li. Effects of phenolic hydroxyl and carboxyl groups on the concentration of different forms of water in brown coal and their dewatering energy. Fuel Processing Technology, 2016, 154: 7-18. 9. Yanna Han, Junjie Liao*, Zongqing Bai*, Alan L.Chaffee, Liping Chang, Wen Li. Study on the Relationship between pore structure and water forms in pore using partially gasified lignite char. Energy Fuels, 2016,30: 8875-8885. 10. Jia-Wei Kou, Zong-Qing Bai*, Jin Bai, Zhen-Xing Guo, Wen Li. Effects of mineral matter and temperatures on conversion of carboxylic acids and their derivatives during pyrolysis of brown coals. Fuel Process Technology, 2016, 156: 46-55. 11. Dongmei Lv,Zongqing Bai*,Wei Yuchi, Jin Bai, Lingxue Kong, Zhenxing Guo, Xiao Li, Junli Xu,, Wen Li. Properties of direct coal liquefaction residue water slurry: Effect of treatment by low temperature pyrolysis. Fuel, 2016, 179:135-140. 12. Jing-Chong Yan, Zong-Qing Bai*, Jin Bai1, Wen Li. Chemical structure and reactivity alterations of brown coals during thermal treatment with aromatic solvents. Fuel Processing Technology, 2015, 137: 117-123. 13. Huiling Zhao, Zongqing Bai*, Jin Bai, Zhenxing Guo, Lingxue Kong, Wen Li. Effect of coal particle size on distribution and thermal behavior of pyrite during pyrolysis. Fuel , 2015, 148: 145-151. 14. Hui-Ling Zhao, Zong-Qing Bai*, Jing-Chong Yan, Jin Bai, Wen Li. Transformations of pyrite in different associations during pyrolysis of coal. Fuel Processing Technology, 2015, 131: 304-310. 15. Dongmei Lv, Wei Yuchi, Zongqing Bai*, Jin Bai, Lingxue Kong, Zhenxing Guo, Jingchong Yan,Wen Li. An approach for utilization of direct coal liquefaction residue: Blending with low-rank coal to prepare slurries for gasification. Fuel, 2015, 145: 143-150. 16. Zhenxing Guo, Zongqing Bai*, Jin Bai, Zhiqing Wang*, Wen Li. Synergistic effects during co-pyrolysis and liquefaction of biomass and lignite under syngas. Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 2015, 119: 2133-2140 . 17. Xiao Li, Zong-Qing Bai*, Jin Bai, Wen Li. Effect of Ca2+ species with different modes of occurrence on direct liquefaction of a calcium-rich lignite. Fuel Processing Technology, 2015, 133: 161-166. 18. Xiao Li, Zong-Qing Bai*, Jin Bai, Wen Li. Influences of exchangeable metallic species on solvent extraction of Xiaolongtan lignite and characterization of the separated portions. Fuel Processing Technology, 2015, 138: 42-47. 19. Xiao Li, Zong-Qing Bai*, Jin Bai, Wen Li. Transformations and roles of sodium species with different occurrence modes in direct liquefaction of Zhundong coal from Xinjiang, northwestern China. Energy Fuels, 2015, 29: 5633-5639. 20. Xiao Li, Zong-Qing Bai*, Jin Bai, Wen Li. Insight into the effects of sodium species with different occurrence modes on the structural features of residues derived from direct liquefaction of Zhundong coal by multiple techniques. Energy Fuels, 2015, 29: 7142-7149. 21. Jiawei Kou, Zongqing Bai*, Wen Li, Jin Bai, Zhenxing Guo. Effects of mineral matters and hydrogen bonding on rheological behaviors of brown coal–oil slurries. Fuel, 2014, 132: 187-193. 22. Jingchong Yan, Zongqing Bai*, Jin Bai, Wen Li. Direct liquefaction of a Chinese brown coal and CO2 gasification of the residues. Fuel, 2014, 136: 280-286. 23. Jingchong Yan, Zongqing Bai*, Jin Bai, Wen Li. Effects of organic solvent treatment on the chemical structure and pyrolysis reactivity of brown coal. Fuel, 2014, 128: 39-45. |
承担科研项目情况: |
承担国家基金2项,重点研发计划子课题1项,973子课题1项,院战略先导专项子课题1项,山西省煤基科技攻关重点项目课题1项, 山西省基金2项 |