







  • 孙泉华
  • 研究员
  • 北京北四环西路15号,中国科学院力学研究所,100190


1995.7 中国科学技术大学力学与机械工程系,学士 1998.6 中国科学技术大学力学与机械工程系,硕士 1998.8-1999.5 Cornell大学机械与航空工程学院, 学习 2003.4 Michigan大学航空工程系,博士 2003.5-2005.8 Michigan大学航空工程系,博士后研究员 2005.9-2007.4 ESI US R&D,研究科学家 2007.5至今 中国科学院力学研究所,研究员,百人计划入选者




曾任AIAA会议分会主席,Michigan大学UROP项目学术导师,AIAA高级会员,ASME会员。担任AIAA Journal, Computers & Fluids, Journal of Computational Physics, Journal of Microfluidics and Nanofluidics, Journal of Thermophysics and Heat Transfer 等国际学术期刊和基金会的审稿人,中国空气动力学学会理事,《 Theoretical & Applied Mechanics Letters》编委


Rackham Predoctoral Fellowship, University of Michigan, 2002 Student Award, International Symposia on Rarefied Gas Dynamics, 2000, 2002 震雄工业奖学金(特等奖),中国科学技术大学,1997

代表论著:1. C. Cai, Q. Sun, I.D. Boyd, Gas flows in microchannels and microtubes, J. Fluid Mech., 589, 305-314 (2007). 2. C. Cai, I.D. Boyd, Q. Sun, Free molecular flows between two plates equipped with pumps, J. Thermophysics & Heat Transfer, 21(1), 95-104 (2007). 3. Q. Sun, C. Cai, I.D., Boyd, J.H. Clemmons, J.H. Hecht, Computational analysis of high-altitude ionization gauge flight measurements, J. Spacecraft & Rockets, 43(1), 186-193 (2006). 4. Y. Suzuki, S. Yamamoto, B. vanLeer, Q. Sun, I.D. Boyd, Application of the 10-moment model to MEMS flows, CFD 2004, edited by Groth C. & Zingg D.W., 529-534 (2006). 5. Q. Sun, I.D. Boyd, Evaluation of macroscopic properties in the direct simulation Monte Carlo method, J. Thermophysics & Heat Transfer, 19(3), 329-335 (2005).6. Q. Sun, I.D. Boyd, Modeling gas nucleation and condensation using the direct simulation Monte Carlo method, AIAA 2005-4831 (2005). 7. Q. Sun, I.D. Boyd, Theoretical development of the information preservation method for strongly nonequilibrium gas flows, AIAA 2005-4828 (2005).8. I.D. Boyd, Q. Sun, C. Cai, K.E. Tatum, Particle simulation of Hall thruster plumes in the 12V vacuum chamber, IEPC-2005-138 (2005). 9. Q. Sun, I.D. Boyd, G.V. Candler, A hybrid continuum/particle approach for modeling rarefied gas flows, J. Comput. Phys., 194(1), 256-277 (2004). 10. Q. Sun, I.D. Boyd, Flat-plate aerodynamics at very low Reynolds number, J. Fluid Mech., 502, 199-206 (2004). 11. A.J. Christlieb, W.N.G. Hitchon, I.D. Boyd, Q. Sun, Kinetic description of flow past a micro-plate, J. Comput. Phys., 195(2), 508-527 (2004). 12. Q. Sun, I.D. Boyd, Drag on a flat plate in low-Reynolds-number gas flows, AIAA J., 42(6), 1066-1072 (2004). 13. Q. Sun, I.D. Boyd, K.E. Tatum, Particle simulation of gas expansion and condensation in supersonic jets, AIAA 2004-2587 (2004). 14. Q. Sun, I.D. Boyd, Simulation of gas flow over micro-scale airfoils using a hybrid continuum-particle approach, AIAA 2003-4014 (2003). 15. A.J., Christlieb, W.N. Hitchon, Q. Sun, I.D. Boyd, Application of the transition probability matrix method to high Knudsen number flow past a micro-plate, in Rarefied Gas Dynamics, edited by Ketsdever A.D. & Muntz E.P., 768-775 (2003).16. W-L Wang, Q. Sun, I.D. Boyd, Assessment of a hybrid method for hypersonic flows, in Rarefied Gas Dynamics, edited by Ketsdever A.D. & Muntz E.P., 923-930 (2003). 17. Q. Sun, I.D. Boyd, G.V. Candler, Numerical simulation of gas flow over micro-scale airfoils, J. Thermophysics & Heat Transfer, 16(2), 171-179 (2002). 18. Q. Sun, I.D. Boyd, A direct simulation method for subsonic, micro-scale gas flows, J. Comput. Phys. 179(2), 400-425 (2002). 19. W-L Wang, Q. Sun, I.D. Boyd, Towards development of a hybrid DSMC-CFD method for simulating hypersonic interacting flows, AIAA 2002-3099 (2002).20. Q. Sun, I.D. Boyd, J. Fan, Development of an information preservation method for subsonic, micro-scale gas flows, in Rarefied Gas Dynamics, edited by Bartel T.J. & Gallis M.A., 547-553 (2001). 21. I.D. Boyd, Q. Sun, Particle simulation of micro-scale gas flows, AIAA-01-0876 (2001).22. Q. Sun, I.D., Boyd, J. Fan, Development of particle methods for computing MEMS gas flows, MEMS-Vol. 2, ASME 2000, 563-569 (2000). 23. P. Vijayakumar, Q. Sun, I.D. Boyd, Vibratoinal-translational energy exchange models for the direct simulation Monte Carlo method, Phys. of Fluids, 11(8), 2117-2126 (1999). 24. S.F. Gimelshein, I.D. Boyd, Q. Sun, M.S. Ivanov, DSMC modeling of vibration-translation energy transfer in hypersonic rarefied flows, AIAA 99-3451 (1999). 25. 孙泉华,尹协振,韩肇元,激波在柔壁管中传播的实验和数值研究,第八届全国激波与激波管学术交流会论文集,38-43, (1998) 26. 孙泉华,杨基明,韩肇元,尹协振(1998)无膜激波管的驱动特性理论。第八届全国激波与激波管学术交流会论文集,197-202,(1998)27. Q. Sun, X. Yin, Z. Han, Study on propagation of shock wave into flexible tube, Proc. of 1997 China-Japan Joint Symp. On Advanced Energy and Transportation Engr. 230-235 (1997). 28. 孙泉华,尹协振,韩肇元,李加寿,激波对血液成份影响的实验研究,流体力学实验测量, 11(3),18-22 (1997). 29. 孙泉华,韩肇元,尹协振,杨基明, 活塞式无膜激波管特性的实验研究,实验力学, 12(4),539-543 (1997). 30. 杨基明,韩肇元,孙泉华,波前有同向气流条件下的运动激波近壁特性,实验力学, 11(增) (1996). 31. Q. Wu, X. Luo, Y. Xu, J. Zhou, Q, Sun, Numericla study of compond reactive model for high level forest fire, Proc. of China-Japan Bilateral Symp. On Fluid Mech. & Management Tools for Environment, edited by Nobuyuki &Chen Y., 277-282 (1994).


1. 1999-2003, MURI project of AFOSR on micro scale aircraft 2. 2003-2004, NASA project on turbulent oxygen mixing experiment 3. 2003-2005, AFOSR project on nonequilibrium plasma system 4. 2005, AFOSR project on Monte Carlo modeling of collisions 5. 2005-2006, AFRL project on CFD tool for MHD applications 6. 2007- 中国科学院百人计划项目,863项目, 自然科学基金项目等