







  • 姜宗林
  • 研究员
  • 北京市北四环西路15号中国科学院研究所


1955年4月出生 1982年毕业于哈尔滨船舶工程学院动力工程系获学士学位 1984年12月在哈尔滨船舶工程学院动力工程系获硕士学位 1985年1月至1990年8月 北京空气动力研究所任工程师后任室主任 1990年9月至1993年7月 北京大学力学系获理学博士学位 1993年8月至1994年2月 北京大学力学系副教授 1994年3月至1999年9月 日本东北大学流体科学研究所激波研究中心任副教授

1999年10月至现在 中国科学院力学研究所研究员 2000年10月至现在 中国科学院高温气体动力学重点实验室主任


主要从事激波间断解问题的数值理论,复杂激波相互作用, 高温气体流动,爆轰物理,脉冲爆轰推进和CFD数值解解验证方法等方面的研究。其中关于构造无数值振荡激波捕捉格式稳定性条件的研究,关于建立与网格无关的多维方程数值解法的研究,关于模拟光学实验进行CFD数值解验证的研究,关于激波/漩涡相互作用,爆轰物理与脉冲爆轰发动机和爆轰驱动高焓激波风洞的研究取得了十分有意义的进展。在这方面的工作已在国内外的学术杂志和国际会议发表论文150多篇。



中国科学院力学研究所 研究员 博士生导师中国科学院高温气体动力学重点实验室 主任力学学报 常务编委力学进展 常务编委 Shock Waves, An International Journal 常务编委 Chinese Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics 常务编委 International Journal of Hypersonics 常务编委中国科学院研究生院 教授中国科技大学 客座教授中国力学学会 理事中国力学学会激波与激波管专业委员会 主任中国空气动力学学会 副理事长北京力学学会 副理事长


1.Journal papers published since 1995 1. Zonglin Jiang, Guilai Han, Chun Wang and Fan Zhang: Self-organized generation of transverse waves in diverging cylindrical detonation, Combustion and Flame, 156 (2009) 1653–1661.

2. Zonglin Jiang, Yunfeng Liu and Wei Zhao: Experimental demonstration of the new concept for drag reduction and thermal protection of hypersonic vehicles, Acta Mechanic Sinica, 25(2009) 417-419.

3. Chun Wang, Z. Jiang,Z. Hu and J. Lu: Numerical investigation on the flowfield of “swallowtail” cavity for supersonic mixing enhancement, Acta Mechanic Sinica, 25(1): 37-44, 2009.

4. Chun Wang, Z. Jiang, Yunliang Gao:Half -Cell Law of Regular Cellular Detonation. Chinese Physics Letters, 25(10): 3704-3707, 2008

5. Guilai Han, Z. Jiang, Chun Wang, Fan Zhang: Cellular Cell Bifurcation of Cylindrical Detonations: Chinese Physics Letters, 25(6):2125-2127, 2008

6. Chun Wang, Z. Jiang, Zongmin Hu, Guilai Han: Numerical investigation on evolution of cylindrical cellular detonation. Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 29(11): 1487-1494, 2008

7. Yunfeng Liu and Z. Jiang: Reconsideration on the role of the specific heat ratio in Arrhenius law applications. Acta Mechanic Sinica, 24(1): 261-266, 2008

8. Z.M. Hu, R.S. Myong, C. Wang, T.H. Cho, Z. Jiang: Numerical study of the oscillations induced by shock/shock interaction in hypersonic double-wedge flows. Shock Waves, 18(1):41-51, 2008

9. Z.M. Hu, J.M. Lu, Z. Jiang, Rho-Shin Ryong and Tae-Hwan: Numerical study on the performance of nozzle flow for supersonic chemical oxygen-iodine lasers. Acta Mechanic Sinica, 24(2): 133-142, 2008

10. Zhimen Peng, Qiansuo Yang, Chun Liu, Naiyi Zhu, Z. Jiang: A novel wavelength calibration for fiber-optical spectrographs based on the grating-diffractive equation, Applied Spectroscopy, 2008, 62( 7): 819-823.

11. 王春,姜宗林,胡宗民,韩桂来: 散心柱面胞格爆轰演化数值模拟, 《应用数学和力学》29(11):1347-1354,2008

12. 刘昕,姜宗林,王春,阎超: 欠膨胀超声速射流不稳定性机理的数值研究, 《力学学报》40(5):577-583,2008

13. 韩桂来,姜宗林,张德良:激波与爆轰波对撞的数值模拟研究, 《力学学报》40(2):154-161,2008

14. 高云亮,赵伟, 姜宗林: 爆轰驱动高焓激波膨胀管性能研究, 《力学学报》40(4):473-478,2008

15. 李进平, 冯珩, 姜宗林: 激波/边界层相互作用诱导的激波风洞试验气体污染问题, 《力学学报》40(3):289-296,2008

16. 李进平,冯珩,姜宗林,俞鸿儒: 《空气动力学学报》26(3):291-296,2008

17. 邓博, 胡宗民, 滕宏辉, 姜宗林: 变截面管道中爆轰胞格演变机制的数值模拟研究,《中国科学G辑》: 物理学 力学 天文学,38(2):206-216,2008

18. 滕宏辉, 姜宗林: 一维过驱动爆轰波形成的数值研究,《计算物理》25(1):58-64,2008

19.吕俊明,胡宗民,姜宗林: 亚声速段横向射流对Coil性能影响的数值研究,《计算物理》25(4):414-420,2008 20. 吕俊明,王 春,姜宗林: COIL基于小信号增益系数的最佳流量配比选择,《强激光与粒子束》

20(10): 1593-1596,2008

21. Zonglin Jiang, Lina Chang and Fan Zhang:Dynamic characteristics of spherically-converging detonation waves, Shock Waves, 16(3), 2007 256-267.

22. Honghui Teng, Chun Wang, Bo Deng, Zonglin Jiang: Ignition characteristics of the shock wave focusing in combustive gases. Chinese Journal of Theoretical and applied Mechanics, 39(2), 2007, 171-180.

23. Honghui Teng and Zonglin Jiang: Analytical interaction of the acoustic wave and turbulent flame. Chinese Physics letters, 24(2), 2007, 567-569.

24. 李进平,姜宗林,陈宏,冯珩,俞鸿儒:双爆轰驱动段激波管性能数值模拟研究,《力学学报》2007,39(3):343-349。

25. 滕宏辉, 吕俊明, 姜宗林: 可燃气体中激波和障碍作用在下游形成爆轰波的数值研究. 《爆炸与冲击》 2007, 27(3): 251-258.

26. 滕宏辉, 王春, 邓博, 姜宗林: 可燃气体中激波聚焦的点火特性. 《力学学报》2007, 39(2): 171-180

27. H. Teng, Z. Jiang, Z. Hu: Detonation initiation developing from the Richtmyer-Meshkov Instability.《Acta Mechanica Sinica》 2007,23 (4): 343-349

28. Z.M. Hu, R.H. Myong, A.T. Nguyen, Z. Jiang: Numerical analysis of the flow field in a supersonic COIL with an interleaved jet configuration and its effect on the gain distribution. Engineering Applications of Computational Fluid Mechanics, 1(3):207-215, 2007.

29. Z.M. Hu and Z. Jiang: Wave Dynamic process in cellular detonation reflection from wedges.《Acta Mechanica Sinica》2007, 23(1):33-41.

30. 王春, 赵伟, 孙英英, 姜宗林: 爆轰波穿越惰性气团时的透射激波参数分析, 《空气动力学学报》2007, 25 (3) :330-335

31.常利娜,姜宗林,秦承森: 化学反应和球面聚心爆轰波的相互作用. 《计算物理》2007, 24(3):301-306。

32. 孙英英,吴宝根,姜宗林: 无缓冲气COIL扩压器流场数值模拟,《强激光与粒子束》2007,19 (8):1247-1250。

33. 姜宗林:触摸高温气体动力学,《力学与实践》,28(5),2006。

34. 滕宏辉, 姜宗林:环形激波和爆轰波会聚过程的气体动力学特性,《中国科学G》, 2006, 36(2): 189-198

35. 常利娜, 姜宗林:球面聚心气相爆轰波传播过程的数值研究, 《力学学报》, 38(3), 2006: 296-301

36. 王春, 张德良, 姜宗林: 多障碍物通道中激波诱导气相爆轰的数值研究, 《力学学报》,38(5), 2006:586-592

37. 王春, 张德良, 姜宗林: 爆轰波平掠惰性气体界面及其解耦现象的数值研究, 《爆炸与冲击》, 26(6), 2006:556-561

38. 牟乾辉, 胡宗民, 赵伟, 张德良, 姜宗林:脉冲爆轰发动机热射流起爆机理数值分析。《计算物理》, 23(3), 2006: 266-272

39. H. Teng, Z. Jiang, Z. Han, S. H. R. Hosseini and K. Takayama: Numerical investigation of toroidal shock wave focusing in a cylindrical chamber. Shock Wave, 14(4): 2005, 299-305.

40. W. Zhao, Z.L.Jiang, H.R Yu, T. Saito, K. Takayama: Wave propagation analysis in a pressure-wave refrigerator,Modern Physics Letters B,Vol. 19 No. 28-29 (2005)

41. H. Teng and Z. Jiang: Gasdynamics characteristics of toroidal shock and detonation waves focusing: Science in China Series G-Physics and Astronomy, 2005, 48(6): 739-749.

42. A.F.T. Houwing, K. Takayama, Z. Jiang et el: Interferometric measurement od density in nonstationary shock wave refection and comparison with CFD, Shock Wave, 14(1/2):11-19, 2005

43. A.F.T. Houwing, K. Takayama, Z. Jiang et el: Abel inversion of axially-symmetric shock wave flows, Shock Wave, 14(1/2):21-28, 2005

44. Zonglin Jiang: Summary of the 24th International Symposium on Shock Waves, Shock Wave, 14(1/2):127-128, 2005

45. X.Y.Hu, D.L.Zhang,B.C.Khoo, Z. Jiang: The structure and evolution of a two-dimensional H2/O2/Ar cellular detonation,Shock Wave, 14(1/2):37-44, 2005

46. W Zhao, Z. Jiang, T. Saito, J.M.Lin, H.R. Yu and K. Takayama: Perforemance of a detonation driven shock tunnel:Shock Wave, 14(1/2):53-59, 2005

47. 胡宗民,孙英英,吴宝根,姜宗林:COIL亚声速段横向喷流混合流场数值分析,《强激光与粒子束》,4(17),2005。


49. 刘长礼,张德良,胡宗民,姜宗林:正向爆轰驱动高焓激波风洞的数值模拟,《计算力学学报》,4(22),2005。

50. 滕宏辉, 张德良, 李辉煌, 姜宗林: 利用环形激波聚焦实现爆轰波直接起爆的数值模拟, 《爆炸与冲击》, 2005, 25(6).

51.Zonglin Jiang, Yonghui Huang and Kazuyoshi Takayama: Shocked flows induced by supersonic projectiles moving in tubes. Computers & Fluids, 33(7):953-966, 2004

52. Honghui Teng, Zonglin Jiang and Zhaoyuan: Numerical investigation of diffraction, focusing and reflection of toroidal shock waves, ACTA Mechanica Sinica, 36(1):9-15, 2004 (in Chinese)

53. Zonglin Jiang: On the dispersion-control principles for non-oscillatory shock capturing schemes, ACTA Mechanica Sinica, 20(1):1-15, 2004

54. 姜宗林:高超声速飞行时代的曙光,科学,53(2):10-15, 2004。

55. XY Hu, BC Khoo, DL Zhang and Z Jiang: The cellular structure of a two-dimensional H2/O2/Ar detonation wave, Combust. Theory Modeling, 8, 339-359, 2004.

56. Zongmin Hu, Yunliang Gao, Deliang Zhang, Guowei Yang and Zonglin Jiang: Numerical simulation of gaseous detonation reflection over wedges with a detailed chemical reaction model, ACTA Mechanica Sinica, 20(4):385-391, 2004

57. Zonglin Jiang, Chao Wang and Kazuyoshi Takayama: Three-diemnsional Mach reflections in square tubes. Shock Waves, 13(2):103-111, 2003

58. Zonglin Jiang: Wave dynamic processes induced by a supersonic projectile discharging from a shock tube. Physics of Fluids, June 2003, 15(6):1665-1675

59. Zonglin Jiang: Reliable validation based on optical flow visualization for CFD simulations. Acta Mechanics Sinica, June 2003, 19(3):193-203

60. Zonglin Jiang, K. Matsuoka, A. Sasoh and K. Takayama: Numerical and experimental investigation on generation of tain-tunnel sonic booms, ACTA Mechanica Sinica, 2002, 18(3): 209-226.

61. Shi Honghui, Kazuhiko Wawai, Motoyuki Itoh, Yu Hongru and Jiang Zonglin: The interaction between shock waves and foam in a shock tube. ACTA Mechanica Sinica, 2002, 18(3):288-301.

62. X.Y. Hu, D.L. Zhang and Z. Jiang: Analytical study of idealized two-dimensional cellular detonations. Shock Waves, 2002, 11(3):475-480.

63. Zonglin Jiang, Wei Zhao, C. Wang and K. Takayama: Study on forward detonation driver for high enthalpy shock tunnels. AIAA Journal, 2002, 40(10):2009-2016.

64. G. Jagadeesh, O. Onodera, T. Ogawa and K. Takayama and Z. Jiang: Micro-shock waves generated inside a fluid jet impinging on plane wall. AIAA Journal, 2001, 39(3):424-430

65. 姜宗林: 爆轰推进概念与机理研究,科技前沿与学术评论. 2001,23(4):25-31

66. 姜宗林,赵伟,林贞彬,俞鸿儒: 爆轰驱动高焓激波风洞及其瞬态测试技术的研究与进展. 力学进展,2001, 31(2):312-317

67. Wei Zhao, Z. Jiang, et al.: Performance of the detonation-driven shock tube with a converging throat. 流体力学测量与控制,2001, 15(2):34-40

68. Zonglin Jiang and K.Takayama: An investigation into the validation of numerical solutions of complex flow fields. Journal of Computational Physics, 1999, 151(2):479-497

69. Zonglin Jiang, O. Onodera and K.Takayama: Evolution of shock waves and the primary vortex loop discharged from a square cross-sectional tube. Shock Waves, 1999, 9(1):1-10

70. Zonglin Jiang, K. Takayama and B.W. Skews: Numerical study on blast flowfields induced by supersonic projectiles discharging from shock tubes. Phys. Fluids, 1998, 10(1):277-288

71. Zonglin Jiang, K. Takayama, K.P.B. Moosad, O. Onodera and M. Sun: Numerical and experimental study of micro-blast waves generated by pulsed-laser beam focusing. Shock Waves, 1998, 8(6):337-349

72. Zonglin Jiang and K.Takayama: Reflection and focusing of toroidal shock waves emitted from co-axial shock tubes. Computer & Fluids, 1998, 27(5-6):553-562

73. O. Onodera, Zonglin Jiang and K. Takayama: Holographic interferometic observation of shock waves discharged from an open-end of a square cross-sectional shock tube. JSME International Journal, 1998, 41(2):408-415

74. Zonglin Jiang, K. Takayama, H. Babinsky, T. Meguro: Transient shock wave flows in tubes with a sudden change in cross section. Shock Waves, 1997, 7(3):151-162

75. K. Takayama and Zonglin Jiang: Shock wave reflection over wedes: A Benchmark test for CFD and experiments. Shock Waves, 1997, (4):191-203

76. Zonglin Jiang, J. Falcovitz and K. Takayama: Numerical simulations of detonation in converging chambers. JSME International Journal, 1997, 40(3):422-431

77. Zonglin Jiang, K.Takayama and Yaosong Chen: The localization of multi-dimensional Euler equations and its numerical algorithms. Computational Fluid Dynamics Journal, 1995, 4(1):47-58

78. Zonglin Jiang, K.Takayama and Yaosong Chen: Dispersion conditions for non-oscillatory shock capturing schemes and its applications. Computational Fluid Dynamics Journal, 1995, 4(2):137-150

79. H. Babinsky, T. Meguro, Zonglin Jiang and K. Takayama: Numerical visualization of shock wave flow in an expanding tube and comparison with experiments. Experimental and Numerical Flow Visualization, 1995, 218, 89-94.

80. Zonglin Jiang and Yaosong Chen: Investigation and implement on an algebraic transport turbulence model based on the Renormalization Group Theory. Acta Mechanica Sinica, 1995, 27(1):99-103 (in Chinese)

81. Dahai Guo, Zonglin Jiang, Guiqing Jiang and Shuhua Wang: Numerical study of the aerodynamics heating in the supersonic flow around two-dimensional corrugated wall. Acta Aerodynamics Sinica, 1995, 13(4): 474-480 (in Chinese)