1.Fu J. L., Liu J. J. and Zhou S. J., 2012,“Unsteady interactions between axial turbine and non-axisymmetric exhaust hood under different operational conditions”, ASME Journal of Turbomachinery Vol.134, Iss. 4.
2 Fu J. L. and Liu J. J., 2010, “Investigations of influential factors on the aerodynamic performance of a steam turbine exhaust system”, Proceedings of ASME Turbine Expo 2010, GT2010-22316.
3 Fu J. L. and Liu J. J., 2008, “Influences of Inflow Conditions on Non-Axisymmetric Flows in Turbine Exhaust Hoods”, Journal of Thermal Science, Vol. 17, No.4.
4. Fu J. L., Zhou S. J., Liu J. J., 2008, “Experimental and Numerical Investigation of Interactions between Axial Turbine and Non-axisymmetric Exhaust Hood”, Proceedings of ASME Turbine Expo 2008, GT2008-50766.