- 李笑诺
- 助理研究员
- 北京海淀区双清路18号
简历: |
研究方向: |
污染场地风险管控与可持续修复,环境政策评价方法与体系研究 |
招生方向: |
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承担科研项目情况: |
1.国家重点研发计划子课题:国家经济快速发展区场地土壤优控污染物筛选与溯源,2018/12-2022/12,课题骨干。 2.横向课题:《原长沙铬盐厂土壤铬污染修复工程项目》全程技术咨询与顾问,2017/09-2022/09,参与。 3.横向课题:新疆星塔矿业厂区周边土壤重金属污染调查与风险评估,2018/01-2018/02,参与。 4.农业部委托项目:2016年度湖南省重金属污染耕地修复及农作物种植结构调整试点工作综合评价(重金属重度污染耕地种植结构调整建议、程序及标准),2017/10-2018/06,参与。 5.环保部委托项目:土壤环境承载力评价方法研究,2017/05-2018/03,参与。 6.环保部委托项目:土壤污染防治技术体系研究,2016/01-2016/12,参与。 7.英国土地信托基金项目(the Land Trust):A Conceptual Site Model for the Sustainability of Brownfield Regeneration for Soft Reuse: A Case Study of PSRP,参与。 8.英国繁荣基金项目:Prosperity Fund project led by the University of Cranfield: Promoting Sino-UK collaboration on developing low carbon and sustainable methodologies for Brownfields and marginal land re-use in China(SPF 16AG15),参与。 9.广东省环境科学研究院规划设计项目:广州市工业企业污染场地调查及治理对策研究,2014,参与。 |
获奖及荣誉: |
Li X-N, Bardos P*, Cundy AB, Harder MK, Doick KJ, Norrman J, Williams S, Chen W-P (2019) Using a Conceptual Site Model for Assessing the Sustainability of Brownfield Regeneration for a Soft Reuse: A Case Study of Port Sunlight River Park (U.K.). Sci Total Environ 652: 810-821.Li X-N, Cundy AB, Chen W-P* (2018) Fuzzy synthetic evaluation of contaminated site management policy from the perspective of stakeholders: a case study from China. J Cleaner Prod 198: 1593-1601.Li X-N, Chen W-P*, Cundy AB*, Chang AC, Jiao W-T (2018) Analysis of influencing factors on public perception in contaminated site management: Simulation by structural equation modeling at four sites in China. J Environ Manage 210: 299-306.Li X-N, Xiao R-B, Chen W-P*, Liu W (2017) Contaminated sites in China: Countermeasures of provincial governments. J Cleaner Prod 147: 485-496.Li X-N, Xiao R-B*, Chen W-P*, Chang C-Y, Deng Y-R, Xie T (2017) A Conceptual Framework for Classification Management of Contaminated Sites in Guangzhou, China. Sustainability 9(362): 1-13.Li X-N, Jiao W-T, Xiao R-B, Chen W-P, Bai Y-Y* (2016) Regional Variations of Public Perception on Contaminated Industrial Sites in China and Its Influencing Factors. Int J Environ Res Public Health 13(410): 1-16.Li X-N, Jiao W-T, Xiao R-B, Chen W-P* Chang AC (2016) Soil Pollution and Site Remediation Policies in China: A review. Environ Rev 23: 1–12.陈卫平*, 谢天, 李笑诺, 王若丹. 欧美发达国家场地土壤污染防治技术体系概述. 土壤学报, 2018, 55(3): 527-542.陈卫平*, 谢天, 李笑诺, 王若丹. 中国土壤污染防治技术体系建设思考. 土壤学报, 2018, 55(3): 558-569. |
代表论著: |