代表性论著 论著 1.欧阳志云,徐卫华,杜傲,雷光春、朱春全、陈尚,2018,中国国家公园总体空间布局研究,中国环境出版集团。 2.欧阳志云,徐卫华,肖燚,2017,中国生态系统格局、质量与服务及演变,科学出版社。 3.欧阳志云,靳乐山,肖燚,2017,面向生态补偿的生态系统生产总值核算方法,科学出版社。 4.王桥,欧阳志云(主编),2015,全国生态环境十年变化遥感调查与评估报告,科学出版社。 5.王桥,欧阳志云(主编),2015,全国生态环境十年变化遥感调查与评估图集,科学出版社。 6.欧阳志云,郑华,2013,国家生态安全战略,北京,学习出版社。 7.欧阳志云,朱春全(主编),2011,长江流域生物多样性格局与保护图集,北京,科学出版社。 8.欧阳志云,郑华,黄宝荣,高吉喜,2009,区域生态环境状况评价与生态功能区划. 北京: 中国环境科学出版社. 9.欧阳志云,2007,生态建设与可持续发展,科学出版社。
代表性论文 1.Zhang, J., Xu, W.*, Kong, L., Hull, V., Xiao, Y., Xiao, Y., Ouyang, Z. 2018. Strengthening protected areas for giant panda habitat and ecosystem services. Biological Conservation, 227:1-8. 2.Xu, W., Vi?a, A., Kong, L., Pimm, S., Zhang, J., Yang, W., Xiao, Y., Zhang, L., Chen, X., Liu, J., Ouyang, Z.* 2017. Reassessing the conservation status of the giant panda using remote sensing, Nature Ecology & Evolution, 1(11):1635-1638. 3.Xu, W., Xiao, Y., Zhang, J., Yang, W., Daily*, G., Ouyang, Z.* 2017. Need for a new protected area category for ecosystem services, PNAS, 114(22): 4319-4320.doi/10.1073/pnas.1703083114. 4.Xu, W., Xiao, Y., Zhang, J., Yang, W., Daily*, G., Ouyang, Z.* 2017. Strengthening protected areas for biodiversity and ecosystem services in China, PNAS, 114(7): 1601-1606. 5.Kong, L., Xu, W., Zhang, L., Gong, M., Xiao, Y., Ouyang, Z.* 2017. Habitat conservation redlines for the giant pandas in China, Biological Conservation, 210: 83-88. doi.org/10.1016/j.biocon.2016.03.028. 6.Ouyang, Z.* , Zheng, H., Xiao, Y., Polasky, S., Liu, J., Xu, W., Wang, Q., Zhang, L., Xiao, Y., Rao, E., Jiang, L., Lu, F., Wang, X., Yang, G., Gong, S., Wu, B., Zeng, Y., Yang, W., Daily, G.* 2016. Improvements in ecosystem services from investments in natural capital, Science, 352 (6292): 1455-1459. 7.Xu, W., Li, X., Pimm, S., Hull, V., Zhang, J., Zhang, L., Xiao, Y., Zheng, H., Ouyang, Z.* 2016. The effectiveness of the zoning of China's protected areas. Biological Conservation, 204: 231-236. 8.Zheng, H., Li, Y., Robinson, B., Liu, G., Ma, D., Wang, F., Lu, F., Ouyang, Z. and Daily, G. 2016. Using ecosystem service trade-offs to inform water conservation policies and management practices. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, 14(10): 527-532. 9.Li, C., Zheng, H., Li, S., Chen, X., Li, J. Zeng, W., Liang, Y., Polaskyg, S., Feldman, M., Ruckelshaus, M., Ouyang, Z.* and Daily*, G. 2015. Impacts of conservation and human development policy across stakeholders and scales, PNAS, 112(24): 7396-7401. 10.Wong, C., Jiang, B., Kinzig, A., Lee K. and Ouyang, Z.* 2015. Linking ecosystem characteristics to final ecosystem services for public policy, Ecology Letters, 18:108-118. 11.Zheng, H., Robinson, B., Liang, Y., Polasky, S., Ma, D., Wang, F., Ruckelshaus, M., Ouyang, Z.*, Daily*, G. 2013. Benefit, costs, and livelihood implications of a regional payment for ecosystem service program, PNAS, 110(41): 16681-16686. 12.Hong, G., Ouyang, Z.*, Chen, S. 2013. Role of culturally protected forests in biodiversity conservation in Southeast China, Biodiversity and conservation, 22(2):531-544. 13.Song, Z., Ouyang, Z.*, Xu, W. 2012. The role of fairness norms the household-based natural forest conservation: The case of Wolong, China, Ecological Economics, 84: 164-171. 14.Quan, J., Ouyang, Z.*, Xu, W., Miao, H. 2011. Assessment of the effectiveness of nature reserve management in China, Biodiversity and Conservation, 20(4):779-792. 15.Xu, W., Wang, X., Ouyang, Z.*, Zhang, J., Li, Z., Xiao, Y., Zheng, H. 2009. Conservation of giant panda habitat in South Minshan, China, after the May 2008 earthquake, Frontiers in ecology and the environment, 7(7): 353-358. 16.Liu, J., Li, S., Ouyang, Z., Tam, C., Chen, X. 2008. Ecological and socioeconomic effects of China's policies for ecosystem services, PNAS, 105(28): 9477-9482. 17.Liu, J., Ouyang, Z., Pimms, S., Raven, P., Wang, X., Miao, H., Han, N. 2003. Protecting China’s Biodiversity, Science, 300: 1240-1241 18.Liu, J., Linderman, M., Ouyang, Z., Zhang, H. 2001. Ecological degradation in protected areas: the case of Wolong nature reserve for giant pandas, Science, 292: 98-101 19.欧阳志云,朱春全,杨斌,徐卫华,郑华,张琰,肖燚,生态系统生产总值:概念、核算框架与案例,生态学报,2013,33(21):6747-6761。 20.欧阳志云,王效科,苗鸿,1999,中国陆地生态系统服务功能及其生态经济价值初步研究,生态学报,19(5)