







  • 焦文涛
  • 副研究员
  • 北京市海淀区双清路18号

1998.9 - 2002.6:西南大学资源环境学院,植物营养学专业,农学学士(优秀) 2002.9 - 2005.6:中国科学院南京土壤研究所,土壤学专业,农学硕士 2006.9 - 2009.6:中国科学院生态环境研究中心,生态学专业,理学博士(优秀),获2009年度中国科学院朱李月华优秀博士生奖 2009.7至2013.12:中国科学院生态环境研究中心,助理研究员 2013.12至今:中国科学院生态环境研究中心,副研究员




国家自然科学基金:再生水灌溉下典型抗生素土壤环境过程与模型预测研究; 国家自然科学基金:凹凸棒石生物炭复合材料对磺胺类抗生素土壤吸附-迁移影响机理及阻滞效能提升; 国家重点研发专项:“有机污染场地土壤修复热脱附成套技术与装备”之课题“新型热脱附成套技术装备示范与验证”,2018.12-2022.11,200万,编号SQ2018YFC180048,课题负责人; 院STS项目: “典型有机污染场地原位热修复修复工程示范” 课题,2018/01-2020/06,160万,编号Y8Y2B51,课题负责人; 环保专项:全国 生态环境十年遥感评估--长三角城市群生态环境十年遥感评估---城市化的生态环境效应; 首都科技条件平台试点项目:“加速京津冀土壤治理研发与成果转化应用的创新服务模式试点方案”子课题; 企业委托项目:康福家土壤调理剂修复土壤机理研究


1. Xue Tian, Wenjie Yang, Dong Wang, Yue Zhao, Ruihua Yao, Lekuan Ma, Chazhong Ge, Xiaoliang Li, Zeyu Huang, Li He, Wentao Jiao*, Aijun Lin*.Chronic neurotoxic responses of juvenile Chinese rare minnows (Gobiocypris rarus) to the neonicotinoid insecticides imidacloprid and nitenpyram. Chemsphere, 2018, 210: 1006-1012. 2. Wentao Jiao, Ruijun Dou, Mao Ye *, et al. Biochar and eggshell to impede soil antibiotics/antibiotic resistant bacteria (genes) from accumulating in potato. Environmental Pollution, 2018. 242: 2088-2095. 3. Mao Ye, Mingming Sun, Yuanchao, Zhao, Wentao Jiao*, et al.. Targeted inactivation of antibiotic-resistant Escherichia coli and Pseudomonas aeruginosa in a soil-lettuce system by combined polyvalent bacteriophage and biochar treatment. Environmental Pollution, 2018. 241: 978-987. 4. Chao Gai, Fang Zhang, Tianxue Yang, Zhengang Liu,* Wentao Jiao*, et al. Hydrochar supported bimetallic Ni–Fe nanocatalysts with tailored composition, size and shape for improved biomass steam reforming performance. Green Chemistry, 2018, 20:2788-2800. 5. Yonggang Yang, Tingting Guo, Wentao Jiao?. Destruction processes of mining on water environment in the mining area combining isotopic and hydrochemical tracer. Environmental Pollution, 2018, 237: 356-365. 6. Yonggang Yang, Zhilong Meng, Wentao Jiao*. Hydrological and pollution processes in mining area of Fenhe River Basin in China. Environmental Pollution, 2018, 234: 743-750. 7. Congbin Xu, Chunlei Jiao, Ruihua Yao, Aijun Lin *, Wentao Jiao**. Adsorption and regeneration of expanded graphite modified by TABKBr/H3PO4 for marine oil pollution. Environmental Pollution, 2018, 233: 194-200. 8. JiaoWentao, Tieyu Wang, Yonglong Lu, et al. Ecological risks of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons found in costal sediments along the northern shores of Bohai Sea (China). Chemistry and Ecology, 2014, 30(6): 501-512. 9. Jiao Wentao, Tieyu Wang, Yonglong Lu, Andrew Chang, Weiping Chen*. Multi-factors influencing the spatial distribution of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in soils surrounding drinking water protection zone, Journal of Environmental Sciences. 2013, 25(8): 1643–1648. 10. JiaoWentao*, Tieyu Wang, Jong SeongKhim, Wei Luo, Wenyou Hu, Jonathan E Naile, John P Giesy, Yonglong Lu. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in soils along the coastal and estuarine areas of the northern Bohai and Yellow Seas, China. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 2013, 185: 8185–8195. 11. Jiao Wentao, Tieyu Wang, Jong S Khim, Wei Luo, Wenyou Hu, Jonathan E Naile, John P Giesy, Yonglong Lu*. PAHs in surface sediments from coastal and estuarine areas of the Northern Bohai and Yellow Seas, China. Environmental Geochemistry and Health, 2012, 34(4): 445-56. 12. Jiao Wentao, Weiping Chen*, Chang C Andrew, Page L. Albert. Environmental risks of trace elements associated with long-term phosphate fertilizers applications: A review. Environmental pollution, 2012, 168: 44-53. 13. Jiao Wentao, Yonglong Lu*, Tieyu Wang, Jing Li, Jingyi Han, Guang Wang, Wenyou Hu. Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Soils around Guanting Reservoir, Beijing, China. Chemistry and Ecology, 2009, 25(1): 39-48. 14. Wentao Jiao, Yonglong Lu*, Jing Li, Jingyi Han, Tieyu Wang, Wei Luo, Yajuan Shi, GuangWang. Identification of sources of elevated concentrations of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in an industrial area in Tianjin, China. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 2009, 158(1-4): 581-592.